2020外研版八年级英语下module 1达标测试卷(含答案)

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《2020外研版八年级英语下module 1达标测试卷(含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020外研版八年级英语下module 1达标测试卷(含答案)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、【文库独家】Module 1 Feeling and impressions达标测试卷I听力(I)听句子,选择正确的答案。每个句子读两遍( )1AShort BHeavy CLong( )2AShes tall and pretty BShe looks like her mother CShe likes noodles( )3AHe is tall. BHe is short CHe is medium height( )4AZhou Xun BTennis CThursday( )5AHe likes sports BHe likes wearing T-shirts CHe likes

2、 flying a kite(II)听对话和问题,选择正确的答案。每组对话及问题读两遍( )6ALong BShort CFair( )7AUgly BTall CShort but handsome( )8AShe likes watching TV BShe likes going to the movies CShe likes reading( )9ABecause he is tall and handsome BBecause he knows a lot CBecause he is cool and fun( )10ABecause she will have an Engli

3、sh exam BBecause she got a bad mark CBecause she got a good mark(III)听短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。短文读两遍( )11Its very easy to understand Mr Whites words( )12Mr White has two sisters and one brother( )13Mr Whites sister is very tall and has dark hair( )14Americans shake hands when they meet people( )15English les

4、sons will be enjoyable(IV)听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍My new pen palFrom She is from 16 Look She is tall with short 17 hair and wears glassesLikes She likes playing computer games in her free timeAnd she likes 18 ,tooThe photo In the photo,she is having a 19 partyThe cake must 20 delicious单项填空( )21She said that s

5、he would arrive Beijing earlier Ain Bat Cto Dfor( )22She looks much without her glasses Awell Bgood Cbest Dbetter( )23I cant wait the pop singerIm looking forward to doing interviews with him Ameet Bmeeting C. to meet Dmet( )24-Whats on the desk? -There some pizza and apples Abe Bwere Cis Dam( )25Th

6、ese apples taste Ato be good Bto be well Cwell Dgood( )26-Do you like the shirt? -Yes,it very soft Afeels Bfelt Cis feeling Dis felt( )27Davidsister often her pocket money on books and magazines Atakes Bpays Ccosts Dspends( )28This isnt footballTom,you left at school Ayou,your Byour,yours Cyours,you

7、r Dyour,you( )29Can you buy a hat me? Afor Bat Cabout Dto( )30Would you like me carry the box? Ahelp Bto help Chelping Dhelped( )31We cant work out the physics problemCan you tell us ? Ahow to do Bwhat to do it Chow to do it Dwhat should to do( )32Li Na won the first prize again and we are of her Ap

8、ride Bproud Cafraid Dpleased( )33I cant find my penCould you help find it? Ame Bher Chim Dthem( )34- ? -She is short with fair hair AWhat does Sally like BWhat is Sally look like CWhat does Sally look like DWhat is Sally looking( )35 delicious food my mother cooks every day! AWhat a BWhat CHow DHow

9、a完形填空Everyone,rich or poor,can have happiness(快乐)You dont need to think too much about those 36 peopleThey may always feel 37 because their houses are too big,and they may want to 38 on country roads because they drive to work every day in the busy city 39 ,happiness is always around you.When you ar

10、e unhappy,your friends will come to help you and this will surely 40 you happyWhen you study hard at your lessons,you will get good grades and of course you will 41 happy about itIf you dont 42 well,your parents will take good care of you and you will be happyWhen you are 43 ,you can also say you ar

11、e happy because you may have something else that money cant buyWhen you 44 problems,say loudly that you are happy because you have 45 chances to challenge(挑战)yourselfThen you can succeed(成功)in what you do and this may bring you happiness ( )36Arich Bstupid Csmart Dquiet( )37Anoisy Bstrange Clonely D

12、rude( )38Ashake Bwalk Cswim Dstay( )39AIn the end BAs a result CAt home DIn fact( )40Ahave Bgive Cmake Dlook( )41Afeel Bsmell Csound Dtaste( )42Awatch Bfeel Cstudy Dwork( )43Ahappy Bangry Chungry Dpoor( )44Ahave Bfind Cgive Dsee( )45Alittle Bless Cmore Dmuch阅读理解A Li Li is a little girl at the age of nineShe is a pupil in a primary school She works hard at her subjectsIn class,she takes an active part in all kinds of activitiesShe looks smarter than her classmat


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