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1、We laughed a lot.编 写 者 执 教 者 执教时间 版 本外研社版学 科英语册 数五年级(下册)单 元Module9 Unit1课 题We laughed a lot.课 时教学目标1.能听懂会说wore, women, actor, told, joke, funny, after, Show, ready.并识别运用。2.能听懂会说并熟练在情景中运用We laughed a lot.以及其他的动词过去式来描述过去的动作和状态。德育教学目标培养学生在情景中运用正确句型时态的能力。了解中西方文化的差异,培养爱国情操。教学重点听懂会说单词:wore, women, actor,

2、told, joke, funny, after, Show, ready.并识别运用。教学难点 能听懂会说并熟练在情景中运用We laughed a lot.以及其他的动词过去式来描述过去的动作和状态。教学准备 Tape Card Picture Letter教学板块教与学预设(师生活动)教学重构(修改意见)前置性作业1. 听读课文三遍,划出重点词汇及短语2. 熟读课文,回顾书信格式,课堂提问3. 假设你是Daming,根据课文回信给Lingling教学过程课前3分钟内容:Show the sentences about what where when what who教学内容与教师活动St

3、ep1.Warming upGreetings.2.Let students sing the poem together. Let students read after her first.Step2.PresentationTeacher shows a photo to Ss. And say: I went to the park last week. What did you do?请学生介绍自己周末的活动。2.Teacher shows pictureOn blackboard. And say: Lets see what did Lingling do last week.(

4、引入新课)Step3.New LessonTurn on the radio. Let Students listen first and think about: Where did they go.Turn on the radio again. And let the students find out the past tense of the verb.教学内容与教师活动Teacher write the words:” went were told was laughed ate” on blackboard.Then teacher take out the cards of t

5、hese words. Let the students find the right words.Then let students read together.4.Ask students remember“What did lingling do last week.” And explain the text for students.Pay attention to teach: “It was very funny.”“We laughed a lot.”5.Turn on the radio again.Read the text sentence by sentence. Let the students read after teacher.6.Finish the exercise 1 on AB.Step 4.PracticeLook and say. Then finish the exercise 3 on SB.板书设计Module 9 Unit 1 We laughed a lot.went-go told-tell laughed-laughwore-wear was-is ate-eat教后随记 2


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