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1、Unit 1 Whats the matterSection A (3a4c).根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1Nobody wants to get i_ trouble.2There are too many p_ on the bus and its crowded.3Please think t_ before you call him back.4The old man didnt a_ to go to the hospital.5Be careful, or the car may h_ you.用所给单词的适当形式填空1My brother needs_(do) the dish

2、es after having dinner.2John is expecting his mother and sister _ (meet) him at the train station.3I want to help the old people_ (send) their letters to their children.4They always think about _ (make) more money.5Whats the matter with her?She cut _ (her) when cooking dinner.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空next to,

3、 wait for, have to, get off, right away1Its time to go to school.I must go _.2There will be a beautiful lake _ our neighborhood in two years.3Bill forgot to bring his ID card here, so he _ go back home to get it.4The visitors _ the train at the wrong station yesterday.5We are all _ you, Linda. Pleas

4、e try your best to arrive here in half an hour.选词或短语填空think of, think about1.This picture makes me _ my grandmother.2Lets _ it. What will happen if we dont have any water?3What do you _ your English teacher?Shes kind and helpful.thanks to, thanks for4._ asking me to your party.5_ your help, I finish

5、ed my work on time.surprise, surprising, surprised6.To my _, I passed the difficult exam.7He was _ that his father didnt call him.8Kate told me the _ news.9The kid is looking at the photo in _10That story made all of us _.单项填空( )1.He saw his lost key _ on the floor when he came back. Alied BlayClyin

6、g Dlies( )2.Why is the cat on the table?She jumped _ it from the floor.Aoutside BinsideCinto Donto( )3.Thanks _ the kind doctor, the poor man _. Afor; saved Bto; were saved Cfor; was saved Dto; was saved ( )4.Please dont be angry with him.He is only a _ child.Asixyearsold Bsix years oldCsixyearold D

7、six year old( )5.I felt that something _ me on the head just now.Ahit BtookChad Dheat( )6.In China, you must ride your bike _ the right side of the road.Aat Bon Cin Dfor( )7.We got to the station just _ to catch the last train.Aat times Bfor timeCin time Dsome times( )8.Was Mike in Beijing during th

8、is summer?No, he wasnt. I thought he was in Shanghai, but _ my surprise, he wasnt there, either.Ain BforCat Dto( )9.I must be_ soon, because Ill have a meeting in ten minutes.Ain BoffCabout Dover( )10.Whats your _, Julia?I have got a bad cold. What should I do?Aage BaddressCtrouble Dhobby.补全对话,方框中有两

9、个选项是多余的A: Good morning. 1._B: I hurt my knee.A: Your right knee?B: Yes. I cant move easily.A: Oh? 2._ Hmm, yes, its swollen (肿胀的). How did you hurt it?B: 3._A: I see. Well, I dont think its serious. 4._ Let the nurse take you to the third floor (楼层) and come back with your Xray. And then I will know

10、 if your knee is broken or not.B: OK. I will.(after ten minutes)A: Let me have a look. Nothing seems to be broken. I think all you need is some rest. 5._B: OK, thank you. Goodbye.A: Goodbye.AI fell down the stairs(楼梯)BDo you have a sore back?CWhats wrong with you?DRemember to put some ice on your kn

11、ee.EWhen did it start?FBut you should get an Xray.GCan I have a look at it?.完形填空Bryan was driving his car when he saw an old lady.The lady stood on the side of the road.She needed help.Bryan _1_ his car near her car and went out.Bryan smiled(微笑) when he was walking up to her.The lady was _2_, becaus

12、e no one stopped for hours.Also Bryan _3_ poor and hungry; she didnt know if he may hurt her.Bryan knew _4_ she felt then.So he said,“Im here to help _5_Dont worry.And my name is Bryan Anderson.”The tyre(轮胎) of her car was broken, so Bryan had to go _6_ the car.When changing(更换) the tyre, he got dir

13、ty and his hands _7_When Bryan finished his _8_,the old lady asked how much she should pay for his help.Bryan smiled and said, “_9_ you really want to pay me back, just help others. The next time when you see someone in _10_, give that person the help he needs.”( )1.A.washed Bstopped Cdrove Drode( )2.A.worried Bsick Cfamous Dsuccessful( )3.A.sounded Bseemed Csaw Dlooked( )4.A.where Bwhy Chow Dwhat( )5.A.him Byou Cthem Dher( )6.A.behind Bunder Cinto Donto( )7.A.caught Blost Cswung Dhurt( )8.A.job Bmeal Cprogram Dhousework( )9.A.Though BUnless CIf DBecause( )10.A.trouble Bspace Cr


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