内蒙古高中英语选修6 Unit 2 Poems Lesson 2 Reading Language points 导学案 .doc

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1、集宁一中东校区高二年级英语学科导学案编号: 人教版Module 6 Unit 2 Poems 02 导学案2 高_ _ 班 姓名: 学习小组:课题: Lessom2Reading (2) Language points 学习目标:1.通过预学了解单词短语的读音和拼写形式以及基本含义。2 通过课堂探究和小组讨论,理清单词以及短语的正确用法和词性延伸。3.通过教师深度拓展, 掌握如何在语境中正确运用单词及相关短语。预学案学法指导:在进入本单元的学习之前, 请同学们预习以下几个词汇且根据语境写出黑体部分的词性及含义。1.I found it hard to convey my feelings in

2、 words._2.We should adopt flexible strategy in a war._3. Human ecology is a branch of social science._4.We must pay particular attention to this matter._5. Success and wealth transformed his character._6. Dont take what he said seriously he was only teasing._7. Suddenly, he found that he had run out

3、 of salt._8. Do you have any concrete thoughts on how to deal with this difficulty?_9. The local branch of the Bank of American is handling accounts._ _10.Eventually, he succeeded in passing the entrance exam to college._探究案设疑互探展示评价Task: Translate the following sentences and figure out the usage of

4、these words and phrases.1.convey1) No words are strong enough to convey my feelings._2) Body language conveys much more information than language spoken._3) Your luggage will be conveyed by car from the airport to your hotel._2.transform 1) In only twenty years the country has been transformed into

5、an advanced industrial power._2) The movie transformed her from an unknown schoolgirl into a well-known star overnight._summary: write the meaningconvey ones feelings_convey information _convey sth from. to._Translate the sentences1) 我说不出我当时有多么的生气。_2电线(wire)把电从发电站(power stations) 输送到用户.(users)_summa

6、ry: write the meaningtransform into _transform from to_名词形式为_transform into近义词组有哪些_Translate the sentence1热能把水变为水蒸汽_探究案3.run out of / run out 1) So far he has run out of his money. _2) With his money running out, he went back home. _3) Food supplies in the flood-stricken area are running out. We mus

7、t act immediately before there is none left. _4.in particular 1 )- What is your favorite, Mr. Brown?-Nothing in particular. I like everything._2) She enjoys sports a great deal, tennis in particular. _3) Jill is very particular about what she eats. _summary: write the meaningrun out of _run out _两者区

8、别:_还有哪些相关的表示“用尽”之意的短语?_ _Translate the sentences1) 长途旅行之后,他已耗尽精力。_2) 我们的食物快要吃完了_summary: write the meaningin particular _可以相当于副词_be particular about _Translate the sentence晚饭你想吃点什么特别的吗?_质疑案精讲案请根据提示写出下列词汇。1.表达,传达 vt _ 2.改变,转变 vt _ n _3. 具体的 adj_ 4. 矛盾的 adj_ 5 灵活的 adj _ 6.放轻松,别紧张 phrase _ 7.树枝,分支 n _

9、8 翻译 vt _ n _9 最后 adv_ 10 由. 组成 phrase _反思总结升华感谢您的下载,特赠送精品文章良好学习习惯的养成教育祝你学习进步,学业有成。世界上最可怕的力量是习惯,世界上最宝贵的财富也是习惯。一个班级,一个企业,一个国家,一个民族是如此,对于人的一生,更是如此。生而为人,每个人都需要踏踏实实地做人,而良好的做人习惯正是帮助我们构建成功人生所必需的。好习惯是一个人终身的财富。习惯是一个人的资本,你有了好习惯,你一辈子都有用不完的利息,你有了坏习惯,你一辈子有偿还不了的债务。管得住自己,你是习惯的主人,管不住自己,你是习惯的奴隶,做主人还是做奴隶;全在于自己的选择。行为



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