英语新导学同步外研必修五通用课件:Module 2 Vocabulary Breakthrough .pptx

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《英语新导学同步外研必修五通用课件:Module 2 Vocabulary Breakthrough .pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语新导学同步外研必修五通用课件:Module 2 Vocabulary Breakthrough .pptx(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 2 A Job Worth Doing Step One 构词助记 内容索引 Step Three 语境助记 Step Two 词义助记 Vocabulary Breakthrough Step One 构词助记 A组 前缀 chemist n n 生物化学家 counter n n 相遇 邂逅 informatician n n 生物信息学 研究 者 B组 后缀 satisfy vt adj 令人满意的 adj 感到满意的 stress n adj 充满压力的 紧张的 electric n adj n 电工 电器技师 mine n vt n 矿工 biochemist enco

2、unter bioinformatician satisfying satisfied stressful electrician miner qualify vt adj 合格的 称职的 freeze vi n 冰箱 permanent adj adv 永久地 organisation n adj 组织的 require vt n 要求 需要 tradition n adj 传统的 young adj n 年轻人 fit adj n 健康 person n n 个性 性格 qualified freezer permanently organisational requirement tra

3、ditional youngster fitness personality C组 合成 n n n 数据库 资料库 adv v adj 外向的 D组 转化 n 志愿者 v 自愿 vi 主动 提出 做某事 n 提议 建议 vt 签字 签署 n 迹象 标记 database outgoing volunteer offer sign Step Two 词义助记 A组 同义词 observe vt vt wage n n thankful adj adj B组 反义词 temporary adj adj unavailable adj adj C组 形近词 contact n 接触 联系 n 合同

4、 respect salary grateful permanent available contract Step Three 语境助记 1 背诵经典 The volunteer was offered a temporary job as an accountant and he found it satisfying but stressful 2 背诵经典 The post required essential knowledge about database and an electrician wanted to apply for it which meant his permanent job would be lost 3 背诵经典 The outgoing model thought she was qualified and demanded a renewable contract 4 背诵经典 The chef wanted to earn more money and leisure time which he took for granted 5 背诵经典 The staff required the agent and the analyst to respect their opinions


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