江西省万载县株潭中学人教高中英语必修二课件:Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 2 .ppt

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《江西省万载县株潭中学人教高中英语必修二课件:Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 2 .ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江西省万载县株潭中学人教高中英语必修二课件:Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 2 .ppt(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、TheOlympicGames Usefulwordsandexpressions Unit2 Languagepoints HowmanycountriescompetedintheancientOlympicGames competevi 比赛 竞争 对抗 比得上 1 competein 在 方面竞争competefor 为 而竞争competewith againstsb forsth 因 与 竞争 2 competitionn 竞争competitorn 竞争者 对手competitiveadj 竞争性的 比赛性的 4 Thestudentscompeted thehonorofwin

2、ning eachother theschoolsportsmeet A for against inB in with againstC against for atD about in with 1 Shedecidedtocompete themodelcontest 2 Severalcompaniesarecompeting eachotherforthecontract 3 Wedon tonlycompete medal butfriendship in against with for A 2 WhocouldtakepartintheancientOlympicGames t

3、akepartin参加 三 明辨易混失误防范比较takepartin joinin join attend 用takepartin joinin join和attend填空 AlltheLeaguemembersthemeeting atwhichtenstudentstheLeague 全体团员参加了会议 在会上10个学生入了团 Doyouknowhowmanycountriesthe2010ShanghaiExpo 你知道有多少国家参加了2010年上海世博会吗 Wouldyouliketousplayingfootball 你愿意和我们一起踢足球吗 attended joined have

4、takenpartin join in 活学活用 Ifyoudecidethestudy you dbettertellhimpersonally take 如果你决定不参加这些研究 你最好亲自对他讲 nottotakepartin join加入 某党派 某组织或某社会团体 joinin参加 参与 活动 joinsb 和某人一起 joinsbinsth doingsth 和某人一起做 MayI thegame Whynot playingbasketball Whendidyou theParty League army club joinin join joinusin C B 1 Ourh

5、eadmasterwill usinthediscussionthisafternoon A takepartinB joininC joinD attend2 Howmany willyou A incidents joinB events joininC accidents attendD games enter B B 3 MygrandpawasintheRedArmy andhe theLongMarch A joinedB tookpartinC attendedD join4 Therewillbeadiscussiontomorrow allthosewhowantto ple

6、aseraiseyourhands A joinB takepartC takeapartD takepartin 3 WhatdothefiveringsontheOlympicflagstandfor standfor代表 象征 表示 容忍standby袖手旁观standaside站到一边 不参与standout引人注目 突出standupfor为 辩护 支持 1 WhatdothelettersUSA 代表 2 She 引人注目 inthecrowdinred standfor stoodout 4 IusedtowriteabouttheOlympicGamesalongtimeago

7、 usedtodosth过去常常做某事Iusedtogetupearly usedto beusedto getusedtousedto过去常常 V原 beusedto 被用来做某事 V原 习惯于 名词 代词或V ing getusedto习惯于 名词 代词或V ing 1 HanshaslivedinEnglandforoverayearsohe drivingontheleftnow 2 I smokeapacketadaybutIstoppedtwoyearsago 3 Ididn tunderstandtheaccentwhenIfirstmovedherebutIquickly it

8、 Completethesentenceswithusedto beusedtoorgetusedto isusedto usedto gotusedto 4 Computers domanythingsforpeoplenow areusedto 5 volunteern 志愿者 志愿兵vt vi 常与to连用 自愿 voluntaryadj 自愿的 志愿的volunteertodosth 自愿做某事volunteerfor 志愿参加 Ivolunteeredmyserviceasadriver every 基数词 复数名词n pl every everyfouryears everyfou

9、rthyear 每 年 每隔 年 每两周 每隔一周 每隔几 everyfew 复数名词 everytwoweeks everysecondweek everyotherweek 序数词 单数名词 5 bothareheldeveryfouryearsonaregularbasis 1 Usually medicineshouldbetaken 每六小时 2 Someofyougobackhome 每隔两个星期 3 Helikesreadingverymuch sohegoestothebookshop 每隔几天 everysixhours everysixthhour everythreewe

10、eks everythirdweek everyfewdays 4 Theseplantsarewatered A eachotherdayB everyotherdayC eachoftwodaysD everyoftwodays5 Igotoseeafilm A everytwoweeksB everythirdweeksC eachthreeweeksD eachthreeweeks6 BusNo 5runs A tenminutesonceB everytenminutesC oncetenminutesD eachtenminutes B A B 8 regularadj 规则的 定

11、期的 常规的Regularexerciseisgoodforhourhealth 定期锻炼对你的身体有好处 regularlyadv 经常地 定期地 有规律地regulatevt 控制 管理 调整 调节regulationn 规章 规则 管理 控制 调节rulesandregulations规章制度 6 Onlyathletes willbeadmittedascompetitors admitvt vi 容许 承认 接纳 beadmittedas beadmittedto into Hewasadmittedintotheskatingclubin2003 Athletesfromallov

12、ertheworldareadmittedascompetitors 作为 被接受 获准参加 加入 Mostpeopleadmit thefactthatitisnoteasyto thefamousuniversity A know admitB knowing beadmittedtoC know toadmitD toknow admitted解析 选B 考查固定搭配 admitdoingsth 承认做某事 beadmittedto被 录取 aswellas同 一样 也是 还有 连接两个并列的成份 Thishotelprovidesdinneraswellasbreakfastforth

13、eguests Itisunpleasantinsummeraswellasinwinter 7 andagymnasiumaswell aswell也 又 还IwritemyownsongsandIplaytheguitaraswell also too aswell either这些词均含 也 之意 also比too正式一些 语气较重 只用于肯定句 一般紧靠动词 too语气较轻 多用于口语 在肯定句中使用 通常位于句末 aswell一般不用于否定句 通常放在句末 强调时可放在句中 either用于否定句 放在句末 之前加逗号 1 Shehasknowledgeandexperience 2

14、 LiMing takespartinaceremony 3 Lucydoesn tgototheparty 4 She isasinger Completethesentenceswithtoo also eitheroraswell aswell also either too 8 Soeventheolivewreathhadbeenreplaced replacev 取代 替换 代替Electriclightshavereplacedcandles We vereplacedtheoldaddingmachinewithacomputer Itisonlyamatteroftimeth

15、attraditionalcameraswillbereplacedbyadvanceddigitalcameras WillJohnreplaceJackintheteam Thefirsta OlympicGameswereheldinGreecein776BC 2 Howmanygoldm didGuoJingjingwininthe29thOlympicGames 3 Weneedsomev tohelppaintthecommunitycenter 4 Shehasbeen 竞争 formoneyinordertotreatherson sdisease ancient medals

16、 volunteers competing Completethesentenceswithcorrectwords 5 Them oftheOlympicGamesis Swifter HigherandStronger 6 Workersshouldnotbetreatedunfairlyontheb ofgender 性别 7 Asweallknow Londonwillbetheh ofthe30thOlympicGamesin2012 8 Inyourclass whoser isittocollectthephysicshomework motto basis host responsibility 符号 代表百分比 standfor 2 汤姆和露西已经结婚十年了 marry Thesymbol standsforpercent TomandLucyhavebeenmarriedfortenyears TranslatethesentencesintoEnglish 3 我们在屋子里坐了几个小时 一个接一个地谈我们的经历 oneafteranother Wesatinthe


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