新课堂英语必修四外研课件:Module 2 Section Ⅱ .ppt

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《新课堂英语必修四外研课件:Module 2 Section Ⅱ .ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新课堂英语必修四外研课件:Module 2 Section Ⅱ .ppt(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section Grammar 祈使句 思维导图 一 祈使句的肯定与否定形式 表示命令 请求 建议 劝告或号召的句子叫祈使句 祈使句的主语一般为you 通常省略 谓语动词 使用原形 句末用感叹号或句号 1 肯定结构 1 Do型 行为动词 原形开头 Follow the rules of the road 遵守交通规则 有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下可省略动词 This way please Go this way please 请这边 走 2 Be型 系动词be开头 Be sure to get here before nine 一定要九点钟以前到这里 3 Let型 Let s Let sb 动

2、词原形 Let s have a meeting this afternoon 今天下午我们开一个会吧 Let me have a try if you don t want to 如果你不想 就让我试一试吧 2 否定结构 1 Do型和Be型的否定式都是在句首加Don t或Never构成 即 Don t Never 动 词原形 Don t be late tomorrow 明天不要迟到 Never put off what you should do till tomorrow 今日事今日毕 2 Let型祈使句的否定式有两种 Don t let 宾语 动词原形 其他成分 Let s not 动

3、词原形 其他成分 Don t let the children play in the street 别让小孩在街上玩耍 Let s not waste time 咱们别浪费时间 了 3 No 名词 动名词 此类否定祈使句多表示禁止 No smoking 禁止吸烟 No photos in the room 该房间不许拍照 二 祈使句的反意疑问句 1 祈使句为肯定句 其反意疑问句用will you won t you Come to have dinner with us this evening won t you 今晚来和我们一块儿吃饭 好吗 Turn down the TV will y

4、ou 把电视声音调小一些 可以吗 2 祈使句为否定句 其反意疑问句用will you Don t smoke in the meeting room will you 不要在会议室抽烟 好吗 3 Let开头的祈使句构成反意疑问句时 除Let s开头的用shall we外 其他的均 用will you Let s take a walk after supper shall we 我们晚饭后散散步 好吗 Let the boy go first will you 让那个小男孩先走 可以吗 三 祈使句的强调形式 1 为了表示强调或加强命令 劝告的语气 使句子更具有说服力 常在其谓语 动词前加上do

5、 Do be careful next time 下次一定要仔细 Do tell me where to buy the tickets for the concert 告诉我去哪里买音乐会的票 2 为了加强语气或指明同谁说话 可在动词前加上主语 加上主语时 由于是 面对面说话并直呼其名 故不论第几人称 动词均用原形 不考虑主谓一致问题 Herry read the poem first 亨利先读这首诗 You be quiet 你安静点 四 与祈使句有关的句型 1 祈使句 and or otherwise 陈述句 此句型中 祈使句相当于条件状语从句 陈述句相当于主句 故陈述句中常 用一般将来

6、时 and表示顺承关系 or otherwise表示转折关系 Use your head and you will find a way If you use your head you will find a way 动动脑 筋 你将会找到方法 Hurry up or you ll be late If you don t hurry up you ll be late 快点 否则你将会迟到了 2 祈使句 破折号 陈述句 Mary come here everybody else stay where you are 玛丽 到这儿来 其他的人待在原处 单句语法填空 1 Be sure to

7、write to us you 2 observe carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab 3 Start out right away you ll miss the first train 4 Work hard you will get promoted 5 Don t be discouraged take things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life will Observe or and Take 6 One more

8、 hour and we get everything ready for the taking off 7 Li Ming read the text everybody else listen carefully and see whether his pronunciation is correct 8 Our English teacher is ill Let s go and see him after school we 9 When you ve finished with that book don t forget to put it back on the shelf y

9、ou 10 give us ten years and just see what our country will be like will get read shall will Give 单句改错 1 Don t run around won t you 2 Let s have a nice talk face to face shall you 3 Giving blood if possible and many lives will be saved 4 Follow your doctor s advice and your cough will get worse 5 Not be late again from now on won t will you we Giving Give and or Not Don t


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