英语新设计大一轮人教通用课件:必修一 Unit 5 .ppt

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1、Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero 单词语境记忆 1 found a college 创办一所大学 2 president of the ski club 滑雪社的社长 3 his attack on the government 他对政府的抨击 4 agree with your opinion 赞同你的意见 5 quality of leadership 领导才能 6 a selfless act 无私的行为 7 an active member of the school 学校的活跃分子 词性转换与派生记忆 1 vote vt vi 投票 选举 n 投

2、票 选票 表决 2 reward n 报酬 奖金 vt 酬劳 奖赏 3 active adj 积极的 活跃的 actively adv 积极地 活跃地 activity n 活动 4 devote vt 献身 专心于 devoted adj 忠实的 深爱的 devotion n 关爱 献身 奉献 忠诚 5 peaceful adj 和平的 平静的 安宁的 peacefully adv 和平地 peace n 和平 平静 和睦 6 guidance n 指导 领导 guide vt 带领 引导 n 向导 7 violence n 暴力 暴行 violent adj 暴力的 猛烈的 violent

3、ly adv 猛烈地 8 equal adj 相等的 平等的 equality n 平等 相等 equally adv 同样地 相等地 公平地 9 educate vt 教育 训练 educated adj 受过教育的 有教养的 education n 教育 educator n 教育工作者 教育家 10 cruelty n 残忍 残酷 cruel adj 残忍的 残酷的 单词趣味串记 1 She is not generous at all She is always mean with her money 她一点也不大方 在金钱方面总是很吝啬 2 We also know that edu

4、cated mothers are more likely to educate their own children and that can have carry on effects for generations 我们还知道 受过教育的母亲更有可能 给自己的孩子提供教育 这会产生代代相传的效果 3 Tom had a narrow escape in the traffic accident while his fellows failed to escape being killed 汤姆在这次交通事故中死里逃生 而他的同伴们却没能逃脱 联想记忆 1 n ful adj 荟萃 pea

5、ce peaceful 和平的 pain painful 痛苦的 harm harmful 有害的 power powerful 强大的 meaning meaningful 有意义的 cheer cheerful 欢乐的 2 后缀 ance高频名词全接触 guidance 指导 领导 importance 重要 重要性 ignorance 无知 愚昧 significance 意义 重要性 appearance 出现 tolerance 宽容 容忍 3 奖 奖赏 家族 reward vt 酬劳 奖赏 n 报酬 奖金 award vt 授予 奖给 n 奖品 奖金 prize n 奖金 奖品 b

6、onus n 奖金 红利 4 表示 人物特点 的形容词全扫描 generous 慷慨的 mean 吝啬的 devoted 忠实的 easy going 随和的 warm hearted 热心肠的 active 积极的 活跃的 energetic 有活力的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 5 教育 相关词汇一览 educate vt 教育 训练 train vt 训练 培养 instruct vt 指导 教授 drill vi 训练 练习 bring up 培养 教育 1 out of work 失业 2 as a matter of fact 事实上 3 blow up 使充气 爆炸 4

7、 in trouble 在危险 受罚 痛苦 忧虑等的处境中 5 turn to 求助于 致力于 6 lose heart 丧失勇气或信心 短语背诵 e to power 当权 上台 8 set up 设立 建立 9 be sentenced to 被判处 徒刑 10 be willing to do 愿意做某事 11 be in prison 蹲监狱 12 in one s opinion view 在某人看来 1 work as a doctor 从事医生工作 2 fight for his country 为他的祖国而战 3 in a peaceful way 以和平方式 4 be gen

8、erous with 对 慷慨 5 answer violence with violence 以暴制暴 6 put sb in into prison 把某人送进监狱 词块积累 7 give up a rich life 放弃富有的生活 8 achieve one s dream 实现梦想 9 during the lunch breaks 在午饭间隙 10 stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 11 feel good about oneself 自我感觉良好 12 lose one s job 失业 1 However this was a time when o

9、ne had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg 可是 那个时候你要想住在约翰内斯堡就非得要有房屋借贷簿不可 2 The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights and progress until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all 过去30年来所出现的大量法律剥夺了我们的权利 阻挡了我们的进步 一直到今 天 我们还处 在几乎

10、什么权利都没有的阶段 3 Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence 只有到那个时候 我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力 4 They were not cleverer than me but they did pass their exams 他们并不比我更聪明 却通过了考试 5 I felt bad the first time I talked to a group 第一次给旅行团作讲解时 我的心情很不好 单词拼写 1 Students should be encouraged to take a n 积极的 part in

11、discussions in class 2 The 亲属 of the passengers on that missing plane were waiting anxiously for news 3 They managed to 逃脱 from the burning building by breaking down the door active relatives escape 4 The government 奖赏 him for saving the old man in the well 5 Black people could not 选举 or choose thei

12、r leaders in the past 6 We may have different 看法 in organizing class activities 7 He was involved in a bank robbery and was 判处 to six years in prison 8 I d like to thank my friend who s been very 慷慨的 with his time 9 Tsinghua University 建立 in 1911 is one of the best universities in China 10 We like t

13、o deal with that company for their products are of high 质量 rewarded vote opinions sentenced generous founded quality 词性变化练习 1 I d appreciate it if you could tell me more about the active 2 Under our teacher s careful guide we finished our homework in advance 3 The man should be condemned for his cru

14、el to his wife 4 It does serious harm to children s character that too much violent is shown on television activity guidance cruelty violence 5 He got a little because of poverty so he always his children to value the chance of study educate 6 Kenya is known to be a country It s been a model of in A

15、frica peace 7 He his life to his work and his to his job is admired by everyone including some of his friends devote 8 All men are born so everyone hopes to be treated because is the basic demand equal educationeducates peacefulpeace devoteddevotion devoted equalequally equality 选词填空 1 It seemed as

16、if nothing had been achieved but he would never 2 Most people think that things have changed for the better since the new government 3 He his own business after he graduated from university come to power as a matter of fact set up in trouble in one s opinion turn to lose heart out of work lose heart came to power set up 4 I knew we were when the elevator stopped 5 it is about time we had new computers 6 the news that he told me yesterday is true 7 Because he has been for months the young man now


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