人教高中英语必修五 Unit 3 Life in the future period 4 课件1.ppt

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1、 Structures and Writing 1 总有一天 再也没有汽车在路上跑了 再也没有噪音打扰我们的生活了 No more No more 句型 Sooner or later no more cars running on the roads no more noise disturbing our life 2 你认为未来的生活会是什么样子的 疑问 词 do you think suppose等 其他 What do you think suppose imagine the future life will be like What do you think suppose im

2、agine the life will be like in the future 3 虽然有当地人带领 但是那些游客最终 还是无法找到传说中的仙境 When Until Though等 doing done 句型 legendary adj 传说中的 Although guided by the locals those tourists couldn t find the legendary fairyland in the end 4 受到老师所说的话的极大鼓舞 他充满了为未 来奋斗的动力和激情 过去分词短语作状语 Greatly inspired by the teacher s wo

3、rds he is full of motivation and passion to struggle for his future 5 在荒漠中伫立着一颗参天大树 介词短语位于 句首的倒装结构 towering adj 高耸的 In the desert stands a towering tree 短语翻译 1 一家电子计算机公司 a computer company 2 一个电脑程序设计员 a program designer 3 与同事相处得很好 get along well with my colleagues 4 干得好 do a good job 5 经常锻炼 5 take r

4、egular exercise 6 各种球类运动 6 various ball games 7 周游世界 7 travel around the world 8 原因如下 8 for the following reasons 9 一个精力充沛的女孩 9 an energetic girl 10 醉心于 着迷于 10 be crazy about 11 从事一份工作 11 take up a job 12 对社会益处 12 be beneficial to society 13 为祖国作贡献 13 make a contribution to our country 句子翻译 1 我经常想象我

5、的生活将是什么样子 I often imagine what my life will be like in the future 2 我无论干什么事情我都会干得好 I ll do a good job in whatever I do 3 总之 我的生活将会更加富有 也更加丰 富多彩 In a word my life will be much richer and more colorful 4 我希望从事一项有益于社会的工作 I hope to take up a job that is beneficial to society 5 谈到我的梦想的工作 我希望成为 一名英语老师 Tal

6、king of my dream job I expect to be an English teacher 课堂练习 2014课标卷II 一家英语报社向中学生征文 主 题是 十年后的我 请根据下列要点和你的畅 想完成短文 1 家庭 2 工作 3 业余生活 注意 1 词数100左右 2 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 3 开头语已为你写好 I often imagine what my life will be like in the future 导练 第一步 认真审题 明确要求 体裁 描述文 人称 第一人称 时态 一般将来时 要点 用笔在题中圈出 见下步 第二步 列出要点 以免遗漏 1 开

7、头引入句 2 未来的家庭 3 未来的工作 4 未来的业余生活 5 总结句 第三步 围绕中心 添加细节 1 开头引入句 我经常想象我未来的生活是什么 样的 我想十年后我的生活会大不一样 2 未来的家庭 那时我会有二十八岁了 我也会 有我自己的家了 可能还会有个可爱的孩子 3 未来的工作 我希望在一家计算机公司做程序 设计员 我喜爱我的工作 我跟同事的关系融洽 不论做什么 我都会干得好 4 未来的业余生活 在我的业余时间里 我会经 常锻炼 如游泳 跑步和各种球类运动 放假 我会去周游世界 5 总结句 总之 我的生活会更加富有 也更加 丰富多彩 第四步 翻译表达 连贯得体 I often imagi

8、ne what my life will be like in the future I think my life will be very different in ten years I will be twenty eight years old by then I will have my own family probably with a lovely child I hope I ll work in a computer company as a program designer I ll enjoy my work and get along well with my co

9、lleagues I ll do a good job in whatever I do In my free time I ll continue to take regular exercise such as swimming running and various ball games On my holidays I ll travel around the world In a word my life will be much richer and more colorful 第五步 仔细检查 工整誊写 课外作业 你校将举办主题为 未来工作畅想 的征文活动 请你根据下面所给要点写

10、一篇英语短文 1 你梦想的工作 2 梦想从事该工作的原因 你的优势 该工作的重 要性 3 为从事该工作你该如何准备 注意 1 词数100左右 2 可适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 3 开头语已为你写好 As a senor three student I often imagine what I will be doing in the future As a senior three student I often imagine what I will be doing in the future Talking of my dream job I expect to be an Englis

11、h teacher for the following reasons Firstly I m an energetic outgoing girl with great patience That s what makes a qualified teacher Secondly I am crazy about English and I am doing quite well Above all teachers are generally respected and well paid With two vacations each year I may enjoy more relaxing time As a responsible girl I hope to take up a job that is beneficial to society An excellent teacher may have a positive influence on the students and inspire them make a contribution to building our country In order to be a qualified teacher in the future I ll work even harder


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