There are thirty students in my class. 教学设计

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There are thirty students in my class. 教学设计_第1页
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《There are thirty students in my class. 教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《There are thirty students in my class. 教学设计(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研社七年级上册Module3My schoolUnit1There are thirty students in my class. 教学设计1、 教学内容分析 本次课的授课内容为外研社七年级上册Module3 My school中的Unit1 There are thirty students in my class.该课是一堂听说课,所以我将主要的教学环节设计为“学习单词、听力训练、朗读训练、说(练)句型与对话”四大部分。其中,“学习单词、听、读”为知识的输入环节,“说(练)”为知识输出环节。以学生为主体,围绕重难点,通过图片、音频、视频的穿插来进行8个详细的课堂环节的设计课程导入单词学

2、习词汇游戏短、长听力训练阅读训练说练环节“珍惜所有,努力学习”感情升华布置作业。通过这些环节的设计,引导其掌握thirty, forty, there, picture, wall, world 等单词与“There are.”,“Is there.?.” “Yes, there is./No, there isnt.”等重点句型。2、 教学对象分析 本节课的授课对象是刚刚上初一年级的学生,根据初中生活泼好动、好奇心强的特点,我在多媒体课件的设计中利用了图片、音频、视频等形式来提升学生对该课的兴趣,并且设计了游戏表演的环节,提升课堂参与度。并通过分角色朗读的形式、小组合作等教学方式,尽可能多地

3、让学生表现自己,参与进课堂活动,让孩子们在生动且有意义的教学环境中学习到新的知识。3、 教学目标1、 知识与技能重点词汇与短语:thirty, forty,fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, there, picture, wall, world, computer,furniture,map, picture, television, a lot of, really, how many. 重点句型:There are. Is there.? Yes, there is./No, there isnt.How many . are there in

4、.? There are. Are there .? Yes, there are./No, there arent.2、 过程与方法能够听懂介绍教室情况的对话。能够运用重点句型讨论并介绍自己所在的教室。3、 情感态度与价值观孩子们在一堂课中,不仅仅学习知识,也培养自己的感恩之心。了解自己能够在宽敞明亮的教室学习是多么幸福的事情,并且学会珍惜所拥有的一切,认真学习,努力拼搏。4、 教学重点、难点1、 教学重点: 能够通过词汇学习、听力、朗读、说练这些环节掌握重点词汇与短语。 能够正确地、大声地、优美地朗读课本对话内容。2教学难点: 掌握“there be”句型的肯定、否定、一般疑问及特殊疑问句

5、式和相应回答.并能运用此句式来介绍自己教室的样子。5、 教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Lead-inShow pictures to raise students interest and ask students like these: Whats in the picture?Is/Are there ?Whats in the classroom?There is/are Look at the PPT and answer the questions.Lead-in这一部分我选用应景的夏季水果芒果,引出数字与There be句型,吸引学生学习的兴趣,引出要学习的单词。Lear

6、ning wordsShow pictures of todays new words and learn them one by one.(thirty, forty, there, picture, wall, world .)1. Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words.2. Read the new words together.这一环节我在PPT上为每个单词配一幅图,并附上一句描述该单词的简短句子。带领学生大声朗读新词汇。词汇与配图干净利落、清新明了,目的是更有效地输入新词汇。学习一遍后通过再次大声朗读PPT上

7、出现的词汇来进行所学词汇的复习。Words gameEncourage students to come to the screen to play the words game.(two pairs)Click the words we have learnt today.该环节的设计旨在升华课堂氛围,提升课堂趣味性。同时检查孩子们是否记住了今天已学的单词。(让两个学生到屏幕前点击今天学的单词,分两组进行,共四人。在所有词汇中混杂着非今天所学词汇,点击今天所学的单词正确加分,错误扣分,看最后哪位同学的得分高即获胜。)Listening(1、2、3)1. Play the tape1, and

8、 ask the students to listen and choose the correct picture.And then encourage all the students to say their answers out.2. Guide the students read the questions out and listen to the conversation(tape2), then encourage three students to answer the three questions.3. Organize the students to read the

9、 questions, and then listen to the conversation again. Encourage a student to come in front of the screen to finish three questions of T/F, and ask he or she to correct the F sentences.1. task 1listen to the tape1 and then choose the right picture.(short dialogue)2. task 2Listen to the tape2 and the

10、n finish three questions.(long dialogue)3. task 3Listen to the tape2 again and then finish T or F.1、短听力训练 学习单词后,播放一段课文的短听力,让学生根据所学词汇判断出那副图是符合听力描述的内容。短听力内容相对简单,在此处设计短听力的播放,目的是让学生该堂课的听力学习由易到难逐层递进。2、长听力训练(第一遍) 在较为简单的短听力后,播放课文中的对话部分,这是长听力,开始增加难度,同时提出三个问题,播放听力之前让全班齐声朗读一遍题目,让学生带着预期去听听力,目的是提高学生听力的专注度和检查在第一

11、遍播放后对听力内容是否能有一个基础的把握。3、长听力训练(第二遍) 再听一遍长听力,并鼓励学生在听完以后到屏幕进行现场判断T/F的三道题,并把错误的句子改正。这样设计的目的是希望学生能够在第二次听后获取更多细节信息,培养精听的能力。Reading(1、2)1. Show a video about the long dialogue to students.2. Let the students do the “role play” to read this dialogue. (two groups)1. watch a video about the long dialogue.2. Do

12、 the role play game to read the conversation.这一环节分为两部分,第一部分是看一个flash视频,内容与听力训练内容一样,是课文对话。此处设计视频观看是希望学生能在自己读课文前有个参照的模板,注意标准阅读的语音语调。同时,视频播放可以在课程进入到较为中间的环节时调动一下课堂气氛,使学生保持注意力,不疲劳。第二部分是让学生分分组角色朗读课文,目的是提升全班对课程的参与度,同时进一步熟悉文章内容,锻炼朗读能力与语音语调的养成。Speaking1. Show a GIF to attract students interest, then encourag

13、e one student to make a dialogue to describe this GIF with me.(make an example)2. Guide all the students make a dialogue with me.3. Encourage students work in pairs to practise the dialogue using the speaking pattern.A: How many . are there in .? B: There are.A: Is there a .?B: Yes, there is./No, th

14、ere isnt.A: Are there .?B: Yes, there are./No, there arent.4.encourage three pairs to come in front of the classroom to practise the dialogue.1. One student makes the dialogue with me to set an example.2. all the students make a dialogue with me.(between Teacher and the students.3. Work in pairs to

15、describe the family or the kitchen using the speaking pattern. (3minutes)A: How many . are there in .? B: There are.A: Is there a .?B: Yes, there is./No, there isnt.A: Are there .?B: Yes, there are./No, there arent.4. Show time(3 pairs) 1、通过自制的GIF动图引起学生注意并运用今天的重点句型去描述动图。通过“老师一名学生”(示范)、“老师全班学生”互动对话模式进行训练。T: How many pairs of trousers are there in my case(箱子)? S: There are.T: Is there a picture in my room?S: Yes, there is./No, there isnt.


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