河南省周口市高三10月月考英语试题 Word版含答案.docx

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1、英语试题第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。A The life of an actor appears attractive and many young people dream about becoming one. But the truth is, it is very hard work. If youre successful, there are deadlines to be met, appointments to keep and the press to

2、deal with. If youre not successful, then life is extremely tough. I remember when I started out, I had to search the advertisement board at my drama school every day to look for acting jobs. Drama school was expensive and I needed extra cash to help pay the fees. I welcomed every small job. I played

3、 extras in many crowd scenes and became a confident participant in a lot of TV commercials for hair shampoo, soap and washing powder. I had been working for about two years before I got my lucky break. One day, as I was passing the drama school, I decided to go in to check the notice board. There wa

4、s nothing on it and I was just leaving when the secretary came along the corridor with a piece of paper. She asked me how I was and I told her life was hard and work was difficult to find. The next moment, she put the paper in my hand and walked away. My hands were shaking as I unfolded the paper, f

5、ull of expectation. To my surprise, it was an audition (试演) for a clown (小丑) for the Canadian circus. I couldnt stop myself from laughing. I had expected an audition with a famous director for a new film!When I was at drama school, there had been a course in acrobatics (杂技) and clown tricks. I had g

6、ained top marks in this course for originality and daring. Later I went to the audition feeling very strange. This was not what Id had in mind when I enrolled in drama school. To my surprise, the job as a clown turned out to be exactly what I wanted. I loved every moment of getting dressed up and pu

7、tting on the make-up. I had the opportunity to travel the world and I was more than an actor, I was an entertainer as well. I had visited over 32 different countries and entertained millions of people. 1. According to paragraph 3, the writer went into the drama school _.A. to look for a job B. to se

8、e the secretaryC. to collect a piece of paper D. to put a notice on the notice board2. Which of the following can best describe the authors feeling when he unfolded the paper?A. Extremely frightened. B. Feeling anxious and excited.来源:Zxxk.ComC. Very worried. D. Trembling with fear.3. From the whole

9、passage, we can tell that the writer is _.A. sad that he was not a famous actor B. happy to travel the world C. feeling very strange to be a clown D. very content with his lifeBEnough may never be enough. As human beings, it seems that once we attain what we think will make us whole, we grow bored q

10、uickly and need something new in order to feel satisfied. We are addicted to what we dont have.Youd better sit down at this very moment and make a list of all the reasons why youre fortunate and while youre writing the list, you would want nothing more. You could get together with a group of people

11、whom you care about and discuss ideas. You would feel comfortable with what you have and who you are at that moment or some hours later. The talking heads always tell you that you need to be rich and famous on your television, so your desire for more becomes unquenchable (难抑制的). You forget that you

12、are enough. You find yourself making comparisons between your life and the life of people you assume who have figured it out, and all of your accomplishments are never enough to satisfy you.The issue with this “never enough” mentality is that we all have it to some degree. We fail to realize that ev

13、en the people who have figured it out are on some level still as lost and broken as everyone else. Everyone is constantly looking for validation (确认) in the form of likes and comments to give meaning to our sense of self. We honestly believe that as long as we buy into the illusion (错觉) when we are

14、happy, everything is going to be great, we wont have to face reality.Reality is that we want all the material, social media fame, and worthless validation in order to feel accepted by others. The reason why all of those things bring only temporary satisfaction is that they arent the answer. We all k

15、eep looking for other people to accept us in order to feel whole. But in fact, it is when we accept ourselves that we can feel really satisfied. We are in a universal competition for acceptance that no one wants a part of, but so few have the courage to stop competing. What will ever be enough?4. After writing down the reasons why youre fortunate, you may think _.A. you are lucky enoughB. you need something newC. you will grow bored quicklyD. you should discuss ideas with others5. According to Paragraph 2, the people who have “figured it out” refer to those _.A. who dont dare to face


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