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1、井冈山大学本科毕业论文 国有企业员工应对方式、工作满意度、工作投入度的相互影响研究 密级: JINGGANGSHAN UNIVERSITY本科毕业论文(设计) 题目 国有企业员工应对方式、工作满意度和工作投入度的相互影响研究 学 院 教 育 学 院 专 业 应用心理学 班 级 09心理本一 学 号 91014041 姓 名 盛 泽 宇 指导教师 简 小 珠 起讫时间 2012.07-2013.05 32目录目录2摘要4ABSTRACT61.绪论71.1问题的提出及其研究意义71.1.1问题的提出71.1.2本文研究的现实意义71.1.3本文研究的理论意义81.2本文的研究目的81.3本文的研究



4、.3.5学历在各研究变量上的差异214.4相关分析214.4.1应对方式和工作满意度的相关分析214.4.2应对方式和工作投入度的相关分析214.4.3工作投入度和工作满意度之间相关分析224.5应对方式、工作投入度、工作满意度的回归分析224.5.1应对方式和工作满意度的回归分析224.5.2应对方式和工作投入度的回归分析234.5.3工作满意度对工作投入度回归分析235.结论与建议255.1实证研究255.2对企业的建议265.3研究的进展275.4研究的局限275.5研究的展望286.附录29问卷调查表297. 参考文献32摘要随着全球经济一体化的深入发展及经济多元化的潮流趋势,我国国有



7、负向影响。3、工作满意度的两个维度都与工作投入建立了线性回归方程,具有显著的正向影响。关键词:应对方式;工作满意度;工作投入度;国有企业Study on the interaction of employees of state-owned enterprises coping style, job satisfaction and job involvementJinggangshan University undergraduate thesisBy shengzeyuFaculty: College of EducationDisciplines: Applied PsychologyC

8、lass: 09 psychology undergraduate classes (1)College of Education of Jinggangshan University,jian,chinaMay,2010ABSTRACTWith the in-depth development of global economic integration and economic diversification trend, Chinas state-owned enterprises has been greatly reduced, but the state-owned enterpr

9、ises are still an important part of the national economy.In order to improve the work satisfaction and work involvement of state-owned enterprise,to improve the competitiveness of state-owned enterprises.This study is based on the perspective of junior staff,use the method of literature review and q

10、uestionnaire to explor the relationship between the three ,job satisfaction and Job involvement, in order to identify the suitable way to deal with Chinese state-owned enterprise employees.in order to find out a suitable Coping Style of Chinese state-owned enterprise employees.In this study, by cond

11、ucted a questionnaire to the junior staff of the Jiangxi Copper Group Co., Ltd.we recovered 184 valid questionnaires.Using SPSS to test hypotheses by descriptive statistical analysis, analysis of variance, correlation analysis and regression analysis,Conclusions are drawn as follows:First, this stud

12、y analyzed by one-way ANOVA and found:1.the gender factor have significant differences in negative-coping, intrinsic satisfaction and extrinsic satisfaction,but not significant in other variables.2.the factor of age and education there was no significant difference in coping style, job satisfaction

13、and job involvement.3.Departments factors have a significant impact on job satisfaction and job involvement.Second, the study by the correlation analysis showed that:1.correlation analysis showed that coping styles and overall satisfaction are significantly related.2.There are significantly related

14、between positive coping style and job involvement.Negative coping style and job involvement score was not significantly correlated.3.each dimension between job satisfaction and job involvement has a significant positive correlation.Third,this study get the results by regression analysis:1. only acti

15、ve coping style and job satisfaction to establish a linear regression equation and has a significant positive impact.Negative coping style did not enter the model.2. active coping and negative coping style establish a linear regression equation with job involvement. negative coping showed a significant negat


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