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1、 . . . .合作合同书Cooperation Agreement甲方(开证方)Party A: (Issuer):乙方(接证方):Party B (Receiver): 鉴于甲方开具境外SBLC给乙方,由乙方银行办理抵押贷款,为此双方达成协议如下:Commissioned by Party B to Party A that Party A shall issue an available SBLC and to let Party B get a mortgage loan from the bank, for which both parties agree as follows.一

2、票据概述:I; Note Overview:1. 抵押品担保: SBLC。The mortgage collateral: SBLC.2. 面值:合约总额度 _分批操作,第一单 _,第二单_,第三单_,完成第一单后每隔_个工作天操作第二,第三单,后续按双方商定的金额办理。至本合同金额操作完成,本合同便自动终止The nominal value: Total contract amount is _, the first transaction is _, the second transaction is _, the third transaction is _. The Second an

3、d Third transaction will be started within FIVE banking days after completion of the last transaction. the following transaction amount will be proceeded under discussion of both two parties. After completion of the contract amount, this contract will be finished automatically 3. 期限: 三百六十五天加一天。 Dura

4、tion: 365 days plus one day.4. 开证方式:用SWIFT按接证银行的版本开出。 Mode of issuance: To issue the SBLC by using SWIFT -760 and the verbiage as attached 5. 开证银行:_Issuing bank: _6. 接证银行:_Receiving bank: _7. 受益人:_乙方_Beneficiary: _PARTY B_8. 查询方式:银行对银行以SWIFT进行确定。 Way of inquiry: Verified by bank to bank SWIFT/ commu

5、nication. 二 双方责任和业务:II. Responsibilities and duties of both parties:甲方: 1. 甲方开出境外SBLC供乙方抵押贷款用。Party A: Party A issues an overseas SBLC for Party B to get the mortgage loan. 2. 甲方开出的SBLC是符合乙方指定贷款银行确定的有效版本。 Party A issues a SBLC, which should be ensured that the verbiage is the valid version provided

6、by Party Bs appointed bank for the mortgage loan 3. 平仓责任:SBLC由开证银行无条件100%平仓。 Settlement responsibility: The issuing bank will take 100% of unconditional settlement responsibility for this SBLC. 4. SBLC必须由接证银行确认无误可用于担保贷款,开证银行对于接证银行本身业务操作失误的损失将不负任何责任。 SBLC will be confirmed by the receiving bank that

7、this SBLC is good for securing the mortgage loan, and the issuing bank will not take any responsibility for the loss of the operational errors made by the receiving bank. 5. 甲方提供如下文件: (1)营业执照;(2)法定代表人护照 Party A should provide to Party B (1) company license;(2) Passport of Signatory 乙方: 提供文件如下:(在香港操作

8、) Party B: Provide the following documents : (Processing in Hong Kong)(1) 营业执照(2)基本账户证(3)接证银行SBLC版本(4)接证银行路线图和坐标(5)法人护照。(1) Enterprise business license (2) Basic account card (3) The SBLC verbiage version of the receiving bank (4) The route and the coordinates of the receiving bank (5) Passport of t

9、he enterprise owner.三 操作流程:III. Procedures:1. 甲方确认乙方提供的接证银行的有效SBLC版本。 Party A should confirm the verbiage is the valid version provided by Party Bs appointed receiving bank for the mortgage loan2. 甲乙双方在网上签署本协议(视同正式签约),一经签字盖章即产生法律效力。Both parties sign this agreement through internet (it to be consider

10、ed as formal agreement signing), and it will become legally bound once it is signed.3. 甲方在双方网上签署本协议_个银行日内发出MT-799预开通知。Party A will issue Pre-Advice through MT-799 within_banking days after this agreement is signed by both parties. 4. 乙方接证银行收到MT-799预开通知并确认后,_个银行日内回复MT-799 (含银行承诺,乙方银行保证在接到MT-760后,有能力在

11、_个银行日办理并完成抵押贷款)。Within _banking days after authentication of Pre-advice swift MT-799, Party B willReply back Party Bs bank conditional guarantee payment(or bank undertaking payment) viaMT-799 swift (Party B ensures that on the receiving of the MT-760, Party B has the ability to get the mortgage loan

12、 within _bank working days).5. 在乙方银行回复MT-799给甲方银行后_ 个银行工作日内按双方商定的SBLC面值的比例_开出同等金额的企业支票给开证方或开证方指定的账户,但此企业支票必须交与双方认可的香港律师楼进行双方共管。Upon successful replying MT-799 to Party As bank, within_banking days, the equivalent amount of corporate check in accordance with the mutually agreed ratio _of the SBLC par

13、 value will be issued to Party As designated bank account , but this corporate cheque will be kept jointly in the mutually agreed attorneys office in Hong Kong, 6 甲方在收到确认乙方的MT-799乙方的银行承诺及确认乙方企业支票已交于律师楼共管后,在_个银行工作日内由甲方发出SBLC经由MT-760给乙方。After verification and authentication of MT-799 with bank conditi

14、onal guarantee payment for the amount of the first tranche and verification of the corporate check is jointly kept in the attorneys office, Party A will request the issuing bank to issue the SBLC via MT-760 swift to beneficiarys receiving bank within _banking days.7. 乙方接证银行在接到由MT-760发过来的SBLC后,进行贷款,约定_个银行工作天内贷款资金到位。在贷款成功后,双方到律师楼解除双方共管,将企业支票交与甲方或将企业支票等额的款项直接打到的_



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