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1、Unit 6 The UnexplainedLesson 18 Dreams 【教材分析】本单元的主要话题是The unexplained。本单元的前两课均为阅读课,第16课文章的内容讲述的是动物的一些本能,第17课则是一篇关于世界上怪异生物的阅读材料,communication workshop一课为语言输出课,介绍了奇怪的梦。本课是第六单元三课的第一课时,课题为Dreams,既是本单元话题内容的延续,又为下一节的语言输出课作好准备。本课的教学设计分为两个课时。第一课时侧重对听力内容的理解,引导学生通过听获取有关做梦的科普知识。听力材料是电台主持人和科学家之间的一段采访,内容围绕有关做梦的科

2、普知识展开,谈到了人和动物的梦境,话题比较贴近学生生活。但听力材料较长,生词12个 (might, right now, prove, brain, asleep, probably, human, common, realize, radio, pajamas,in fact)。其中涉及个别较生僻词汇,这为学生听懂听力材料造成了很大的困难。第二课时在复习对话的内容的基础上,进一步引导学生关注表达惊奇的语言功能。通过观察和分析,理解表示惊奇的用法,通过练习,最后输出活动中能够根据具体语境,恰当使用表达惊奇的用语。【教学内容】话题:做梦的科普知识词汇:might, right now, prov

3、e, brain, asleep, probably, human, common, realize, radio, pajamas,in fact策略:听前预测;听关键词捕捉信息功能:表示惊奇【第一课时】【教学目标】在本节课结束时,学生能够:1. 通过听,获取主持人与科学家之间有关“做梦的科普知识”的采访信息。2. 说出本课有关做梦的科普知识。3. 了解有关做梦的科普知识,正确对待梦境。教学环节教学活动设计意图时间Pre-listeningStep 1T ask Ss questions to elicit the topic of this lesson.1. Do you often d

4、ream?2. What do you often dream about?T talks about her own dreams to teach some new words in this lesson.通过师生问答,引出本课话题,学习本课部分词汇,如:pajamas等,为听力扫清障碍。5While-listeningStep 21st listeningT asks Ss to listen to the first part of the recording and find out who are talking in the dialogue. Choose the right

5、 answer.1) Two friends are talking.2) A teacher is talking to a student.3) An interviewer is talking to a scientist.2nd listeningT asks Ss to listen to the second part of the recording and write T or F. Then talk about their reasons.Scientists know why we dream.Some people never dream.We dont rememb

6、er every dream.Animals never dream.People have common dreams.3rdlistening T asks the Ss to listen to the third part of the recording and circle the common dreams in part 5. 4thlistening T asks the Ss to listen to the whole recording and finish off the notes of the interview on the worksheet. Then as

7、ks the students to talk about the scientists ideas on dreams. T writes the ideas onto the Bb.通过第一部分录音,确认说话人身份。听第二部分录音,获取关于做梦的科普知识细节信息,培养学生听关键词的听力学习策略。听第三部分录音,了解具体的人类常见梦境。听整个听力材料,完善采访记录,为输出做准备。20Post-listeningStep 3T asks the Ss to open their books and plays the recording. Ask Ss to listen and read t

8、he dialogue with the tapescripts.T asks the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs with the tapescripts.Role-play. Suppose one student is a journalist and the other is the scientist. Ask the students to work in pairs and make a dialogue. 听录音,模仿并练习语音语调,培养语感。分角色朗读,为输出做准备。角色扮演,进一步理解听力内容,强化听力信息。20Homework1. 听

9、录音,跟读课文。2. 写出课上的采访稿。3. 调查班里同学们最常见的梦境。【第二课时】【教学目标】在本节课结束时,学生能够:1. 知道表达惊奇的用语,如:Thats interesting.等的语用功能。2. 在语境中恰当地使用表示惊奇的表达法。教学环节教学活动设计意图时间Review and language in useStep 1T ask Ss questions about the dialogue in last lesson.T asks the Ss to read some sentences and circle the correct words and check th

10、e answers in pairs.通过问答,回顾上节课听力材料中的信息及语言。15Function and language in use.Step 2T asks the Ss to listen to the dialogue again and fill in some blanks according to the dialogue.T asks the Ss to look at the expressions in the blanks and think about the situations we use them. T asks the Ss to talk about

11、 other expressions they know to show surprise or interest and write them down on the blackboard.听录音,利用文本,引导学生关注并分析中表示惊奇的表示方式。讨论表达惊奇的更多的语言表达方式并板书,增加语言积累,为输出做准备。12Step 3T shows different situations and asks the Ss to respond to show surprise.1. I dreamt about dinosaurs. They were running after me.2. I

12、 dreamt about I was flying over the city.3. Women remember dreams more easily than men. 4. Everyone dreams. Even blind people dream.T shows some pictures and asks the Ss to talk about the pictures in pairs by using of the expressions to show surprise.T asks the Ss some questions about their own dreams and helps them to respond to show interest.T asks the Ss to work in pairs to talk about their own dreams and give their responds to show interest. 创设不同情境,练习表示惊奇的表达法。利用图片,进一步练习表示惊奇的用法。师生问答,根据学生的情境教师给予回答,为输出做准备。对子练习,进一步巩固本课的语言。18Homework调查班里同学常做的梦,写出调查报告。 6 / 6



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