求职 信师范文

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《求职 信师范文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《求职 信师范文(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第一篇:餐饮师英文求职信 dear mr. klein: i am seeking an operations management position at the plant, division or corporate level with a major player in the food and beverage industry. please consider my credentials. as my resume will show, i have had excellent progression in the field of operations management

2、with one of the top u.s. consumer products companies. pepsi-cola, as you may know, has been ranked by fortune magazine among the top 6 best run companies in america. in my current posit on as group plant manager (3 plants) for pepsi west i have been credited with annual cost savings exceeding $2 m i

3、on as the result of several innovative cost reduction programs recently implemented. i have just been awarded pesi’s coveted "high performer award" for my contributions. prior assignments have been equally productive, and i have consistently demonstrated the ability to achieve superi

4、or results. i pride myself on staying current in all major new developments in the field of operations and push hard for the implementation of those that will readily increase ease of operations and reduce operating costs. should you be in the market for a proven contributor as a member of your oper

5、ations team, mr. klein, your time would be well spent in meeting with me. much of what i have already done at pepsi might well be transferable to redding beverage, and could result in substantial savings to your company. should you wish to contact me, i can be reached during the day at (216) 377-092

6、5, or at the above number during evening hours. thank you for your consideration. sincerely, karen j. robinson (手写体) j. robinson enclosure 第二篇:体育教育师求职信模板 尊敬的校领导: 您好! 据悉,贵校正招聘体育教师,我了解到贵校是一所办学条件优越,师资力量雄厚的重点学府,在即将走出校门,步入社会之际,我真诚的希望加入贵校,成为其中的一员,为贵校的体育工作添砖加瓦。 xx年xx月,我将毕业于xx大学体育教育专业,并获得体育教育专业的学士学位,完全符合贵校的

7、招聘条件。大学四年来,我勤奋学习、刻苦训练,全面系统的掌握了体育学科中各专业的基本知识、基本技术和基本技能。深爱体育的我,不断在各方面严格要求自己,具有过硬的专业技术和理论知识。在专攻篮球、排球的基础上,我利用业余时间参加田径、武术、健美操、乒乓球等俱乐部,极大的拓宽了我的知识视野和专业技能,符合一专多能的体育人才要求。我坚信,自己能够胜任贵校的体育工作。 “勤奋创新、为人师表”作为师范大学生的我,时刻牢记这一校训。为培养良好的个人修养,提高综合能力,我积极参加校团委、院团委组织的各项活动和一些社会的公益活动,多次担任省、市、区级田径运动裁判工作,并获得国家二级裁判证书

8、,已具备一名人民教师应具备的能力素质,为教育工作积累了丰富的经验。 2014年9月初,我们进行了为期四十天的教育实习。通过实地学习,使我在实践中不断完善自己,并成功地完成教学任务及重点课工作,取得了优异的实习成绩,受到许多老师的认可和赞扬。因此,我有信心成为一名合格的人民教师。 久闻该校对体育活动开展较为热烈,为了使自己的知识学有所用,使敬业精神得到体现,因此到贵校积极申请这一职位。我深信在你们的栽培和熏陶下,我一定会在工作岗位上实现人生价值,证明您明智的选择。敬请领导考核、审视。 此致 敬军礼 第三篇:摄影艺术师的求职信参考 摄影艺术师的求职信参考,关键词是求职信,摄影艺术师, 尊敬的*经理

9、: 您好!感激您能在百忙中抽时间来阅读我的简历,给我一个从事自己热爱工作的机会,在此我谨以一个职业摄影师的真实面目接受您的甄选。 本人*,1998年10月接触摄影并开始狂热发烧,在大学期间自修了摄影课程以及相关的美术课程,毕业后曾到北京进修摄影,立志成为一名出色的专业摄影师。多年来孜孜不倦地钻研摄影技术,在不断的工作、学习、总结中,技术逐渐成熟起来,具备了专业的素养,全面而精湛的摄影技术。丰富的工作经验,从事专业摄影八年多,先后任职于广州某网路科技有限公司、广州市某美资远程服务有限公司、开平市某视觉形象设计有限公司、广州某包装设计有限公司、广东省梅州市某婚纱摄影世界等摄影设计公司,拍摄范围涉及

10、食品、卫浴、五金、塑料制品、工业外景、建筑、家居、首饰、化妆品、服装服饰、人像等。擅长商业广告摄影以及与摄影有关的领域。工作态度认真诚恳,勤奋能干,为影象的完美做出不懈的努力! 本人性格诚实稳重,极具耐心,富有创新精神,在工作中,身为职业摄影师,我时常严格要求自己:吃透客户、设计师的意图,本着“专业、敬业、乐业”的原则,以一丝不苟的敬业精神和追求完美的恒心毅力,最大程度地把产品特有的魅力挖掘出来,让产品的商业价值得到最大程度的凸现,为客户提供最优质、最适合需要的照片。在职期间,精心拍摄每一张照片,照片的质量普遍得到了设计师、客户的好评。 多年的工作,厌倦了四处奔波,我一直期望能够找到一个好的发

11、展空间,安稳的工作环境,能够一展所长。 剑鸣匣中,期之以声。非常盼望能与您进一步面谈。摄影作品请到我的博客查阅!谢谢!求职意向地区:广州市、广东清远市。 联系方式: 此致 敬礼! 求职人:* 年 月 日 第四篇:体育教育师英文求职信 dear school leadership: hello! it is learned that the school physical education teachers are being recruited, i understand that your school is an excellent teaching conditions, teache

12、r learning focused on strong in the coming out of college, entered the community, i sincerely hope to join your school and become one of the 1, in order to work in your school building blocks of sports. xx on xx years, i will be graduated from the university of physical education xx professional, an

13、d physical education bachelors degree, in full compliance with the terms of employment of your school. university for four years, i study hard and train hard, have a comprehensive system of professional sports disciplines the basic knowledge, basic skills and basic skills. i love sports, and continu

14、ously in all respects strict demands on themselves, with excellent professional skills and theoretical knowledge. in specializing in basketball, volleyball, based on the use of spare time i participate in track and field, martial arts, aerobics, table tennis club, etc., greatly widened the horizons

15、of my knowledge and professional skills, in line with the requirements of multi-skill sports talent. i firmly believe that they can do the work of your school sports. "diligent innovation, paragon of virtue" as normal university, i always remember the school motto. in order to cultivate good personal self-cultivation, to increase the overall capacity, i participate actively in the communist youth league school, the hospital of the communist youth league organizations and a number of socia


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