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1、五年级英语(下)第2单元第5课时Unit 2 My favorite season B. lets learn来源:学科网一、【教材分析】教学目标知识目标1.能听、说、读、写四季里典型活动的四个词组:go on a picnic, go swimming, pick apples,make a snowman2能运用整合的知识进行情景交流,围绕话题My favorite season运用句型“Which season do you like best?”,并能对此问句进行详尽的回答。能力目标鼓励、引导学生结合自己生活实际,运用本课内容进行自主对话。情感目标四季有不同的美妙,引导学生关注大自然的

2、变化,享受四季,享受生活。教学重点学生能听说读写本课四会单词。运用所学单词结合重点句型遣词造句。教学难点学生能够结合自己生活实际,运用本课内容进行自主对话。教学方法情境教学法;任务型教学法。二、【教学流程】环节师生活动二次备课I.复习热身1. Sing a song. Seasons song2. Free talk. T: How many seasons are there in a year? S: four.T: Do you know them? Lets see. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Which season do

3、 you like best?S: I like spring best. 【设计意图:唱与本课息息相关的歌曲达到唤醒学生学习热情,并根据视频中的信息进行简单的free talk.回忆所学的季节和特征】.新知呈现1. Introduce my favorite season. T: Do you want to know my favorite season?(出示春天图片)S: its spring.T: Yes, I like spring best. Do you know why? Look, whats the weather like in spring?S: warm and s

4、unny.T: Yes, the weather is warm and the plants are growing. there are beautiful flowers everywhere. T: Look I can also take pictures, go for a walk, fly kites in spring. (呈现动作图片) what else can I do?S: you can see beautiful sceneries.T: Yes, you are right. Whats more, I can also go on a picnic.T:I o

5、ften go on a picnic with my family.Picnic-I sounds?来源:Zxxk.ComCan you read these words? Big, pig, six picnic. Go on a picnic. (用拼读法教读picnic)T:Do you often go on a picnic? S: Yes, I often go on a picnic in spring. No, I dont go on a picnic in spring. (在句子中练习词组)2. Zhang Peng s favorite season. T: I li

6、ke spring best, how about our friends Zhang Peng? Lets ask him Ok?S: Which season do you like best, Zhang Peng? (板书问句)(Listen to the tape)He likes summer best.T; what can he do in summer?S; He can go swimming. Go swimming. Pay attention to the double ww.Go swimming 读 T: What else can we do in summer

7、?S: Eat ice cream. Eat watermelon.3. Students favorite season. T: Do you like summer? Which season do you like best?S; spring. Autumn. T: You like autumn best. Why?来源:学科网S: The weather is coolT: autumn is a harvest season. The vegetables and some kinds of fruits are ready to pick (with actions). Do

8、you know pick? Lets look, the farmer often pick .(图片呈现练习Pick)4winterT:We can do so many things in spring, summer and autumn. How about winter? What can we do in winter?S: We can play in the snow, go skating. T: look at the picture. This is a snowman. Blend snow +man. Superman, Spiderman. T: Can you

9、make a snowman?S: Yes, I can make a snowman.【设计意图:通过听音,图片,问答等形式呈现新单词,在趣味的学习中,学生通过主动思考获得新知,形式多样,学习积极性比较高。以自然拼读以及复合词规律等方式教授单词,便于学生记忆。】.练习巩固1. Now we know so many things about seasons. Look, Wu Yifan and Mike are talking about the seasons, too. lets look and listen, Which season does Wu Yifan like best

10、 and why?来源:学科网【设计意图:听音回答,回归课本,训练学生听力的同时进行模仿练习,学习模仿重点句型的语音语调。】2. listen and imitate. (听音正音)3.magic eyes. PPT中快速呈现词组,学生根据词组回答出季节并把该词组运用到句型中。机械操练词组和句型。在此过程中强化新词的记忆。4.group discuss小组内用所学词组和句型询问喜爱季节和原因。【设计意图:通过小组合作在在实际生活中运用新授词组。】.输出运用1.Design your favourite season card and introduce it to us. (设计自己喜欢的季节

11、卡片,并进行口头汇报展示。)示范自己的card.2.Put your card on the season tree.【设计意图:通过自己亲手设计card,使同学们真正的对季节以及不同季节活动进行深入的思考,并使得此类词组能真正在实际生活中得到运用。通过上台展示交流,使得同学们对于英语更加的自信。】.来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K检测提高情感升华Life has seasons. Every season brings its joy. Enjoy interesting activities. You will be happy and healthy. 人生有四季。春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风

12、冬有雪。享受不同季节的有趣活动吧。 你将会快乐、健康。 Homework1. Read and imitate the words and sentence.2.Show and introduce your poster to your family.【设计意图:通过家庭作业使学生进一步运用知识和巩固知识。】三、【板书设计】 Unit2 My favorite season B. Lets learn go on a picnic go swimming pick apples make a snowmanWhich season do you like best?I likebest. I

13、 can 四、【教后反思】本单元话题是关于seasons,学生开始学习关于季节以及各种活动的表达,学生首次接触,面对的是全然陌生的四个词组,并且四会单词,因此如何让学生不枯燥的学习单词,能在兴趣中逐渐达到本节课的目标是本课设计的重点。首先上课伊始的歌曲,便带给了学生整体感知的氛围, 在free talk 中自由和学生对话,问学生喜欢的季节,打开和学生自由交流的大门。在呈现部分,通过不同形式的单词呈现方式,学生在趣味性的学习过程中展开自主思考,主动学习,同时词不离句,不断进行结合学生实际的练习活动。课本吴一凡和Mike的情景对话,采用听的形式进行,学生跟读模仿语音语调,培养发音地道的感觉。在练习部分,由机械训练一步步升级到意义训练,活动设计贴近学生的生活实际,学生兴趣浓厚,大部分学生能够达成本节课的目标。最后的输出环节,学生自己设计自己喜欢的季节海报,并进行对话和汇报,问题并不局限本节课的内容,联系到生活实际,充分发挥了学生的学习自主性实践了将所学知识应用于生活中,达到了活学活用。


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