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1、冀教版(一起)五年级英语下册教案Unit 2 School in CanadaLesson 15 Are you ready for a quize?Lesson 15 Teaching DesignItemsSpecific contentsSupplement教学设计思路Summary of Teaching Design教师播放歌曲“Happy Song”在轻松的氛围中展开本次教学,教学过程中,教师为学生创设情境、布置任务,让学生在“Whats in my hand?”“Whats wrong?”“Amazing pictures”等小游戏中怀着较高的兴趣复习并巩固本单元的重点知识。教学

2、目标Teaching Aim1.Knowledge and abilities (1) 掌握下列四会词汇:umbrella, boots, bus stop, school bus, bus driver, shape, line, circle, square, triangle always, usually, sometimes, never, dry, wet(2) 要求学生能够熟练掌握上面的词汇,并能用这些词汇说一些简单的句子,将所学的知识应用到实际生活中。2.Course and methods(1)教师借助图片帮助学生复习本单元的重点单词。(2)教师通过布置任务、创设情境等教学方

3、式激发学生学习的积极性和热情。3.Emotion and attitude通过本单元的学习,培养学生观察事物、积极思考的能力,通过自己的努力来解决学习和生活中遇到的问题或困难。教学重难点Key Points and Special DifficultiesKey Points掌握下列四会词汇:umbrella, boots, bus stop, school bus, bus driver, shape, line, circle, square, triangle always, usually, sometimes, never, dry, wet教学媒体Teaching Mediarad

4、io and tape recorder, projector, pictures relating with the text, computer and disk教学过程Teaching Course1.Lead inStep one: Greetings.Step two: Sing an English song “Happy Song”Step three:The teacher asks the following questions:(1)Can you say some words we learnt this unit?(2)What knowledge gave you t

5、he deepest impression?参考“视频资源”教师通过提问的方式,引导学生自然进入对本单元知识的回顾。2.Start new lessonStep one: The key noun words (1)The teacher plays the course ware.(2)The teacher and students plays the game “Whats in my hand?” to review the key noun words.(3)Play “Whats wrong?” to review regular and irregular nouns.Step

6、two: The key shape words(1)The teacher plays the course ware.(2)The teacher asks several students to draw their favourite shapes on the blackboard. (3)The teacher let the students to make pictures with shapes in group.Step three: The adv. Words(1)The teacher plays the course ware.(2)The teacher asks

7、 the students to make up sentences with “always, sometimes, usually and never ”(3)The teacher asks the students to write a short passage with “always, sometimes, usually and never”Step four: The exercise in the text(1)The teacher asks the students to go through the questions of the text.(2)The teach

8、er plays the audiotape.(3)The teacher asks the desk mates to check the answers for each other.(4)The teacher gives the answers.(5)Do the exercise in the activity book.Step five: SummaryThe teacher and students recall the key points together.Step six: Home work参考“优秀课件”参考 interesting game 1参考 interest

9、ing game2参考 interesting game 33.Interesting games(1)Whats in my hand?教师拿着本单元重点单词图片,然后随意抽出其中一张让学生猜“Whats in my hand”,学生们说出自己想到的单词。当有学生猜对时,教师把图片呈现给学生们。如果遇到可数名词,教师要求学生们说出单词的复数。(2)Whats wrong教师把学生分成几个小组,把同时写有名词单数和复数形式的卡片发给各小组,要求各小组检查卡片上的单词复数形式是否正确,如果不正确进行修改,各小组需要在规定时间内完成。(3) Amazing pictures教师让学生以小组为单位借

10、助图形创作新的图画,图画完成后,各小组分别选出一个代表进行介绍。教师设置最佳创意奖,给获胜的小组颁发小奖品。这个游戏可以帮助学生们积极思考回顾已学知识。这个游戏意在检查学生对名词复数的掌握,让学生们在小组合作中共同提高。课堂评价Assessment in Class1.The teach checks the students usage of language by letting them play interesting little games.2.The teacher let students take part in assessment by putting their judgment into account and let them comment on each other.3.The teacher lets the students do exercise to check their mastery of language.



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