2018版高中英语 Unit 3 Computers 1 Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehending课件 新人教版必修2

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《2018版高中英语 Unit 3 Computers 1 Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehending课件 新人教版必修2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018版高中英语 Unit 3 Computers 1 Warming Up Pre-reading Reading Comprehending课件 新人教版必修2(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3Computers 单词注释 难句剖析 导读诱思 电脑已经成了很多人生活中不可或缺的物品 但你是否知道家用电脑摆放在哪里最合适呢 WheretoplacethefamilycomputerThelocation1ofthefamilycomputermayturnintoahotdebateasyourchildrengetolder Whetheryouhaveonecomputerinthehouseorfive youshouldconsiderthefollowingthingsasyoumakeafinaldecision 单词注释 难句剖析 导读诱思 SafetyThef

2、irstconsideration2shouldbethesafetyofyourchildren ThereisacertainamountofriskifyouallowyourchildrentohaveacomputerwithInternetaccess3intheirroomswithnoparentalsupervision4 Theyaremuchmorelikelytoshareimproperinformationandchatwithstrangersiftheyknowthatnoonewillbewatching Thisdoesnotmeanthatyoucanno

3、tallowyourchildrentohaveacomputerintheirrooms ConsiderallowingacomputerwithoutInternetaccess orwithlimited5access Thisisespeciallyusefulforteenswhousethecomputerforcreativeprojects playingvideogamesandlisteningtomusic Keepinmind however thatitislikelythatyourkidsaremoreskilledatcomputersthanyouarean

4、dmaygetaroundanyblocksyouhaveinplace 单词注释 难句剖析 导读诱思 ComputerUseThewayyourfamilycomputersareusedwillplayalargeroleindeterminingwheretheyshouldbelocated Amachineusedprimarilyforhomeworkwillneedtobeinaquietlocationwherethereislowtraffic Oneusedforchattingonlinecanbeintheroomwheremostofthefamilyspendsth

5、eirtime IfMomandDaduseacomputerforwork thoseneedswillalsohavetobeconsidered SpaceSpacemustalsobeconsideredincomputerplacement Thecomputerwillneedelectricity plentyofdeskspaceandaspotawayfromthebrightlightofwindows Youwillnotwantitlocatedinaroomwhereyourkidsmaybenoisy 单词注释 难句剖析 导读诱思 1 location l keI

6、n n 位置2 consideration k n sId reI n n 考虑3 access kses n 接近 利用4 supervision su p vI n n 监督5 limited lImItId adj 有限的 难句剖析 导读诱思 单词注释 Keepinmind however thatitislikelythatyourkidsaremoreskilledatcomputersthanyouareandmaygetaroundanyblocksyouhaveinplace 译文 然而 要记住你的孩子的电脑技术可能比你要高 并且可能绕过你设置的任何障碍 剖析 本句中 keep

7、inmind 之后是由that引导的宾语从句 而宾语从句中 itislikelythat 是一个固定句式 it是形式主语 真正的主语是that引导的从句 难句剖析 导读诱思 单词注释 1 WhatriskisthereifchildrenareallowedtohaveacomputerwithInternetaccessintheirroomswithoutsupervision 答案 Theymayshareimproperinformationandchatwithstrangers 2 Whereshouldacomputerbeputifitisusedforhomework 答案

8、Inaquietlocation Section WarmingUp Pre reading Reading Comprehending 一 二 三 四 一 将单词或短语与相对应的释义搭配起来AB1 solvea aim score2 asaresultb man3 explorec inconsequence4 goald tosettle5 anyhowe toexaminesthcompletelyorcarefullyinordertofindoutmoreaboutit6 humanracef anyway答案 1 d2 c3 e4 a5 f6 b 一 二 三 四 二 短语互译1 h

9、avesthincommonpare with 3 accordingto4 from on5 流逝6 结果7 如此 以至于 8 与 分享 9 又 既10 人类 有共同之处 把 与 相比较 根据 从 时起 goby asaresult so that share with aswellas humanrace 一 二 三 四 三 阅读WHOAMI 并回答下列问题1 I inthepassagerefersto A aTVsetB acomputerC aradioD theInternet2 Whenwasthecomputerthebiggest A In1642 B In1936 C In

10、the1940s D Inthe1970s 答案 B 答案 C 一 二 三 四 3 Whathappenedtothecomputerinthe1960s A Itwasputintorobotsandusedtomakemobilephones B Itwasgivenafamilyconnectedbyanetwork C Itbegantobeusedintheoffices D Itbegantobeputintospacerockets 答案 B 一 二 三 四 4 Whichistherightorderaccordingtotime a Thecomputerwasconnect

11、edwithothercomputers b AlanTuringwroteabookaboutthecomputer c ThecomputerhasbeensenttoexploretheMoonandMars d Thecomputerbegantosimplifydifficultsums A a b c dB b c a dC d a c bD d b a c 答案 D 一 二 三 四 四 根据课文内容填空Iwasbornin1 inFrance In2 Iwasbuiltasananalytical3 followinginstructionsfromcardswithholes

12、In4 myrealfather AlanTuring worteabookanddescribedhowcomputerscouldbemadetoworkandsolveanymathematicalproblemby5 a 6 machine Peopleweresurprisedatmyartificial7 Atfirst Iwasaslargeasaroom 8 timewentby Iwasmadesmallerandsmaller Mymemorybecame9 and10 butIgot11 and12 quickerandquicker Icouldshareinforma

13、tionwithothersandtalktoeachotherthroughanet 1642 1822 machine 1936 building universal intelligence As larger larger cleverer cleverer 一 二 三 四 Itissincethe13 thatmyfamilyandIhavebeenusedbybillionsofpeople IamhappythatIhavetrulybeenbuilttoservethe14 15 sincemybirth 1970s human race 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 In193

14、6myrealfather AlanTuring wroteabookabouthowIcouldbemadetoworkasa universalmachine tosolveanydifficultmathematicalproblem 在1936年 我真正的父亲 艾伦 图灵写了一本书 讲述了怎样能使我成为一台 通用机器 来解决任何数学难题 考点solvevt 解决 解答 高考典句 2015 天津高考 Weneedtogettotherootoftheproblembeforewecansolveit 在我们解决问题之前 我们必须弄清问题的根源 1 2 3 4 5 6 高考典句 2015

15、安徽高考 However thisisnotenoughtosolveourproblem 然而 这还不足以解决我们的问题 Wetriedtosolveacrosswordpuzzle 我们试着解答一道纵横字谜 归纳 solve意为 解决 时 其宾语多为problem mystery puzzle difficulty等 指找出解决问题的办法 solutionn 解决Thereisnosimplesolutiontotheproblemofoverpopulation 对人口过多的问题没有简单的解决方法 1 2 3 4 5 6 活学活用语法填空1 ThisisthebestwayIhaveth

16、oughtof solve theproblem 2 Wearelookingforwardtoseeingthetrafficproblems solve tosolve solved 单句改错3 Thesolveoftheproblemneedsalotoftime 答案 solve solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 Fromthenon Igrewrapidlybothinsizeandinbrainpower 从那时起 我在体积和脑容量方面迅速成长 考点from on从 时起Fromnowon weshouldpaymoreattentiontoprotectingtheenvironment 从现在起 我们应该更加注意保护环境 Fromthenonherefusedtotalkaboutit 从那时起 他拒绝谈那件事 FromtomorrowonIwillbeahappyman 从明天起 我要做一个快乐的人 1 2 3 4 5 6 活学活用完成句子1 从那时起 他没有来过这个村庄 hedidn tcometothevillage 2 我们从现在起就应该努力学习 w


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