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1、小升初模拟考试英语卷时间:区(县): 机构名称: 姓名: 家长联系电话: 线封密30分钟 分数50分1、 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( )1.My grandpa usually mink for breakfast.A.have B.had C.has D.having( )2.Im going to an English teacher.A.be B.is C.are D.am( )3.The pair of glasses in my handbag.A.is B.are C.am D.be( )4.- are your English books? -Eighteen yuan.

2、A.What B.How many C.How much D.How( )5.There some bread and some apples on the tables.A.is B.are C.be D.am( )6.- you your homework last night? -Yes,I did.A.Did;do B.Do;do C.Do;did D. Did;did( )7.This isnt bag.Its .A.her;mine B.hers;my C.her;me D.her;my( )8.Toms and Tonys work in the same school.A.mo

3、thers B.mother C.mothers D.mothers( )9.Look!They football on the playground.A.play B.are playing C.are going to play D.playing( )10.Sunday is day of a week in English.A.first B.the first C.the seventh D.the last( )11.- there any books on the desk? -Yes,there a storybook and there picture books.A.Are

4、;are B.Is;is C.Is;are D.Are;is( )12.The Mid-Autumn Festival is usually September.A.in B.on C.at D.beside( )13.Do you enjoy basketball?A.to play B.playing C.play D.played( )14.Lucy likes playing piano,but Lily likes playing volleyball.A.the;/ B.the;the C./;the D./;/( )15.-What did you do last night ?

5、 -I did my homework and TV.A.watch B.watched C.will watch D.am watching2、 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Xiao Ling is a middle school student .She likes English and she is a good 1 it .She often _2 her parents about her English study .Now she is talking 3 her father about her English study again. Xiao Ling says,”

6、 Look, Dad, this is our new English book. There are a lot of interesting 4 in it.”“Mmm, not bad .Do you only speak English in class, 5 does your teacher explain everything to you in Chinese?” “Oh, our teacher speaks to 6 only in English .Sometimes its not easy for us 7 her, but she 8 listening and s

7、peaking help a lot .”“I think shes right. Does she speak English very slowly?”“Not 9 .Sometimes we dont understand her .Then she has to say it again.”“Its interesting to study English, isnt it?“Yes. And Im going to work 10 at it in the new school year.”“Thats good. Im sure youll study better.”( )1.A

8、.in B.with C.at D.about( )2.A.tells B.speaks C.says D.talks( )3.A.for B.with C.about D.on( )4.A.story B.a story C.stories D.storys( )5.A.and B.but C.how D.or( )6.A.we B.our C.us D.ours( )7.A.to understand B.understands C.understanding D.understood( )8.A.say B.says C.said D.to say( )9.A.always B.some

9、times C.good D.speak( )10.A.hard B.harder C.the harder D.hardest三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)Sam is a little fish. He has big eyes and green clothes. His tail is short. He live in the blue sea. He is very lonely(孤独的). He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him.Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has e

10、ight legs. He doesnt look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired. So he stops and wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him,“Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” S

11、am answers, “Of course! But you are round. I am flat(平的).” The round fish says, “But we are both fishes.” Sam thinks and says “You are right. Lets be friends.” They become good friends.( )1. How many legs does the ink fish have? A.six B.seven C.eight D.nine( )2. wants to eat Sam. A.A shark B. An ink fish C. A round fish D.A friend( )3. What does Sam look like? A.he is round and fat B.he is flat C.he has big ears and green clothes D.he has a long tail( )4. What does the underlined word“tired”mean?A.口渴的 B.劳累的


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