四年级英语(上册) Unit 1 Let's Go !lessson3 Bicycle教案 冀教版(三起)

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四年级英语(上册) Unit 1 Let's Go !lessson3 Bicycle教案 冀教版(三起)_第1页
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《四年级英语(上册) Unit 1 Let's Go !lessson3 Bicycle教案 冀教版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语(上册) Unit 1 Let's Go !lessson3 Bicycle教案 冀教版(三起)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、unit1 Lesson3 Bicycles一 教学目标:知识目标:掌握本课重点概念: bicycle, tire,seat,wheel,chain,bell near,far from2.能力目标:使学生能够熟练运用本课对话。3.情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。二、教学重难点: 1创编对话。三、教具、学具:1. bicycle,near,far的图片.2.录音机及磁带 3.单词卡片四、教学过程1.Greetings 2.Demonstrate: Part1:Show a picture of “bicycle”.Explain that most English speakers shor

2、ten this word to “bike”. Hold up the large picture of the bicycle ,teach the name of each part and students say them a few times. Drill the students on the new vocabulary as you point to the bicycle and its parts.Listen to part 1 and students try to follow it. Play a game: Whats missing? Part2: Remi

3、nd the students of the concepts “above,below,beside,across from,in,on,under.”教师通过把一些物品放在不同的位置来演示这些概念,然后问:Where is it ? 提醒学生this和that的区别.使用同样的物品来示范near,far.向学生展示如何使用near,far来表示远近关系. Listen to the part2 and follow it. Part3: Play the tape as students follow in their books.discuss the questions: a:Where does LiMing want to go? b:Is the library far or near? Listen to part 3 again and students try to follow it.3.Practice:Place an object close to or far from another object.Ask “Is thenear or far from the?”4.做5. 作业: a. 完成剩余部分. b. 对话练习.板书设计: Lesson3:BicyclesBicycle的简笔画farnear2



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