2018春八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents(第3课时)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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《2018春八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents(第3课时)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018春八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents(第3课时)教学课件 (新版)人教新目标版(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section A (Grammar focus-4c),Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents?,make sth. clear (同义词) _ talk (同义词) _ not allow (同义词) _ worried (同义词) _ get along with (同义词) _ communicate (名词)_ old (比较级) _,Revision,一、按要求写出下列词汇或词组。,get on with,communicate,explain,refuse,nervous,communication,older/ elder,根据课本内容

2、,完成下列句子。,1. 你看上去很疲劳,怎么了? You _ tired. Whats _ _? 2. 昨晚,我一直学习到午夜,因此我没有睡足觉。 I studied _ _ last night so I didnt _ _ sleep.,Grammar focus,until midnight,look the matter,get enough,3. 我应该做什么? _ _I do? 4. 你为什么不忘掉此事呢?尽管她错了, 但那不是一件大事。 _ _ you forget about it? _ shes wrong, its not _ _ _.,What should,Why do

3、nt,Although,big deal,a,5. 他应当如何做? _ _ he do? 6. 他应当和他的朋友谈一下,以便他能向他道歉。 He _ _ _ his friend _ _ he can say hes sorry.,What should,should talk to,so that,7. 或许你应当去他家。 _ you _ go to his house. 8. 我猜我可以,但是我不想让他吃惊。 I guess I _, but I dont want to _ _.,Maybe could,could,surprise him,Grammar Focus,表达征求意见的用法

4、:,What/How about名词/动名词?,Why dont you? 是否定性特殊疑问句。,Why not动词原形?,Grammar Focus,Could 和should 的用法,1. Why dont you do sth.? 这是给别人提建议, 建议某人做什么事情的句型。 e.g. Why dont we come more often? 咱们为什么不经常来这里呢? e.g. Why dont you buy a book for your father? 给你爸爸买本书怎么样? 这个句子还可以写成Why not do? e.g. Why not get her a camera?

5、 为什么不给她买个相机呢? 这个句型还有发出礼貌地邀请的用法。 Why dont you have a drink of tea? 请喝茶。 = Why not have a drink of tea?,2. How/What about? 表示“怎么样/好吗?” 这个句型是询问听话这一方对某事物的看法或者 意见。about是个介词, 它后面要接名词或者doing。 e.g. How about his playing football? 他足球踢得怎么样? What about swimming with us? 和我们一起游泳怎么样? How about her English? 她的英语

6、怎样?,3. could和should都可以用来表示建议或劝 告,前者比后者在语气上更加婉转、客气。 could意为“可以” should意为“应该;应当”。 e.g. I need some money to pay for the summer camp. You should / could borrow some money from your brother. 我需要些钱来支付(参加)夏令营的费用。 你应该/可以向你的哥哥借一些钱。,表建议的句型:,You should/could +v. Why dont you +v.? Why not +v.? Could you please

7、 +v.? Youd better (not) +v. Would you mind doing? What about/How about + n./doing?,Its not good habits to copy others homework. 抄袭别人的作业不是好习惯。,1. copy v. 复制;复印,2. return v. 回来;回去,They didnt return until yesterday afternoon. 直到昨天下午他们才回家。,New Words,拓展:return 归还 = give back,You must return these books a

8、nd magazines in a week. 你必须在一周之内归还这些书籍和杂志。,4a,Fill in the blanks with although, so that or until.,1. A: Whats wrong? B: My sister borrows my clothes without asking. What should I do? A: Well, you could tell her that this makes you angry _ shell ask you next time.,so that,2. A: I dont have any friend

9、s at my new school. What should I do? B: _ you dont have any now, you will soon make some. 3. A: Im worried about my school grades. Whats your advice? B: You shouldnt wait _ the last minute to study for a test.,Although,until,4. A: Mike is my best friend, but he always copies my homework. What shoul

10、d I do? B: _ hes your best friend, you should still tell him that copying others homework is wrong.,Although,Write one piece of advice for each problem. Then compare your advice with your partners and decide whether the advice is good or bad.,4b,1. Im very shy. Advice: _ _ 2. My sister and I fight a

11、ll the time. Advice: _ _ _,Why dont you join a club at school and make more friends?,You could try to do more fun things with her so that you will like each other better and not fight so often.,3. My sister spends all evening on the phone. Advice: _ _ _ _ _,Maybe you could encourage her to do other

12、things, such as go to a movie with you. If you need to use the phone, maybe you could tell her nicely and say that you need to use the phone for a short while.,4. My cousin borrows my things without returning them. Advice: _ _ _ _,Maybe you should tell him nicely how you feel about it and ask him if

13、 you could have your things back when he doesnt need them anymore.,4c,Choose one of the problems and ask your classmates for advice. Decide which classmate has the best advice.,You left your homework at home. Your best friend is more popular than you. You are afraid of speaking in front of people. Your best friend does not trust you any more. Your parents always argue.,My best friend is more popular than me. I want to be like him. What should I do?,You could try to be friendlier.,You should just be yourself.,1. What should I _ (get) my mom for her birthday ? 2. Why dont you _ (get) her


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