北师大【一起】小学英语六上(下册)《unit 7 The mountain bike race》word教案 (4)

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《北师大【一起】小学英语六上(下册)《unit 7 The mountain bike race》word教案 (4)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大【一起】小学英语六上(下册)《unit 7 The mountain bike race》word教案 (4)(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、苏教牛津版六年级英语下册Unit 7 The mountain bike race课题: Unit 7 The mountain bike race 教学内容:Read and find out Listen and match Read and match Tell a friend教学目标知识、技能:通过阅读关于山地车培训的海报,训练学生寻找关键词、提取主要信息的能力。进行祈使句的语言输入,进行听力练习。过程、方法:通过对主体故事的扩展,这张海报格式清楚,生词也不多。在阅读前,先让学生说一说自己学骑自行车的经历,进行讨论。这能激活学生先前经验,提高学生对内容的敏感度,阅读后的问答题和判断正

2、误是对学生阅读的反馈检测。听力、连线活动,从听和读两个方面提供语言输入,其中听力活动是关于游泳池的规定,继续加大对学生的祈使句语言输入,进行听力练习。情感、态度:培养学生参与体育运动、锻炼身体的习惯,培养学生安全意识,学会在运动中保护自己。重难点重点: 巩固对祈使句的掌握。难点:训练学生寻找关键词、提取主要信息的能力。课堂活动安排教学步骤及目的教师活动学生活动 复备I. Warm-upII. Read and find outPlay a kinesthetic game. Call out some of the commands and explain that Ss are to mim

3、e the actions according to the adverb,Stand up slowly! Sit down fast! Cry sadly! Smile happily! Walk around quietly! Go to the board quickly! Close your eyes sleepily! Pedal hard! Knock on the door loudly! Draw a circle in the air carefully!Lead-in: T: What sports can you play? How do you learn to p

4、lay them?Write the sports names on the board.T: You are going to read about learning to ride a bike in “Mountain Bike Riding Lesson”.Task 1: T: Look at the questions. Pay attention to the key words such as “where”, “when”. Read the paragraph silently and ask any vocabulary questions they might have.

5、听老师指令做动作,注意副词。阅读短文,回答后面的问题。两人一组互相检查答案。课堂活动安排教学步骤及目的教师活动学生活动复备III Listen and match IV. Read and matchGive Ss enough time to decide the answers for the questions individually and then have Ss word in pairs to check their answers.Task 2: T: Read the 4 statements in True or False.Give Ss a few minutes t

6、o decide the answersT: Please read the paragraph again to check your answers.Let them find the original sentences, read them aloud.Follow-up: role-play. Two Ss work together, in which one plays the role of calling to ask about the riding lesson, and the other plays the role of answering the question

7、s. T: Look at the pictures. What can you say about them?Youre going to hear six rules at the Red rock Bay Health Club Swimming Pool. You have to match each rule with the correct picture.Play the tape.Play the tape againCheck the answers in a class drill.T: You are going to complete each sentence on

8、the left by choosing an ending once only.Explain lifejacket, landing, seatbelt.Check the answers by reading aloud the first part of the sentence and choosing Ss to tell you how the completed it.再次阅读短文,判断对错。独处原文中相应的句子一人询问有关自行车课的问题,一人回答,2人一组编小对话。Swimming pool, swim cap, shouting, lifeguard, take a sho

9、wer etc.Point to the picture that matches the rule.Write the number of sentence in the little box in the correct picture.Read the options to choose from and ask any vocabulary questions.Complete the exercise individually or in pairs.课堂活动安排教学步骤及目的教师活动学生活动复备V. Tell a friendT: Look at the exercise at t

10、he bottom of the page and read aloud the instruction, Tell a friend something you must always do and something you must never do at your school.Model the examples shown by reading aloud and having Ss repeat after T.T:Now find a friend and tell him or her about those.Feedback: Have pairs volunteer to tell the rest of the class what they just practiced with a friend.听懂题目要求。跟读例句。Work in pairs and tell each other two things they think of, following the example the have just repeated.板书设计:课后小结:


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