译林版(三起)六年级下册英语Unit 5 A party (Period 3)

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《译林版(三起)六年级下册英语Unit 5 A party (Period 3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林版(三起)六年级下册英语Unit 5 A party (Period 3)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小学英语(六年级下册)Unit 5 A party (Period 3)教学内容:Cartoon time & Culture time 教学目标:1 能熟练运用本单元所学的词句谈论有关派对的内容。2 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事。3 了解西方国家的派对文化习俗,能说出一些相关的注意事项。4.了解中西派对文化差异,培养学生的跨文化意识。教学重难点:1能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事。2了解西方国家的派对文化习俗,能说出一些相关的注意事项。教学过程:Step 1 Warm up1. Play a game: Gu

2、essing game: clown/ Childrens Day T: Lets have some fun first.根据描述来猜 T: He looks funny and makes people laugh. He has a red nose and wears funny clothes. Who is he? T: It is a holiday, Its in June, Children like it. What is it? Ss: Its Childrens Day! 2. RevisionT: What are they going to do On Childr

3、ens Day? Use“am/is/are going to” to ask and answer questions about their party(提示词When? Where? What?)Step 2 Culture time1 Think and talk (group work)When we go to a party, We should T: When you go to a Chinese party, what should you do? S: We should 2. Culture time T: When you go to a Western party,

4、 what should you do?We shouldWhen you go to a Western party,you should take a gift. Do not arrive too early. You can be a few minutes late.(teach the new word: arrive 联系已学单词away, ride启发学生自己试着读一读) 3. Lets compare: Chinese party and Western party4. Lets learn moreT: Boys and girls, lets learn more inf

5、ormation about parties Step 3 Cartoon time 1. Lead in :T: Sam, Bobby and their friends are very happy. Why? Bobbys class is going to have a party too. 2. Read, match and report. T: Bobbys class is going to have a party too. What are they going to do at the party? S: Billy/Willy is going toSam and Bo

6、bby are going to3. Think and answerT: Does Bobby enjoy being the king? Why?4. Reading timea. Read after the tape(分析每幅图中Bobby的心情变化)b. Read togetherc. Read in rolesd. Read one by one5. Acting timeAct it out in groups.(可以根据自己的理解,适当添加话语) Step 4 Lets chat(以邀请函的形式邀请你的朋友来参加。) 你们快要毕业了,今年是你们过的最后一个儿童节,请你们聊聊各自

7、聚会的打算吧。 Step 5 Homework 1.Read Cartoon time for 5 times. 2.Tell the story to your friends and parents. 3.Surf the internet and find out more party manners (上网浏览并找出更多聚会礼仪) 板书设计: Unit 5 A party We should play the piano tell a story put on a play 教学反思:这节课的教学内容不算多,因为介于我们学校学生的实际情况而定的,多了怕学生掌握不了。在教学culture

8、 time时,我采用比较中西方派对的相同和不同之处,渗透更多中西方文化意识,把culture time上充实。通过学习,让学生无论参加哪种派对,都要有相应的好习惯。在教学cartoon time时,我认真研究教材,关注Bobby的心情变化,便于学生在表演过程中突出故事中Bobby的心情变化和趣味性。在最后一个环节,我设计一个学生即将毕业,今年是他们在校过的最后一个儿童节。我想这样真实且生活化的话题,学生应该有话语说。整节课上下来,学生善于表达,气氛活跃,特别是在表演过程中,学生课前预设好的添加话语,演出了故事的趣味性,通过动作和表情体现Bobby的心情变化。在最后一个环节时间用的太少,在cartoon time的朗读和表演的次数可以减少,多留点时间给最后一个环节,效果会更好。


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