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1、 小升初英语模拟检测题 一、单选题。 1.How many are there in your house? A.bathroomsB.a bathroomC.bathroom2.Its time _ the weather forecast. A.atB.toC.for3.She wanted _ walk to the kitchen, A./B.toC.and4. is your birthday? Next Sunday.A.WhenB.WhatC.How5.How about _a film in the cinema tonight? A.seeingB.seeC.to seeD.

2、to seeing6.吴一帆想跟你去踢足球,你答应了,就说: A.OK, go to the playground.B. OK, go to the canteen.7.The Easter holiday, the summer holiday and the Christmas holiday are three main school holidays in the _. A.ChinaB.UKC.Japan8.Welcome _our school. A.onB.forC.to9.Mrs Smart is _ teacher. A.IB.mineC.my10.is on 1st Jun

3、e. A.Childrens DayB.May DayC.Womens Day11._ is your cola?Its three dollars.A.How muchB.How manyC.How often12.This is teacher, Miss White. A.IB.myC.me13.We can help you find . A.himB.heC.she14.我的笔记本在哪里? A.Where is my Chinese book?B.Where is my notebook?15.Is it in spring or autumn? A.Yes, it is.B.No,

4、 it isnt.C.Neither.二、选词填空。16.Our English teacher is Mrs. Zhao. We all like _ (she / her). 17.Good _ (morning / evening), Linda! 18.Joy worked with wild animalsShe_(findfound)a lion on her way home 19._ (soft/hard) 20.Tom is the _ (taller/tallest) in our class. 21.我会用am, is, are填空。 (1)His name _Zhang

5、 Peng. (2)Amy _from Canada. (3)Where _you from? (4)I _a girl. (5)We _friends. 22.We _ (get up/gets up) at seven every morning. 23._(jelly/juice) 24.Here we are. Lets get_(inoff)the bus. 25._ (OnIn) Thursday we have an English lesson. 三、用所给单词的适当形式填空26.Its rainy now. The children are_the room. (介词) 27

6、.Mum and Dad _(walk) in the park. 28.There _(be)two _(pair)of shoes over there. 29.Ill have a _(dance)lesson on Friday. 30.As a student, we should know the _ of learning English. (important) 31.Tom _(love) horses very much. 32.What_you_(do)next Saturday? I_(swim)with my parents.33.What_you_(do) now?

7、 I_(color) the picture.34.My father _ (cook) fish yesterday. 35.My brother _short last year . Now he _ tall . 四、连词成句。36.lets, football, play(.) 37.will , what , you , on , do , Monday_(?)38.often, ping-pong, I, play, father, with, my (.)(连词成句) 39.under are presents it the (.)(连词成句) 40.play games lik

8、e They to (. )_五、快乐阅读。41.阅读判断。 My names JohnToday is my birthdayIm nineI like animals(动物)I like pandasThey are funnyI like eating, tooI like fish and eggsI have a birthday cake and many giftsLets eat the birthday cake,OK?(1)John is ten today (2)John likes animals (3)John likes cats (4)John likes bre

9、ad and eggs (5)John have a birthday cake 42.根据短文内容,判断句子正误。 Danny wasnt strong because he didnt eat vegetables. He liked to eat snacks(点心). Li Ming told Danny that they were bad for him. He should eat more vegetables. Because they are good for his health. Now Danny eats vegetables every day. He likes

10、 tomatoes best. He eats tomatoes three times a day.(1)Danny wasnt strong because he didnt eat vegetables. (2)Danny liked to eat snacks before. (3)Vegetables are bad for our health. (4)Now Danny likes potatoes best. (5)Now Danny eats tomatoes three times a day. 六、书面表达。43.假如你是Bill, 请根据下面提供的信息写一篇介绍自己的短文。要求:条理清晰, 语句连贯, 标点正确, 书写清晰、规范。40-50个单词。参考答案 一、单选题。 1. A



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