北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 6 Review》PPT课件 (1)

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《北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 6 Review》PPT课件 (1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 6 Review》PPT课件 (1)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,1.体育世界 2.一周新闻摘要 3.伴随许多最新信息 4.涉及不同的体育项目 5.发现它有点无聊 6.大量的采访 7.一些著名的足球运动员 8.即将来临的世界杯 9.他们的近期工作 10.写下你的答案,sports world a weekly round-up with lots of up-to-date information cover different sports find it a bit boring a number of interviews some famous football players the coming World Cup their recent w

2、ork write down your answers,11.be covered live 12.win two free concert tickets 13.send text messages to 14.vote online for their favorite songs 15.many famous Asian pop stars 16.Beijing Music Awards 17.during the programme 18.a report on preparations,11.被现场直播 12.赢得两张免费的音乐会门票 13.发送短信到 14.在线投票选举他们最喜欢的

3、歌曲 15.许多著名的亚洲流行明星 16.北京音乐颁奖典礼 17.在节目期间 18.一则关于准备工作的报道,乡村小屋谋杀案 一部恐怖片 被发现死了 自杀 找到答案 直到电影结束时 充满恐怖和神秘感 喜欢解决神秘的问题 容易害怕 表演得很出色,murder in a country house a horror film be found dead kill oneself find out the answer until the end of the film be full of horror and mystery enjoy solving mysteries get scared e

4、asily do/play very well,一部一小时的纪录片 近距离的观察 印度虎的生活 面临危险 因为它们的皮和虎而被猎杀 一个动物爱好者 觉得心神不安 展示生活在自然栖息地的老虎 欣赏印度的风景 因为其令人惊奇的摄影获奖,a one-hour documentary take a close look at the life of tigers in India face danger be killed for their skin and bones an animal lover feel a bit disturbed show the tigers in their nat

5、ural habitat see scenes of India win an award for its amazing photography,看电视的习惯 花在看电视上的时间 采访3个学生 对不同的电视节目感兴趣 相当乏味 喜欢关于动物的节目 看电视达半小时 戏剧俱乐部的一员 认为关于体育的节目无聊 喜欢和她的猫玩,TV viewing habits,time spent watching TV,interview 3 students,be interested in different TV programmes,rather boring,like programmes about

6、 animals,watch TV for half an hour,a member of the Drama Club,find programmes about sports boring,like playing with her cat,. In a film, a doctor is found dead in his house. (总结dead、die、death、dying的用法) e.g. 1) 他的奶奶在一个冬天的早晨去世了。 His grandma on a cold winter morning. 2) 他的奶奶去世五年了。 His grandma for five

7、years. 3) 他的奶奶的死让他很伤心。 His grandmas made him very sad. 4) 有人在房里发现他的奶奶时,她死了。 His grandma was found in her room. 5) 医生正在救那个垂死的老人。 The doctor is saving the _ old man.,died,has been dead,death,dead,dying,1. fromto 和betweenand 的用法 e.g. 1) 请告诉他在八点到九点之间给我打电话。 Please tell him to call me . 2) 我们每星期天从上午8点到12点

8、上课。 We have classes 8:00 12:00 every Sunday morning. 2. not until的用法以及与when 、before 、after从句的转换 e.g. 昨天我做完作业后才睡觉。 I went to bed I finished my homework yesterday. I to bed I finished my homework yesterday.,between 8 and 9,from,to,after,didnt go,until,Use while and as to talk about when things happen.

9、,Grammar,Long action,while,Long action,Shorter action,while,Long action,Shorter action,as,Long action,Shorter action,as,shorter action,while, as,这两个连词都可引导时间状语从句,但用法有所不同。 当某事正在进行的时候,又发生了另 一件事。While, as 都可用来引导表示 “背景”的时间状语从句。 As/While I was walking down the street I noticed a police car.,2) 当两个长动作同时进行的

10、时候, 常用的是while。 While Mother was cooking lunch, I was doing my homework. 3) 当两个动作都表示发展变化的情况时,最常用的是as。 As children get older, they become more and more interested in things around them.,4) 当两个短动作同时发生时,或表示“一边一边”时,最常用as。 Just as he caught the fly, he gave a loud cry. She looked behind from time to time

11、as she went,3. while,as 的用法。 e.g. 1) 当Millie在看电视的时候,Eddie正在睡觉。 Millie TV, Eddie . 2) 当Millie看电视的时候,Andy打开了门。 Millie TV, Andy_ the door. 3) 当Millie坐在沙发上的时候,Andy走进了教室。 Millie down on the sofa, Andy _into the classroom.,While,was watching,was sleeping,While/As,was watching,opened,As,sat,walked,Rules,ha

12、rder higher faster,hardest highest fastest,more slowly more carefully more quickly,most slowly most carefully most quickly,early-earlier-earliest,better more less worse farther,best most least worst farthest,4. 副词的比较级、最高级的用法与构成,识记一些特殊变化词。 副词的比较级、最高级的构成与形容词相仿,但是,以后缀ly结尾的副词要用more 和most.如:easily, more

13、easily,most easily e.g.1) Friendship中的就演员比Spacemen on Earth中的演员演得好。 The actors in Friendship act than in Spacemen on Earth. 2)北京的天气比南京的天气干燥. The weather in Beijing is than in Nanjing.,better,drier,13.make a plan 14.send out programmes on TV 15.a weekly round-up 16.lots of up-to-date information 17.w

14、in the competition 18.send text messages 19.vote online for the favourite songs 20.think of a surprising ending21.think more carefully than anyone else 22.the coming World Cup 23.get/be angry with each other 24.argue about,1.win a great prize 2.such interesting stories 3.read a TV guide online 4.announce the result live 5.take a close look at 6.the least favourite programme 7.a thank-you letter 8.be found dead in the house 9.two free concert tickets 10.be full of horror and mystery 11.between 2 to 7 12.a horror film directed by,



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