北师大【一起】小学英语五(上册)《unit 5 I’m taller than mocky》PPT课件 (3)

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1、北师大版小学英语五年级上,Lesson 1,Unit 5 I am taller than Mocky,指导思想和理论依据:,英语课程标准强调:课程从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。基于此,本节课通过猜测人物语言、模仿表演、自主阅读的方式引导学生通过感知、体验、实践、合作的方式理解、学习故事。,教材分析,本课以Mocky, Ken, Ann在商业街看到免费的身高体重测量仪,于是分别测量每个人的身高体重,调皮的Mocky踩着秤导致称出来Ann比Ken要重的故事呈现了询问人物身高体重的表达及比较。,学情分析,学生能用t

2、all/short/fat/thin等形容词描述事物特征,能用“How old? How much ? ”进行询问。经过对本册书前四个单元的学习,学生能用过去时描述发生的事情。,由于故事内容明显变的比较难,尤其加上了篇章的内容,他们就不再有很高的学习兴趣,因此在本课的设计中有意识的用多种形式学习故事,激发学生的学习兴趣。,知识与技能,1.理解故事大意,能基本认读故事,在图片的帮助下复述故事。,2.能用功能句How tall ? I am centimeters tall. How much weigh? I weigh kilograms. 询问并回答身高和体重。,3.根据故事情节用 tall

3、er/shorter/heavier than the shortest/tallest.描述图片。,过程与方法,1、通过预测故事情节、模仿表演、自主阅读的方式进行故事学习。 2、通过看动画、模仿录音等方式,进一步养成认真倾听,形象模仿的学习习惯。,情感态度与价值观,渗透友善乐观的生活态度。,教学重难点,教学重点:理解故事大意,能用功能句How tall ? I am centimeters tall. How much weigh? I weigh kilograms. 询问并回答身高和体重。,教学难点:知道Ann比Ken矮但却比Ken重的原因。,复习数字,铺垫故事 2,多种方式,学习故事

4、20,培养语调,朗读故事 8,词图复述,输出故事 3,教 学 过 程,联系实际,拓展运用 6,30,80,47,85,100,130,135,140,147,We can check our height.,Scale,Height rod,出示测量仪,导入故事,We can check our weight.,I want to check,We can ,We can ,Ann Ken and Mocky wanted to check their height and weight. They were at the town center.,What did they say?,整体播

5、放无文字的课件2-5,布置填写表格记录故事中人物的身高的任务。,centimeter,Look! Ken measured Mocky first. Lets act out. Who wants to be Mocky/Ken?,I am taller than I am the ,I am taller than I am shorter than,I am shorter than I am the ,比较身高,Who is taller, Ann or Mocky?板书课题 I am taller than Mocky, too.,Who is the tallest? Who is

6、the shortest?,They knew their height. They wanted to know their weight. They weighed Ken first.,How much do I weigh?,You weigh 33 kilograms.,kilogram,How much does Ken weigh?,33 /35 /38kg ?,Ken weighs _ kg.,Ken is heavier than Ann. Ann is heavier than Ken.,Discuss with your partner, who is heavier?,

7、How much does Ann weigh? Ann weighs _ kg.,Who is heavier? Lets read the story from picture 6. 学生阅读量体重的情节。,Was anything wrong? Mocky had his foot on the scale.,Ann is shorter but heavier than Ken!,播放6-9,播放录音 翻书跟读语篇,自主朗读 对话和语篇,培养语调,朗读故事 8,播放课件 欣赏故事,词图复述,输出故事 3,town center,shorter/ taller than,heavier,联系实际,拓展运用 6,How tall are you? How much do you weigh?,I am cm tall. I weighkg.,We checked our height and weight last week. Do you remember your height and weight?,Group work:,1、听录音,跟读故事。 2、调查自己家人身高和体重,并且介绍。,作业布置,布置作业1,Thank You !,



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