外研社(三起)三年级上册英语Module 9 Unit 1 This is my mother (6) 教案

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《外研社(三起)三年级上册英语Module 9 Unit 1 This is my mother (6) 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研社(三起)三年级上册英语Module 9 Unit 1 This is my mother (6) 教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研社新标准小学英语(三年级起)第一册 Module 9 Unit 1 This is my mother. 教学设计 教材内容Part 1: Heres my father. Heres my mother. Heres my sister. Heres my brother.Part 2: Look, this is my mother. And shes my teacher. This is my father. This is my grandpa. This is my grandma. And is this your sister, Amy? No, it isnt. That

2、s me! Thats my brother, Tom.教材分析本课是新标准英语三年级起点第一册Module 9 Unit 1。本模块以Family为主要话题。Unit1呈现了Sam与Lingling谈论Sam家的全家福。通过Sam一一介绍自己的家庭成员,在语言运用过程中巩固This is .句型。Unit2呈现了有关职业名称。本模块设计为三个课时完成,本课是第一课时。 Unit 1的语言功能是用This is my mother.等类语句来介绍家庭成员。重点学习家庭成员名称。This is my . 结构在本册书中Module7 Unit 1曾经出现过,学生并不是很陌生,学生能认读、表达。但

3、是用句型This is my .She s/ Hes a 来介绍家庭成员及人物的职业还需要创设情境,在活动中反复练习直到熟练。教学对象分析经过前几个模块的学习,学生们具备了一定的听说技能,因此我们在课堂教学中采用多种教学手段交替使用,尽量利用图片及课件等直观教具进行教学,尽可能创设真实、有趣的语言情境,使他们在参与、体验、合作与交流中,让学生的英语学习更贴近生活,落到实处,使他们积极参与,乐于用英语介绍自己的家人及他们家人的职业。教学设计理念本模块着重是运用This is my_?向他人介绍自己的家庭成员。本模块的学习重点是家庭成员名称和职业名称。句型This is my 不是学生第一次接触,

4、他们在Module 7已经学过。本单元在运用句型This is my 的基础上,学习家庭成员名称,并作为学习重点。通过联系生活,使学生真实体会语言的意义,并通过创设情境,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,训练学生口语的表达能力。教学目标1.知识目标:能够在图片的帮助下听懂、认读、会说单词mother, father, me , grandma, grandpa, sister, brother.2能力目标(1)能够口头运用This is my mother.这类语句介绍家庭成员,并能在实际学习生活中运用、交流、讨论。(2)能在教师在帮助和图片的提示下正确的描述课文。3情感目标(1)在学习中体会到家庭的重

5、要性和对家人的爱。(2)通过任务活动,学生与人交往的能力和小组合作学习的能力得以提高。教学重点、难点(1) 能在图片的提示下用This is my mother.这类语句介绍家庭成员(2) 能够口头运用This is my mother.这类语句介绍家庭成员,并能在实际学习生活中运用、交流、讨论。教学方法1. 直观教学法 2.情境教学法; 3.语篇教学法 教学准备课件、卡片、图画教学过程教学环节教师活动预设学生学习活动设计意图Step 1Warming up and Lead in1. Greetings. 2. Sing a song. “Whats this?”3.Show the pic

6、tures of Activity 1 , let Ss watch and listen.1. Greetings.2. Sing a song. “Whats this?”3. Listen and say.通过师生问答,快速拉近师生之间的距离,课前唱英文歌曲,调动了学生的积极性,使学生很快进入学习英语的状态。通过直观的教学,让学生对所要学内容可以直接了解。Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the pictures of Sam and Lingling .2.Watch and listen to Activity 2 , then answer the quest

7、ion : How many people are there in Sams family? 3.Show the picture of Sams family to help Ss answer the question.4 Watch and listen again, then answer the question : Who are they?1. Ss watch and listen.S1:2.Ss answer the question.3.Ss watch and listen,answer the question.S2,S3,S4带着问题去听课文,有目的的锻炼学生的听力

8、,同时也让学生初步感知课文内容。利用图片帮助学生回答,让他们更容易了解。再次感知课文。Step 3Practice 1.Teach the new words with the pictures and the cards.Mother, mother, this is my mother.Father, father, this is my father.2.Get Ss to match the picture and the words.3. Let Ss listen and repeat.4.Retell.5. Get Ss to act out the dialogue in pa

9、irs.6.Let Ss work in group with the picture of Liu Xings family.1.Say the new words.2.Ss match the picture and the words.3. Listen and repeat. 4.Retell the text.5.Practice in pairs.6. Practice in groups.通过图片和卡片教学新词,形象而直观。把新词编成chant让学生容易接受。变化形式来了解课文,让学生不觉得学习的单调,以此保持他们的学习注意力。通过创设情境表演对话,小组合作学习,充分给孩子们展示

10、和合作学习的机会,以学生为主体的教学模式,更能激发孩子们学习的积极性和热情,从而进一步操练句型。Step4 Summary1. Go through the key words and sentences.2.Chant:Mother, mother, this is my mother.Father, father, this is my father.1.Read the words and sentences.2.Say the chant.把本课所学的内容编成chant,让学生在说唱中学习英语,更容易接受。Step 5Homework 1. Read the words and text three times.2. Introduce your family to your classmates in English.Do it after class.让学生在课后能复习所学知识,并提供了互相学习、互相交流的机会,增强他们英语学习的自信心。Step 6Blackboard design Module 9Unit 1 This is my mother.grandpa grandmafather motherme sister brother



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