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1、2018年三明市初中毕业班教学质量检测 英语 本试卷共 12 页袁满分 150 分遥 注意事项院 1.答题前袁考生务必在试题卷尧答题卡规定位置填写本人准考证号尧姓名等信息袁考生要认 真核对答题卡上粘贴的条形码的野准考证号尧姓名冶与考生本人准考证号尧姓名是否一致遥 2.选择题每小题选出答案后袁用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑袁如需改动袁 用橡皮擦干净后袁再选涂其他答案标号遥 非选择题答案用 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上 相应位置书写作答袁在试题卷上答题无效遥 3.考试结束袁考生必须将试题卷和答题卡一并交回遥 1. A.B.C. 玉援听力渊共三节袁20 小题曰每小题 1.5

2、分袁满分 30 分冤 第一节听句子听下面五个句子袁 从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项遥 渊每个句子读两遍冤 2. A.B.C. 3. A.B.C. 4. A.B.C. 5. A.B.C. 英语试题 第 1 页 渊共 12 页冤 第二节听对话听下面七段对话袁从每小题所给的 A尧B尧C 三个选项中选出正确答案遥 渊每段 对话读两遍冤 听第 1 段对话袁回答第 6 小题遥 6. What color does the woman like? A. White.B. Yellow.C. Pink. 听第 2 段对话袁回答第 7 小题遥 7. Where does the woman li

3、ve? A. In the mountains.B. In the town.C. In the city. 听第 3 段对话袁回答第 8 小题遥 8. How long has Mary lived here? A. For one month.B. For four years.C. For one year. 听第 4 段对话袁回答第 9 小题遥 9. What could the man probably be? A. A pilot.B. A doctor.C. A postman. 听第 5 段对话袁回答第 10尧11 小题遥 10. What does the man need

4、to write? A. A book report.B. An interview report.C. A research report. 11. How many books can the man borrow at a time? A. At least three.B. At most three.C. Only four. 听第 6 段对话袁回答第 12尧13 小题遥 12. How did the woman go to Paris? A. By air.B. By train.C. By car. 13. What does the woman think of her tr

5、ip? A. Interesting.B. Boring.C. Exciting. 听第 7 段对话袁回答第 14尧15 小题遥 14. What does the woman want to drink? A. Juice.B. Tea.C. Milk. 15. How much does the woman pay? A.$2.B.$6.C.$8. 第三节听对话根据你所听到的对话内容袁完成下面表格袁每空填一词遥 渊对话读三遍) Peter謘s Restaurant Reservation(预定) Form Name16Foster Reservationa table for17in th

6、e Green Light Room Whenat 7:0018Monday evening,19the third Number20guests 英语试题 第 2 页 渊共 12 页冤 域援选择填空 渊共 15 小题曰每小题 1 分袁满分 15 分冤 从每小题所给的 A尧B尧C 三个选项中袁选出可以填入空白处的正确答案遥 21. The TV play is great. I謘ve never seen such _ interesting one. A. aB. anC. the 22. 要 Is this iPad _? 要Yes. My parents bought it for my

7、 language learning. A. hisB. hersC. yours 23. 要How do you like the documentary 野Amazing China冶? 要It謘s _. It shows the great achievement of China. A. humorousB. funnyC. fantastic 24. 要The boy misses his parents very much援 要So he does. He _ the hometown for nearly a month援 A. has leftB. will leaveC. h

8、as been away from 25. 要I don謘t like either of the cameras. Please show me a _ one. 要OK, wait a minute please. A. thirdB. fourthC. fifth 26. 要I wonder whether Brazil will win the match later tonight. 要Go to bed first. I will wake you up _ the match starts. A. so thatB. as soon asC. even if 27. 要You _

9、 be happy with the strong public support you謘ve received. 要Yes, you are right. I謘m really excited. A. canB. mayC. must 28. The people who are more confident have more _ to make themselves successful. A. educationB. chancesC. choices 29. 要Get your passport ready. They謘ll _ it at the entrance. 要OK. I

10、put it in my handbag this morning. A. copyB. checkC. complete 30. I fel1 off the bike on my way to schoo1. _, I wasn謘t hurt. A. LuckilyB. SuddenlyC. Badly 31. 要Last year, China host BRF for International Cooperation 渊一带一路高峰会议冤successfully援 要Yes袁thousands of foreign guests _ to the meeting援 A. invite

11、dB. are invitedC. were invited 32. 要I want to buy a dress. But I have only a little money. 要The dresses here are all very cheap. And the blue one is _. Do you like it? A. cheaperB. the cheapestC. the dearest 33. 要I am sorry I lost the library book. 要I am afraid you have to _ it. A. pay forB. wait fo

12、rC. call for 英语试题 第 3 页 渊共 12 页冤 34. 要What did you do in today謘s history class? 要We talked about the characters _ have great influence on our Chinese history. A. whoB. whichC. what 35. 要Lin Tao, can you tell me _? 要It謘s about half and four hours謘 ride by high-speed railway. A. how far it is from Nan

13、chang to Guangzhou B. how soon you will make a journey to Mount Wuyi C. how much it is from Shanghai to Beijing 芋援完形填空 渊共 10 小题曰每小题 1.5 分袁满分 15 分冤 从每小题所给的 A尧B尧C 三个选项中袁选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案遥 Nowadays Dianzan is one of the most popular words on the Internet. When you think someone謘s ideas are right袁when you

14、think someone謘s articles are36袁or when you are moved by what someone writes袁 you can click 渊点击冤 the praise sign援 Anyhow袁 clicking the praise sign37that you agree with someone or praise someone援 Dianzan is a kind of Chinese Internet language援 People38use it when they surf the Internet援 There is a fun

15、ction of Dianzan in the QQ space援 The QQ space has had the function39 2010援 It didn謘t become very popular until Sina blog渊新浪博客冤40the function of Dianzan援 In recent years袁it has become more and more popular援 When the 2015 New Year came袁Chinese leader Xi used the word Dianzan to praise and express his

16、41to the great Chinese people援 Websites can know how many people support some ideas by42how many people click the praise sign援 Experts渊专家冤 can know43teenagers are caring about through what they click the sign for援 That can help them solve teenagers謘44援 Clicking the praise sign is really a渊n冤45thing援 Have you ever clicked the sign for anybody on the Internet钥 36. A. wonderfulB. terribleC. awfu


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