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1、一张图是否能表达千言万语Whether a picture can thousands of words or not?一张图是否能表达千言万语,我想是能的。文字是表达形式之一,但一定程度上来看,文字不正是从图片演变过来的吗?无论是古埃及的象形文字还是中国古代的甲骨文,亦或是古印度的印章文字,乍眼看去,都像是一个个图形。远古时期,在人类还未创造出文字的时代,图像就是十分必要的东西。古人类用它们记录事物,他们在石头上、岩洞里、泥板上刻画不同的图案来表达不同的意思。如今,科学家通过解读古代的壁画来研究古代人们当时的社会生活、经济和文化演变,壁画较清楚地彰显了当时人民的宗教信仰、风俗习惯甚至是政治制

2、度,是了解和研究古代历史的重要文献。Whether a picture can thousands of words or not,I think the answer is Yes.Character is one of the forms of expression. However, the text is evoluted from the picture to some extent, isnt it? No matter the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, Chinese ancient oracles, or the seal of the anc

3、ient Indian words, they all look like graphics at first sight. In ancient times, image is very necessary before people have created characters. People in ancient times used images to record things round them. They drew different images on the stone, cave and clay tablets to express different meaning

4、s.Nowadays, scientists study the evolution of social life, economics and culture by interpreting the ancient murals. The murals can clearly demonstrate the religious beliefs, customs and habits, and even political system at that time, so murals are important documents to understand and study the his

5、tory.比如中国著名的敦煌壁画,它记录了中国古代人民对飞天的梦想、对神灵的崇拜,不仅是历史的重要文献,还是文化的瑰宝;再比如没有文字的古文明印加文化。印加人在许多方面包括农业、畜牧业等,做出了重大贡献,但致命的是,他们没有成熟的文字。在这种情况下,图片显得尤为重要,现在人们能研究印加文化,很大程度上要归功图画。Take famous Chinese dunhuang murals as an example. They recorded the ancient Chinese peoples dream of flying and the worship for the gods. They

6、 are not only the important literature of history, but also the treasure of culture. Take another example, Inca culture-ancient civilization without word. The incas made significant contributions in many aspects, such as agriculture, animal husbandry, etc., but what is really fatal is that they didn

7、t have the matural character. In this case, the image is particularly important. Now that people can study the Inca culture should be greatly attributed to the images.除此之外,图片还能帮助人们更好地理解。历史书上配一张古物图显得更值得信服;生物书上配一张结构图就更显明了;地理书上配一张地图就更容易分析;数学几何如果能配上图,学生就会觉得省清许多。说到这,我不禁想到一个例子:数理逻辑的奠基人德摩根。他执教于伦敦大学期间开设的逻辑课

8、枯燥而乏味,因而学生对此大伤脑筋它太抽象了。一次他刚讲完了集合的运算性质,信手写了一题。题目长而复杂,让学生们晕头转向、叫苦不迭。这时,他突发奇想,借用图像解释了这道难题,促使学生一下明白了。你看,这是多么神奇,一张图表达出了语言和文字都无法表达的意思。In addition, pictures also can help people understand better. The history books with a antiquities figure appears to be more convincing; Biological books with a structure ar

9、e made more manifest; Geography books with a map can be analysed more easily; Geometry with pictures make students easier to work out. Speaking of it, I cant help thinking of an example: the founder of the mathematical logic - DE Morgan. He once taught at London University. During this period, he op

10、ened a course called the Logics which was dull and boring, so students were nerve-racking for it was too abstract. Once he had just finished the property of the collection operation, and then he conveniently wrote a subject which was so long and complicated that made the students vertigo and squeale

11、d. At this moment, he borrowed image to explain this problem and make students understand. You see, it is magical that a figure has expressed what the language and words couldnt express.再者,蒙克的呐喊也许无人不晓,一张图展现的是无尽的恐惧和绝望,看过画的人大概都能感受到画中人已被自己内心深处极度的恐惧彻底征服。这就是图的魅力,它有时甚至不满 10 英寸,但却包含了千言万语至少我认为是。Moreover, ma

12、ybe screamby monk is popular which shows endless fear and despair. People who has seen the picture can probably feel the people in the picture has been completely conquered by their inner extreme fear.This is the charm of the image. it is sometimes within 10 inches, but it contains thousands of words. At least I think so.



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