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1、广东实验中学20172018学年(下)初三级毕业班综合测试(二)注意:1考试时间为120分钟满分为110分。2试卷分为第卷(选择题)与第卷(非选择题)两部分。3选择题答案必须用2B铅笔在答题卡对应题号答题框内填涂,非选择题需在问卷指定位置作答。第I卷(选择题) 共75分一、语法选择(共15题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯性的要求,从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。Ones attitude is always important. If you are lazy and weak,you will never taste any succes

2、s. But if you are_1_,success and happiness will be more likely to come to you.I love eating persimmons (柿子). But you cant get them until autumn. If you try them before the right time, they probably_2_bad.In Grade9,because of my poor grades,my parents wereworried that I wouldnt be able to get into_3_

3、excellenthighschool. Theypushedme to study harder,but I didnt really understand_4_they were so anxious.Summer came, and I studied hard. The hot weather made me_5_sleepy and I couldnt focus on my textbooks. But every time I wanted to stop_6_, Mom would shout, Hey you! Think about your future, if you

4、dont work hard, youll regret it! I had to sit backdown again and return to my textbooks_7_ were full of words. But all Ithought aboutwas playing _8_my friends and eating persimmons.My mom would say to me, with a serious look on_9_face, If a persimmon tree doesnt grow in summer, it cant bear _10_ fru

5、it in autumn! Only by hard work can you get the good result of your work.Although I didnt understand it at that time,I_11_came to see the truth of her words.A few months later,Isucceeded in getting into the keyhighschool. It wasautumn.Walking in my new school,I could see quite a few persimmon trees.

6、 It was _12_ aredfruitthat it looked as if it was on fire. Suddenly,Irealizedthat working hard_13_be bitter but its fruit is sweet.My mom was right, if a persimmon tree doesnt grow during summer, it cant bear fruit in autumn. I smiled. I had grown through the summer_14_now it was autumn. The fruits

7、of my labors could _15_ by me now!( ) 1. A.work hardB.working hardlyC.hardly workD. hardworking( ) 2. A.tastedB. taste C.tastesD.have tasted( ) 3. A.aB.anC.theD./( ) 4. A.whatB.howC.whyD.that( ) 5. A.feelingB.to feelC.feltD.feel( ) 6. A.to workB. working C.workD.worked( ) 7. A.whoseB.whoC.whatD.whic

8、h( ) 8. A. about B.toC.withD.on( ) 9. A. her B.hersC.herselfD.she( ) 10. A.hundredB.hundreds ofC.hundredsD.two hundreds( ) 11. A.graduationB.gradualC. gradually D.graduated( ) 12. A.veryB.soC.suchD.too( ) 13. A.mayB.shouldC.mustD.need to( ) 14. A. and B.howeverC. or D. so( ) 15.A. be enjoyed B. enjo

9、y C. enjoying D. enjoyed二、完形填空(共10题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Long long ago, there was a bird made of stone.She lived in a beautiful forest between two mountains.The _16_ liked the forest very much, but she was very _17_, so she had to walk along the ground.She enjoyed look

10、ing up at the trees every day, but she also dreamed that one day, she would be able to _18_ and enjoy viewing the beautiful countryside from up high.But that _19_ was gone after the great fire.In the forest, all the plants and animals were dead.The stone bird was the only form of life able to surviv

11、e the fire.However, when she saw what the forest was like, she was _20_, and couldnt stop crying.She cried and cried day by day.She _21_ with such feeling that her tears were wearing away her stone body.Finally, the bird turned into a pool of _22_.But when the _23_ came out, the tears flew into the

12、sky and became a happy little cloud.It could fly over the trees and _24_ everything below.Since then, the little cloud travelled all over the world, enjoying the views of all the forests and beautiful countryside, and remembering what damage the fire brought to its own forest, the cloud is now very

13、careful to _25_ its rain down on any tree it sees burning.( )16.A.birdB.chickC. foxD.goat( )17.A. weakB.heavyC.lightD.tall( )18.A.walkB.runC.flyD.jump( )19.A.dreamB.houseC.foodD.friend( )20.A.sadB.tiredC.excitedD.bored( )21.A.laughedB.shookC.noddedD.cried( )22.A.fireB.airC.waterD.stone( )23.A.sunB.moonC.starD.earth( )24.A.look atB.look forC.



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