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1、2013单词及知识点 Unit 7 Will people have robots? 单词paperpepr 纸 pollution plun 污染;污染物 predictionprdkn预测 future fjutr 未来 polluteplut 污染 environment nvarnmnt 环境 planet plnt 行星 earthr n.地球;泥土 plant plnt 种植,植物 part prt 参加,部分peace pis和平 skyska 天空play a part 参与 astronautstrnt 宇航员 apartmentprtmnt 公寓房间rocket rkt 火

2、箭; spacespes .空间;太空evenivn 甚至;愈加 human hjumn 人的; n.人;人类 servantsrvnt 仆人 dangerous dendrs 危险的alreadylredi已经 factoryfktri 工厂 believe bliv 相信 disagree dsri不同意 shape ep 形状 fall fl 倒塌;跌倒possible psbl 可能的 probably prbbli 大概;或许;很可能 holiday hlde 假日 word wrd 单词;space station 太空站 over and over again 多次;反复地 hu

3、ndreds of 许多 ;大量; 成百上千 fall down 突然倒下;跌倒;倒塌 look for 寻找;寻求一、教材分析本单元通过“人们家里是否将会有机器人”这一话题引出将来时的用法,要求熟练掌握There will be.句型,以及表示请求的句型Will you ?的用法。因此There will be. 句型是教学重点。二、教学目标知识目标:(一)重点词汇paper pollution prediction future pollute environment planet earth plant part peace sea sky astronaut apartment roc

4、ket space even human servant dangerous already factory simple believe able disagree shape fall(fell) possible impossible side probably during holiday(二)重点短语SectionA:1.play a part in saving the earth 2.in 100 years 3.on computers 4.live to be.years old 5.less free time 6.world peace 7.be free 8.in gr

5、eat danger 9.in the future 10.move to other planets SectionB: 1.fly rockets to the moon2.on a space station 3.be able to4.look for5.look like6.take a holiday7.the meaning of. 8.wake up.9.one day10.hundreds of 11.over and over again12.do the same things as humans13.fall down 14.seem impossible15. as

6、a reporter(三)重点句型1.-What will the future be like?-Cities will be more polluted. And there will be fewer trees.2.-Will people use money in 100 years?-No,they wont. Eveyrthing will be free.3.-Will there be world peace?-Yes, I hope so.4.Kids will study at home on computers. 5.They wont go to school.6.P

7、eople will live to be 200 years old.7.We never know what will happen in the future.(四)语法:一般将来时一般将来时: 表示在将来某个时间要发生的动作或状态,三种基本结构: will +V. be going to +V. be + V.ing 一般将来时的时间状语:in + 时间,in the future,next + 时间1.Will +动词原型 eg. (1) Kids will study at home. (2) Everything will be free. (3) It will be sunn

8、y tomorrow. 否定结构: wont(will not)+动词原型 They wont visit Shanghai. 疑问句结构: Will kids study at home 2.由“be going to + 动词原形”构成,表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做到事情。Eg: Look at the black clouds!It is going to rain .看那些乌云要下雨了。We are going to take a walk after supper.饭后我们要去散步3.be+v.ing某些动词的进行时态表示将要发生的动作。go, come, leave, m

9、eet, start, begin, finish, fly, arrive. eg. Jack is waiting for a bus. He is going to the park.杰克正在等公共汽车,他要去公园My father is leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.我爸爸明天要去上海The shops are crowded.Because the Spring Festival is coming. 商店很拥挤因为春节就要到了4. “There be”句型的一般将来时肯定句: There will be +名词+其他成份注意:无论后面加单数名词或复数形

10、式,be都必须用原形。 There will be only one country in the future.否定句:在will后面加not. There wont be only one country in the future.一般疑问句:把will提到there之前。 Will there be only one country in the future? Yes, there will. / No, there wont.(五)话题本单元的核心话题是预测未来会发生什么,教材内容围绕着对未来生活的预测展开,让学生运用将来时预测未来的生活,这一话题容易引起学生的兴趣。能力目标:1.

11、 能够准确理解并运用将来时预测未来 2. 能够区分并准确运用fewer ,less 和 more3. 学会用there will be 去描述未来生活情感目标:1.充分发挥想象预测未来生活2.让学生在学习中学会合作,交流三、教材内容解读(一)重点1、The vocabulary.2、Make predictions(二)难点Use the simple future tense to predict the future and write a diary about the life in the future(三)考点 The simple future tense(四)解读单词1.pap

12、er n.纸;纸张 为物质名词,不可数,表示“一张纸”要用a piece of paperPlease give me a piece of paper. 请给我一张纸。【知识拓展】1).paper 可作定语paper money 纸币2).paper意为“试卷,论文”时,为可数名词Please hand out the papers.请分发试卷。2.pollution n.污染;污染物 不可数名词。不能用不定冠词修饰。Air pollution around the world is terrible now.现在全球的空气污染很严重。【知识拓展】pollution n.污染pollute vt.污染-polluted adj.被污染的3.predictionn. 预言;预测This prediction can come true.这个预言能实现。【知识拓展】Predict v. 预报;预言+-ion(名词后缀)-prediction n.预言;预测Can you predi


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