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1、站在历史新起点上的中国外交 Chinas Diplomacy at a New Historical Starting Point 在21世纪理事会北京会议上的演讲 -Speech at the 21st Century Council Beijing Conference 国务委员 杨洁篪 H.E. Yang Jiechi, State Councilor of the Peoples Republic of China 2013年11月2日,北京 Beijing, 2 November 2013尊敬的塞迪略主席,尊敬的各位贵宾,女士们,先生们:Your Excellency Mr. Ern

2、esto Zedillo, Chairman of the 21st Century Council,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,大家上午好21世纪理事会是国际著名智库,各位理事都是国际知名人士首先,我对21世纪理事会北京会议的召开表示热烈祝贺,对各位贵宾的到来表示热烈欢迎Good morning. The 21st Century Council is a world renowned think tank whose members are of international prominence. At the outset, I w

3、ish to extend warm congratulations on the convocation of this conference in Beijing and a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests.这次会议的主题是“读懂中国”,这不仅体现了21世纪理事会对中国的关注,也在一定程度上反映出国际社会希望更深入地了解中国这一主题具有重要的现实意义,有助于增进中外之间的相互理解与信任中方对此次会议十分重视今天下午,习近平主席将会见与会代表昨天,李克强总理在会议开幕式上致辞我想借此机会,就中国的外交政策谈几点看法,供各位参考The

4、theme of this conference, “Understanding China”, reflects not only the Councils keen interest in China, but also, to some extent, the desire of the international community to have a deeper understanding of China. It is highly relevant and will contribute to the mutual understanding and trust between

5、 China and the rest of the world. The Chinese side places high importance on this conference. This afternoon, President Xi will meet with the representatives of conference participants. Yesterday, Premier Li Keqiang delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. Now let me take this opportunity to shar

6、e with you my views on Chinas foreign policy.要“读懂中国”,需要把中国放在世界发展的大背景下观察当今世界正在发生深刻复杂的变化,呈现出一些不同于以往的新特点新动向新趋势,其中以下三个方面最为突出:In order to understand China, one needs to view China in the larger context of the development of the world. The world is undergoing profound and complex changes with new features

7、, developments and trends that are quite different from past experience. I wish to touch upon three most salient features.当今世界,是一个发展日新月异的世界一大批新兴市场国家和发展中国家走上发展的快车道,全球30多亿人正在同步推进工业化并分享现代化成果,有力推动人类进步事业向更高层次迈进科学技术突飞猛进,世界正处在新一轮科技革命的前夜,新的增长点正在孕育尽管国际金融危机的深层次影响还在继续显现,但世界大发展的态势没有停滞更不会逆转各国普遍将谋发展置于各自内外政策的重要位置,

8、如何实现更好发展日益成为牵动国际关系的重要因素Todays world is one of rapid development. Many emerging markets and developing countries have embarked on the fast track of development. More than three billion people across the world are pursuing industrialization simultaneously and sharing the benefits of modernization, eff

9、ectively elevating the cause of human progress to a higher level. With rapid advancement in science and technology, the world is on the eve of a new round of scientific and technological revolution with new growth areas being created. Despite the lingering profound impacts of the international finan

10、cial crisis, the world has not stopped pursuing development, still less will this course be reversed. It has become a common practice for countries to place development high on their domestic and foreign policy agenda. To realize development of higher quality has become an increasingly important fac

11、tor in international relations.当今世界,是一个变革潮流更为强劲的世界国际力量对比更趋均衡,国际体系酝酿深刻变革,新兴市场和发展中国家在国际事务中的代表性和话语权得到提升,二十国集团等全球治理机制逐步成型并不断完善事实表明,世界上没有任何一种发展模式可以放之四海而皆准我们应当与时俱进,积极探索并不断完善符合自身国情的发展道路,循序渐进推动国际体系调整变革Todays world is one of reform with growing momentum. The international balance of power is moving towards g

12、reater equilibrium. Deep changes are brewing in the international system. The representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries in international affairs have been raised. Mechanisms of global governance such as the G20 have gradually taken shape and are steadily improving. What h

13、as happened shows that there is no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” development model in the world. We must keep abreast of the times, actively explore and improve development paths suited to our respective national conditions and pursue incremental progress in adjusting and reforming the interna

14、tional system.当今世界,是一个合作不断深入的世界随着经济全球化的进一步发展,各国相互依存达到前所未有的广度和深度,彼此利益交融兴衰相伴安危与共面对层出不穷的经济金融问题此起彼伏的国际地区热点和日益增多的全球性挑战,没有哪个国家可以独善其身,携手合作同舟共济成为各国必然选择以合作求和平以合作促发展以合作谋安全越来越成为国际关系的主流和大势Todays world is one of deepening cooperation. As economic globalization gathers pace, interdependence among countries has re

15、ached unprecedented levels in both breadth and depth. With our interests so intertwined, we rise and fall together. And there is either security for all or security for none. Facing a host of economic and financial issues, various international and regional hotspots and a growing number of global challenges, no country can stay unscathed. Pulling together like passengers in the same boat has become the one and only option for all countries. To achieve peace, development and security through cooperation is becoming a central theme and major trend of international relations.当今世界处于格局演变的重要阶段



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