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1、. . .Unit 1How can we become good learners?第一课时 Section A(1a2d)01基础过关 .根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1. Lily had a short _(谈话)with her teacher.2. Tom is just a child, so you should be _(耐心的)with him.3. Can you make a _(句子)with “if”?4. Please read _(大声地)so that I can hear you.5. The two words look the same, but thei

2、r _(读音)are different.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6. We study by _(watch) Englishlanguage videos.7. My brother wants to improve his _(speak)skills.8. It will _(probable)rain. Please take your raincoat with you.9. Bill,please take these English _(textbook)to your teacher.10. Can you finish _(read)these books befo

3、re 10 oclock?.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 他说话声音很低,太难听清楚他说什么了。He speaks in a low voice. Its _ _ _ hear him clearly.12. 那位专家什么时候给我们作报告啊?When will the expert _ _ _ _?13. 如果你逐字读,你需要三天才能读完那本书。If you read _ _ _,you need 3 days to finish reading the book.14. 现在来做单词卡片怎么样?What about _ _ _ now?15. 房间越干净,你就会越感到舒服。_ _

4、the room is,_ _ _ youll feel.02能力提升.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。16. Jane has learned English for three years(对画线部分提问)_ _ has Jane learned English?17. Why not tell stories to cheer up the sick kids?(改为同义句)_ _ telling stories to cheer up the sick kids?18. Wang Lin learns English by listening to tapes.(改为一般疑问句)_ Wa

5、ng Lin _ English by listening to tapes?19. Tom teaches himself to play the piano by practicing every day(对画线部分提问)_ _ Tom _ himself to play the piano?20. I think studying with a group is helpful.(改为否定句)I _ think studying with a group _ helpful.补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(其中有两项多余)A:Im happy that you

6、are speaking English well.B: 21 But I know I have to learn a lot more, 22 Im really glad to talk to you,a native English speaker from the US.A.A: 23 I know no language is easy for a foreigner to learn,but Im sure youll learn it very well as long as you try to use it as much as possible.B: 24 A: You

7、are right. Im sorry I have to go now.B: Thank you very much. 25 A: Best wishes to you.A. Im glad to talk to you,too.B. Its really nice talking with you.C. Thank you.D. because my English is not so good.E. Youre welcome.F. Ive learned English for years.G. Yes,the best way to learn English well is to

8、use it as often as possible.21_ 22._ 23._ 24_ 25._第二课时 Section A(3a3b)01基础过关 .根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。1. Do you know the most popular _(表达)in 2015?2. Could you tell me your _(秘诀)for a long happy life?3. Bob improves his English by doing _(语法)exercises.4. It is well known that Columbus _(发现)America in 1492.5.

9、Mike doesnt know the _(意思)of the new word. Can you tell him?.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。express,discover,call,understand,quick6. The girl _ Annie is my pen pal.7. My teacher spoke so _ that I couldnt follow her.8. We really need your help and _9. We sent him some flowers as an _ of thanks.10. He jumped about i

10、n excitement at the _.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。11. 对我来说这是小菜一碟。Its _ _ _ _ for me.12. 我第一次来到上海就爱上了这个城市。I _ _ _ _ Shanghai when I first come here.13. 不要害怕寻求帮助。Do not _ _ _ ask for help.14. 当我给汤姆打电话的时候,他正在用字典查新单词。When I called Tom,he was _ _ new words in the dictionary.15. 这家商店也卖各种各样的衣服。The shop sells all kinds

11、 of clothes _ _02能力提升.完形填空。How long will it take to learn a new language?One year,two years or ten years?According to a 16 ,Chris Lonsdale,you dont need to spend such a long time. 17 ,all you need is just six months. Is that 18 ?Believe it or not,the scientist himself has used his special ways to le

12、arn more than five languages,each in about half a 19 ! Here are the ways for language learners:Listen a lotit doesnt matter if you 20 or not.Focus on(注意)getting the meaning first. Body language and facial expressions can 21 Get creative and use what youve learnt.Focus on the most commonly used words

13、,and use them to learn 22 words.Get a language partner to help you.Copy the facewatch 23 how peoples mouth moves when they are speaking.Connect words with pictures in your 24 Will these ways be useful?If you keep 25 them for about six months,Im sure you will be surprised by the results!( )16.A.doctor Bwriter Cteacher Dscientist( )17.A.Unluckily BSuddenlyCActually DNaturally( )18.A.true BwrongCfunny Dpopular( )19.A.month Byear Cweek Dday( )20.A.know Bun


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