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1、 45定时训练(9).完形填空John and Bobby joined a wholesale company together just after graduation from college the same year.Both worked very _1_.After several years, however,the boss _2_ Bobby to the position of manager but John remained a(n) _3_ employee.John could not take it anymore,handed in his resignat

2、ion to the boss and _4_ the boss did not value hardworking staff,but only promoted those who flattered (奉承) him.The boss knew that John worked very hard for the years. He _5_ for a moment and said, “Thank you for your criticism (批评),but I have a(n) _6_.I hope you will do one more thing for our compa

3、ny _7_ you leave. Perhaps you will change your mind and take back your resignation.”John _8_.The boss asked him to find out anyone selling watermelon in the _9_.John went and returned soon saying he had found out a man selling watermelon.The boss then asked how much per kg and John just _10_ his hea

4、d. He went back to the market and returned,telling the boss $ 1.2 per kg.The boss told John to wait a second,and he called Bobby to come to his office.He asked Bobby to do the _11_ thing as he had told John to.Bobby went,returned and said,“Boss,only one person selling watermelon,$1.2 per kg, $ 10 _1

5、2_ 10 kg.He has 340 melons in _13_.On the table 58 melons,each weighs about 2 kg,_14_ from the South two days ago.They are fresh,red,and of good quality.”John was very _15_ and realized the difference between himself and Bobby.He decided not to _16_ but to learn from Bobby.My dear friends,a more suc

6、cessful person is better at _17_,thinks more and explores in depth._18_ exist in the daily details.For the same matter,a more successful person sees more and _19_ so that he can find out an opportunity and catch it to realize his _20_.If a person sees one year ahead while you see only tomorrow,the d

7、ifference between the two is 365 times.How could you win?【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,讲述了两个年轻人同在一家公司发展的故事。机遇就存在于生活的细节中,同样的一件事,一个相对成功的人会看得更多更远,自然他的机遇就会更多。1A.badlyBhardClazilyDhappily解析根据下一句提到博比的提升和第二段第一句可知,几年来,两个人都很努力地为公司工作。答案B2A.promotedBpraisedCencouragedDsupported解析然而,老板却只“提拔”了博比。答案A3A.specialBuniqueCdevote


9、答案C7A.sinceBbefore来源:学科网ZXXKCafterDunless解析在约翰离开公司“之前”,老板希望他再为公司做一件事情。答案B8A.refusedBdoubtedCagreedDinsisted解析根据后文可知,约翰“同意”了老板的请求。答案C9A.marketBofficeCdistrictDbuilding解析公司老板叫约翰去找一个在“市场”上卖西瓜的人。第三段最后一句中的market是提示。答案A10A.noddedBturned CwavedDshook 解析因为约翰不知道西瓜的价格,所以他“摇头”,表示不知道。 答案D11A.otherBsame Cdiffere

10、ntDlittle 解析老板又叫了博比去做“相同的”事情,做对西瓜的市场调查。 答案B12A.byBto CwithDfor 解析西瓜1.2美元一公斤,10美元10公斤。介词for表示“换取”的意思,例如:Copies are available for two dollars each。 答案D13A.storeBplace CcontrolDshape 解析他有340个西瓜的存货。have sth in store意为“贮存有某物”。 答案A14A.discoveredBgrown CboughtDproduced解析这些西瓜都是前两天从南方进的货,buy意为“买进,买入”。答案C15A.

11、confusedBdisappointed CexcitedDimpressed 解析约翰听了博比的汇报后,对博比深表“钦佩”,发自内心地佩服他的工作方法和态度。 答案D16A.resignBcompare CenvyDsuspect 解析约翰认识到了自己与博比的差距,因此他决定不辞职了,而是向博比学习。此处与第一段最后一句中的resignation照应。 答案A17A.expressingBbargaining CmanagingDobserving 解析从博比的故事可以看出,成功人士更善于“观察”事物。 答案D18A.DesiresBExperiences CChancesDHarvest

12、s 解析“机遇”就存在于生活的细节中。 答案C19A.fartherBnearer ChigherDlower 解析同样的一件事,一个相对成功的人会看得更多更远。来源:学科网答案A20A.successBaimCpositionDwisdom 解析成功人士会发现并抓住每一个机会去实现自己的“目标”。 答案B.阅读理解AParents are creating an “I want it now” generation by indulging childrens every demand at Christmas,say experts.Youngsters are becoming incr

13、easingly selfish,claim the education analysts.Consumersavvy children are forcing their families into racking up huge debts and risk becoming spoilt and dissatisfied in the future.Behavioural consultant Chris Calland said,“Parents are desperate to make Christmas into a magical fairy tale for their ki

14、ds.Theres nothing wrong with that as such.The problem arises when it means always giving in to all our childrens demandseven if they are beyond our price range or not ageappropriate.”Ms.Calland,who runs “Santa Says No” style sessions with colleague Nicky Hutchinson,added, “Many of us go into so much debt providing the gifts our children want that we spend the rest of the year paying off the bills.Yet so often the parcels weve carefully wrapped,once opened,are just pushed away because the very thing our little boy or girl was once so desperate for, they have now lost interest in.”



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