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1、强化技能限时训练(四)语法填空(无提示词类试题)+阅读理解+阅读填句(限时35分钟) .语法填空 (A) 1. I didnt become a serious climber until the fifth grade, I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree.2. I can send a message to Jane whenever I want to and gets there almost in a second.3. I think impresses me about his p

2、ainting is the colors he uses.4. A company profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.5. Because of my poor memory,all you told me has been forgotten. 6. With his work completed,the businessman stepped back to his seat,feeling pleased he was a man of action. 7. Many studen

3、ts are doing sports on the playground.Some are playing basketball; some are playing volleyball; are playing football. 8. So Nick called to his son,“Go to the village and buy some salt,but pay a fair price for it; neither too much too little.” 9. Just we students need help most,we cant afford the tim

4、e to get it.10. I got up late and went breakfast.Right now I could eat a horse. 答案及剖析:1.when本题考查关系副词的用法。句意:五年级时,我爬上一棵树去取卡在树枝上的风筝,直到那时我才成为一个攀登爱好者。when引导定语从句,先行词为the fifth grade。2.it考查代词。 it指代上文的a message。3.what考查连词。分析句子结构可知,think后是一个宾语从句,该从句中含有主语从句和定语从句,主语从句中缺少主语,因此填连接代词what。4.whose考查关系代词的用法。句意:国内市场利


6、知,此处应该填nor,构成词组neither.nor.,意思是“既不也不”。9.when本题考查连词的用法。此处表示“正当我们学生最需要帮助的时候”,因此应该填连词when,引导时间状语从句。10.without本题考查介词的用法。根据语境“I got up late”和“I could eat a horse”可知,此处填介词without,构成固定短语without breakfast,意思是“没吃早饭”。 (B) (2015河北衡水二中三调)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。A boy trembled in the cold winter,1. (

7、wrap) his arms around himself on a bus stop bench.He 2. (wear) warm clothes and the temperature was-10 C.A heartbreaking scene! But the good deeds of the ordinary people who witnessed 3. 11-year-old Johannes were both joyous 4. inspiring.A woman,sitting next to the boy,discovered he was 5. a school

8、trip and was told to meet his teacher at the bus stop.She 6. (self) covered her own coat around his shoulders.Later,7. woman at first gave him her scarf,and then wrapped him in her large jacket.Throughout the day,more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats off their backs.8

9、. (actual),it was a hidden camera experiment by Norwegian charity SOS Childrens Village as part of their winter campaign to collect 9. (donate) to help Syrian children get through the winter.Synne Ronning ,the information head of the organization,also noted that the child was a volunteer who was nev

10、er in any 10. (dangerous)during the filming.答案及剖析:1.wrapping考查非谓语动词用法。根据句子的主语a boy是wrap的动作执行者,应填现在分词。2.wasnt wearing考查时态。根据前文的trembled应是没有穿暖和的衣服,指当时所处的状态,应用过去进行时的否定式。3.the考查冠词。特指前文提到的“男孩子”,故填the。4.and考查连词。空前后是并列关系。故填and。5.on考查介词。on a school trip,习语搭配;进行学校郊游。6.selflessly考查副词。修饰空后的动词covered需用副词形式。故填se

11、lflessly。7.another考查限定词。根据语境判断“另一位妇女”把自己的围巾给了他。8.Actually考查副词。空格前后有标点,修饰整个句子,需填副词形式,为独立成分作状语。9.donations考查名词。根据空前的collect,应填名词形式作宾语。donation为可数名词,前无修饰成分,故填donations。10.danger考查名词。根据空前的in 和any可知此处应填名词形式。.阅读理解【社会文化类】When it comes to teaching manners to teenagers,think about feelings,not fussy rules.Ki

12、ds will stop listening to discussions about formal decree (法令),Thomas P.Farley (one of experts on manners) says,but you may be able to engage them in a conversation about feelings.“Manners,at their core,are being aware of how your actions are going to make other people feel,” he says.“Theyre less ab

13、out what fork I should be using when I have caviar (鱼子酱).”People with poor manners are more likely to hurt other peoples feelingsand hurt feelings are something young people can relate to,says Farley.If you make the lessons relevant,teenagers will pay attention,adds Cindy Post Senning,a director at

14、the Emily Post Institute.And getting along with people starts with “likability”,says Lyudmila Bloch.Parents need to teach their children how to appropriately use technology,common polite terms and basic table manners,the experts agree.Teaching cell phone etiquette is extremely important,Farley says.

15、“Enforce some limits,” he says.“Family dinner is sacred.” And that means parents have to ignore their phones too,he adds.Kids also need to know when and where its appropriate to use their cell phones.He recommends not letting kids listen to music or play games in situations where they should be mixing with family members or adults.“Never give more attention to the person on the other end of the phone than to the person sitting right next to you,” he says.Among their friends,its OK for teens to


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