2019版高考英语二轮复习练酷版练习:专题六 应用文写作常见8大文体(六)——祝贺信(含解析)

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2019版高考英语二轮复习练酷版练习:专题六 应用文写作常见8大文体(六)——祝贺信(含解析)_第1页
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2019版高考英语二轮复习练酷版练习:专题六 应用文写作常见8大文体(六)——祝贺信(含解析)_第2页
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2019版高考英语二轮复习练酷版练习:专题六 应用文写作常见8大文体(六)——祝贺信(含解析)_第3页
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《2019版高考英语二轮复习练酷版练习:专题六 应用文写作常见8大文体(六)——祝贺信(含解析)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019版高考英语二轮复习练酷版练习:专题六 应用文写作常见8大文体(六)——祝贺信(含解析)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 应用文写作常见8大文体(六)祝贺信一、 写作架构要规范祝贺信是一种向收信人表示祝贺的信件,一般用于对收信人有什么喜事或取得了什么成绩,如婚姻、节日、寿诞、毕业等的祝贺。具体写作结构为:二、 靓点句式背一番(一)开头常用语1I want to congratulate you with all my heart.我想向你致以最诚挚的祝贺。2Congratulations on your winning first prize in the .contest.祝贺你在比赛中获得一等奖。3You dont know how excited and happy we felt at the news

2、 of .We are proud of your achievement.得知的消息,你不知道我们有多激动、多开心。我们为你取得的成就而自豪!(二)主体部分常用语1I have been watching your progress with admiration all the years, and I know more than anyone else how much effort you have put in.这些年来,我一直钦佩地注视着你的进步,我比任何人都知道你付出了多大的努力。2I am delighted that the three years of your effo

3、rt has been rewarded in this way. 我很高兴你三年的努力得到了这样的回报。3It is obvious that you will have a promising future.很显然,你将会有一个充满希望的未来。(三)结尾常用语1Wish you good luck and success in the coming .祝你在接下来的中有好运并取得成功。2I hope you can make every effort to realize your dream.我希望你尽一切努力实现你的梦想。三、 润色完善很关键(2018潍坊三模)假定你是李华,得知你的英

4、国好友Tom通过了来华支教的申请,将于今年七月到边远地区教学。请根据下面的提示给他写一封祝贺信:1表示祝贺;2分析可能遇到的挑战;3告知提前了解当地的风俗习惯。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 (一)准审题、准表达保基本分定体裁祝贺信定人称第二人称为主定时态一般现在时和一般将来时为主定要点定结构开头:祝贺事由(通过了来华支教申请) 主体:面临的挑战(天气、学生基础、与人交流)结尾:个人建议(了解当地风俗);表达祝愿中档作文Dear Tom,Congratulations to you! You have passed your application to be a

5、 volunteer teacher for rural areas.Im more than delighted to learn you will come to China this July.Im writing to tell you some relevant details.There is no doubt that you will face all kinds of challenges during this time.Firstly, the weather there is totally different from the weather of London.Yo

6、u must prepare for the changeable weather in the mountainous area.Secondly, children there are poor in English.You will have difficulty in communicating with each other.Besides, you should learn more about local customs and manners in advance.It will help you adapt to the new surroundings.You will b

7、e able to do your work better only when you are well prepared.Yours,Li Hua(二)巧润色、大升级创高分(请根据括号内要求升级上面的中档作文)Dear Tom,(1)Congratulations to you for having passed your application to be a volunteer teacher for rural areas (合并句为一个简单句)Im more than delighted to learn you will come to China this July.Im wri

8、ting to tell you some relevant details.There is no doubt that you will (2)be faced with (词汇升级) (3)varieties of (词汇升级) challenges during this time.Firstly, the weather there is totally different from (4)that (词汇替换) of London.You must (5)make preparations for (词汇升级) the changeable weather in the mount

9、ainous area.(6)Secondly, children there are so poor in English that you will have difficulty in communicating with each other. (合并句,升级为状语从句)Besides, you (7)are supposed to (词汇升级) learn more about local customs and manners in advance, (8)which will help you adapt to the new surroundings (升级句为定语从句)(9)

10、Only when you are well prepared will you be able to do your work better (升级句为倒装句)Yours,Li Hua四、 “一题两用”错不犯下文是根据上面的题目学生完成的一篇习作,文中共有10处语言错误,请改正。Dear Tom,Congratulations for you! Im truly happy to learn that your application to be the volunteer teacher for rural areas has approved and youll come to Chin

11、a this July.Since this is your first visit to China, and I would like to list several things relating.First, prepare for the changeable weather in the mountain area.Second, children there were poor in English.Third, you might not be accustomed to the local diet.In addition, dont forget to learn abou

12、t local customs and manner in advance, what will help you fit in with the new surroundings.Only when you are well prepared will you be able to do your work good.Best wishes!Yours, Li Hua答案:第一句:forto第二句:thea; has 后加been第三句:去掉and; relatingrelated第四句:mountainmountainous第五句:wereare第七句:mannermanners; whatwhich第八句:goodbetter


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