2012高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练专题1 单项选择15

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1、2012高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题1 单项选择 15第一组 10分钟1Fireworks exploded during _ opening ceremony of _ 2011 Asian Cup football tournament at Khalifa StadiumAthe; a Bthe: the Ca; a Da; the2He who _ to succeed without hard work _ to be disappointedAhope; are bound Bhopes; is boundChope; are due Dhopes; is due3

2、Several years after they got married he _ chatting on the Internet until very late, which eventually resulted in their divorce. A. took on B. came to C. took to D. came about4The first African-American president of the United States received a(n) _ welcome in the African countries, where he was rece

3、ived as a returning sonAromantic Bbureaucratic Centhusiastic Doptimistic5Wanda Plaza in Wuxi is _ a shopping centerYou can do almost anything thereAno more than Bnot more thanCmore than Drather than6It is said that many kids are worried about the year 2012, _ , they think the earth will be destroyed

4、 by disastersAwhere Bas Cwhen Dwhich7Those who tend to _ to their fate are sure not to make any achievements. A. submit B. subscribe C. correspond D. apply 8Are you going to stay overnight?Not _ its really necessaryAunless Bif Cuntil Dsince9Its not necessary to explain the truth _ there is spring wi

5、nd, there is green grassAwhich wherever Bthat whichCwhich when Dthat wherever10Li Gang, a police officer said that little about what his son _ he know the moment all the media reported the traffic accident _ in Hebei UniversityAdid did; happening Bdid do; happenedCwould do; happening Dcould do; happ

6、ened11After the flood, what the local government did first was to provide _ for the homeless familiesAfurniture Boccupation Cequipment D.accommodation12You could have watched the movie Transformers 3 last nightWhy _ you?Adidnt Bhavent Chadnt Dshouldnt13If no passers-by _ a blind eye to the injured l

7、ittle Yueyue in Foshan Guangdong, she _ alive nowAturned; would be Bhad turned; would have beenCturned; would have been Dhad turned; would be14When we reached the stadium in a rush, the newly-elected major _ his speech and the performance _. A. have finished ; began B. had just finished; was about t

8、o beginC. had just finished; had begun D. just finished; began15Its a shame to ask you to lend me more money, but_ You really need money to keep on with your educationAForget it BDont be silly CNo way DDont mention it第二组 10分钟1. _ there is going to be a policy change _ of those things is going to cha

9、nge. A. Unless; few B. Until; few C. Unless; none D. Until; none2. As workers and as citizens, we need to be able to think beyond our own self-interest and _ what is right under the circumstances. A. doing B. to do C. have done D. done3. Jeremy, who _ on his food, looked up at the mention of the wor

10、d cash. A. has been concentrating B. has concentrated C. had been concentrating D. had concentrated4. Some people create jobs, foster excitement and basically make the system work. They see possibilities _ others see only problems.A. that B. what C. which D. where5. _ our foreign policy, we now have

11、 multiple threats, very few of which involve the traditional battles of the past. A. In honour of B. In terms of C. In the form of D. In defence of6. It was only as I got older _ I got more curious about my background. A. that B. than C. then D. when7. - You _ have bothered doing the washing-up. - T

12、hats OK, No problem. A. wouldnt B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. couldnt8. - Why are you _ your things? - Well, the fact is, Ive decided to leave, A. picking up B. packing up C. putting up D. taking up9. Golf is rapidly becoming more popular. Near some towns and cities new courses are being built in _. A. what is farmland B. what farmland is C. what farmland was D. what was farmland10. _, I can see that those terrible events shaped me into the person I am today. A. Having looked back B. Looking back C. Being looking back D. To be looking back


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