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1、广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 论高校英语课堂提问一项关于广西师范大学外国语学院综 英课课堂教学提问情况的调查 姓名:林丽 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:课程与教学论英语 指导教师:陈吉棠 20080401 iv 论高校英语课堂提问论高校英语课堂提问 一项关于广西师范大学外国语学院一项关于广西师范大学外国语学院 综英课课堂教学提问的情况调查综英课课堂教学提问的情况调查 研 究 生:林 丽 年级:2005 级 学科专业:课程与教学论 指导老师:陈吉棠 教授 研究方向:英语教学论 中中 文文 摘摘 要要 课堂提问是教师组织课堂教学活动最常用且必不可少的环节之一,因此, 课堂提问多年 来一直是国外语言教学研

2、究所关注的一个焦点。然而,国内在这方面的研究起步较晚,直 到 90 年代末才有研究者对大学英语教师的课堂提问进行实证性研究,而这些研究主要关 注教师的提问行为,包括问题的类型及使用频率,提问后的等待时间和反馈形式,较少探 讨学生对教师提问的期望和学生对教师提问的评价。本文受前人的启发,拟从教师提问的 类型、策略、实施以及学生对教师提问的期望和评价等角度分析和探讨如何通过提问来促 进学生的综英课学习。 本研究的方式是,随机抽取广西师范大学外语学院 4 名综英课教师(两位教高年级和 两位教低年级)和她们相应的 4 个班级作为研究对象。研究过程中,作者对教师的课堂教 学进行录音,并对他们作了访谈。然

3、后,对 39 位综英教师和 125 名学生(即前面提到的 4 个班学生)做了相关的问卷调查。研究目的在于:1)调查综英课高低年级老师所提问题的 数量、类型(开放性/封闭性问题,展示性/参阅性问题,聚合性/发散性问题,高水平/低 水平问题);2)研究综英课高低年级在的不同的教学环节多采用什么不同的提问类型, 这也是前人所没有关注到的研究领域之一;3)了解教师提问的策略;4)了解教师提问的 等待时间长短所带来的不同影响;5) 了解学生对课堂提问的期望和评价。 经过对所得到的情况、数据进行分析,得出的研究结果是:1)高校综英课教师平均每 节课大概提问 53 个问题(40 分钟)。这当中包括被重复的问

4、题和同一个问题提问不同的 学生。除去非教学重点的程序性问题,高年级老师平均问 50.5 个问题,低年级教师平均问 52 个问题。低年级问封闭性问题比高年级的多。而展示性问题高年级和低年级各占 62%和 69%,聚合性问题的比例高低年级各占 73%和 78%。高水平的认知问题在高年级的学生当中 被问的比例相较低年级的要高。2) 在课文呈现环节,高年级教师最常用的提问类型是“开 放性+参阅性+聚合性” 问题,而低年级的是“封闭性+展示性+聚合性”问题。在学生输 出环节,高年级和低年级教师最常用的提问类型都是“开放性+参阅性+发散性”问题。在 练习环节,高低年级的教师都喜欢提问“封闭性+ 展示性”问

5、题,却不怎么采用聚合性和 发散性问题。3) 教师较少根据教学内容及学生的水平来运用不同的提问策略。4)课堂提 问时没有给学生充裕时间(少于 5 秒)进行思考或相关的提示。5)高低年级学生在不同学习 v 阶段对教师的提问方式的反映也有所差异。 全文由六章组成。第一章提及研究背景、研究目的、研究意义;第二章就课堂提问的 类型、作用、提问策略等方面对课堂提问进行了理论性的描述;第三章主要展示调查过程; 第四章对调查情况进行分析描绘并呈现研究结果;第五章是相关的发现,讨论及建议;第 六章是结语。 关键词:关键词:综英课;课堂提问;问题类型;等待时间;提问策略 vi On Questioning in

6、College English Major Classes: An Investigation on Teacher Questioning in Comprehensive English Class in the College of Foreign Studies, Guangxi Normal University Postgraduate: Lin Li Grade:2005 Major Field of Study: Curriculum and what form of question takes in relation to being open/ closed, displ

7、ay/ referential, convergent/ divergent and high-level/ low-level; 2)To discover what types of questions are usually used in different teaching phases of senior grades and junior grades; 3)To find out which strategies teachers use and how to use them to elicit answers, which is one of the field that

8、the previous researchers didnt concern about; 4)To understand different lengths of wait time may bring about different effects on students; 5)To understand students expectation of teachers questioning as well as students assessment of teachers questioning. Based on the results of the transcript anal

9、ysis, interviews and questionnaires, the findings vii were summarized as follows: 1) Comprehensive English teachers ask approximately 53 questions in an average class (40 minutes). This includes many instances of individual questions being repeated and redirected to other students. Ignoring the nonl

10、earning-centered procedural questions, the total questions asked in each of the senior-grade classes are approximately 50.5 and in the junior-grade classes, 52 questions are asked. In comparison, the ratio of closed questions of junior grades is higher than that of senior grades. Whereas, display qu

11、estions make up 62% and 69% while convergent questions make up 73% and 78% respectively in the senior-grade and junior-grade classes. The last, high-level questions are asked more than low-level ones in senior-grade classes. 2) In the presentation phase, the most common used question type “open +ref

12、erential + convergent” tends to be asked more by the teachers of senior grades; whereas, the teachers of junior grades would like to ask “closed +display + convergent” questions. In the production phase, the most common used question type “open +referential + divergent” tends to be asked more by the

13、 teachers of both senior grades and junior grades. In the practice phase, the most common used question type “closed +display” tends to be asked more by the teachers of senior-grade classes and also junior-grade ones, also, convergent and divergent questions are seldom asked. 3) Fewer teachers may p

14、ay attention to or apply diverse questioning strategies in accordance with the teaching contents or students levels in the class. 4) With the issue of wait-time research in class, most teachers had formed a habit of not giving their students enough time (less than 5 seconds) or related tips to prepa

15、re for the responses to questions. 5) Students of both senior and junior grades present different feedbacks to teachers questioning in different learning phases. The thesis consists of six parts. Chapter One is a brief introduction to the whole thesis, discussing the origin and significance of the p

16、resent study. Chapter Two presents a review of literature on the previous studies of classroom questioning behavior conducted in China and abroad, which illustrates the related theoretical basis about classroom questioning such as its types, functions, strategies and so on. Chapter Three mainly describes the research design and procedures. Chapter Four provides detailed description and analysis of the research resu



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