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1、. . . .人教版七年级上册unit1-unit3形成性检测试题I、单选题(本大题共7小题,共7.0分)1.Is that a pencil? _.Its a pen. A.Yes, it isB.No, that isnt C.No, it isD.No, it isnt2.Whats this in English? Its a _. A.orangeB.eraserC.appleD.baseball3.You can find your ID card _ the Lost & Found. A.atB.inC.onD.under4.Whats this in English? _.

2、A.It is sharpenerB.Its a pen C.Yes, its a pencilD.No, its a pen5.Are these _ books? Yes,they are my books. A.myB.hisC.yourD.her6.Whats _ name,please? A.itB.youC.herD.he7.This is Lei Feng._ is a kind man. A.SheB.HerC.HeD.HisII、句型转换(本大题共4小题,共8.0分)8.Its his pencil box.(改为否定句) It _ _ his pencil box.9.Th

3、at is a pencil case. 一般疑问句:_否定回答:_10.This is your pen. 一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_11.spell,how,you,it,do(连词成句) _ _ _ _ _?III、单词拼写(本大题共19小题,共19.0分)12.This is a red (铅笔盒).13.My name is Jim green. Green is my f name.14.Two and three is f .15.Whats your _(第一的) name?16.请将所给字母按正确的顺序组合成适当的单词填入句中空白出,每空一词 Whats your _ num

4、ber?(o,n,h,p,e)17.twofour_18.This is my (身份证).19. .(三)and four is seven.20.Whats _(you) name,please?21.Look!Thats her _ _(电子游戏机)22. E_ me.Are you Li Tao? No, Im not.23.My mother has a red (戒指).24.Is that your baseball in the ().25.Mr Smith has a big f_.He has many brothers and sisters.26.请根据句意和汉语提示,

5、填写单词,完成句子 Is this your _(双肩背包)? No,it isnt.27.Is this a_ (双肩背包)? Yes,it is.28.These are his_(friend)29.These _ your bananas.Here you _.30.These_(be)Joe and Alice.IV、补充句子(本大题共11小题,共22.0分)31.Tony found _ _ _ _(一串钥匙)32.Please _ _(给玛丽打电话) at 1457098.33.That is _ _ _ _(我的学生证)34.Look! They are ().35._ (请原

6、谅).Is this your book? Yes,it is.36.This is_ _ (一台电脑).37.我有一串钥匙。 I have _ _ of _.38.This is a dictionary. Its a notebook.39._ these her English books? Yes,they are.40.Is that an eraser? _.41._ those maps? No,they _ not.They _ pictures.V、翻译(本大题共3小题,共6.0分)42.翻译下列词组 (1).你的铅笔_ (2).他的书包_ ( 3).她的尺子_ (4).我的

7、手表_ (5).计算机游戏_ (6).失物招领_ (7).我的橡皮_ ( 8).他的戒指_ (9).用英语_ (10).老师的包_ (11).一个笔记本_ (12).一张身份证_43.这是什么? Whats this? 是一块手表。 _ _ _.44.那是一本字典吗? _ _a dictionary? 不是。 No, _ _.VI、单词造句(本大题共4小题,共8.0分)45.a,found,set,I,of,keys _46.that, her, pencil box, is _47.me,0216567,at,call,Please _48.lost,my,is,ID,card _VII、选

8、词填空(本大题共1小题,共20.0分)49.从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空 English in spell his how(1)Can you _ it? Yes.RULER. (2)Whats that in _? (3)_ are you? Im OK, thanks. (4)Is this your eraser? No, its _ eraser. (5)The pencil is _ the pencil box.VIII、阅读填空(本大题共2小题,共20.0分)50.阅读短文,然后根据短文内容为 “My sister”制作一个ID card. Look at this p

9、icture(). Its me. Im seven. My first name is Peter. My last name is Smith. Look! The girl is my sister. She is nine. Shes a pupil(学生). Her name is Linda. We live(居住) in Wangfujing Street, Beijing. My telephone number is 0103993456. ID card First name: (1)Last name: (2)Age(年龄): (3)Telephone number: (

10、4)Address(地址): (5)51.B 阅读下面的两段独白,然后按照要求完成任务。 请根据短文内容连线。请根据短文内容填空。 (3)he boys first name is _,and his last name is _. (4)The girls first name is _,and her family name is _. (5)The boys telephone number is _.The girls telephone number is _.IX、看图填空(本大题共5小题,共25.0分)52.This is his _.53.Is this her _?54.你知道吗? Whats this in English?Its a _ _ _55._this a_? Yes, it is. 56.Is that an eraser? _. X、完成对话(本大题共13小题,共65.0分)57.补全对话 ASpell it, please FHow are youBAnd you GSorry, I cantCExcus


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