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1、太原重工股份有限公司 Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co,LTD.,WK-20A挖掘机产品介绍 WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel Overview,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,太重WK-20A挖掘机杰出的性能 TZ WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel High Performance,WK-20A,准格尔露天矿作业现场 WK-20A was working in the opencast of Zhun Ge Er,大唐露天矿作业现场 WK-20A was working in the opencast of Da Tang

2、,太重WK-20A挖掘机杰出的性能 TZ WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel High Performance,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,WK-20A,太重20立方电铲用户 TZ 20m3 Shovel Customers,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,太重WK-20A挖掘机主要技术参数 TZ WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel Main technical parameters,WK-20A,标准斗容量 Standard dipper capacity 20 m3 斗容范围 Dipper capacity

3、 range 1634 m3 最大提升力 Max. hoist force 1540 kN 提升速度(额定/最大)Hoist speed (rated/max) 0.96/1.58 m / s 最大推压力 Max. crowd force 745 kN 推压速度(额定/最大)Crowd speed (rated/max) 0.47/0.54m / s 最大牵引力 Max. dragging force 3734 kN 名义行走速度(额定/最大) 1.08/1.25 km / h Nominated propel speed (rated/max) 最大瞬间爬坡角度 Max gradeabili

4、ty degree 9 0 理论循环时间 (回转90 0卸载) 30 s Theoretical cycle time (dumping at 90o swing) 整机工作重量 Working weight of the total machine 792 t 履带板平均接地比压 Bearing area-ground pressure 297 kPa,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,太重WK-20A挖掘机主要技术参数 TZ WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel Main technical parameters,WK-20A,输入电源 input power 3 ph

5、s 50 Hz 6000/10000 V 主变压器 main transformer 2000 kVA 提升电动机 hoist motor 690 VAC 2560 kW 推压电动机 crowd motor 690 VAC 315 kW 回转电动机 swing motor 690 VAC 2200 kW 行走电动机 propel motor 690 VAC 2400 kW 开斗电动机 dipper trip motor 380 VAC 11 kW,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,太重WK-20A挖掘机主要技术参数 TZ WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel Main te

6、chnical parameters,WK-20A,最大挖掘半径 max digging radius 21.02 m 最大挖掘高度 max digging height 13.54 m 最大卸载半径 max dumping radius 17.50 m 最大卸载高度 max dumping height 9.07 m 水平清道半径 Floor level radius 15.23 m,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,太重WK-20A挖掘机设备匹配 TZ WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel Matching equipment,WK-20A,太原重工股份有限公司 TYH

7、I,太重WK-20A挖掘机性能特点 TZ WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel Characteristics,采用最新的、经过验证的、可靠的先进技术 Apply reliable, advanced technologies by proven 广泛收集用户的要求 Meet different customers demands 从实践中学习、积累经验 Learn from practices and accumulate experiences 集成创新设计 Compact innovative design 高可靠性设计 Design for high reliab

8、ility 高生产率设计 Design for high productivity,WK-20A,最优化设计的性能参数、挖掘轨迹和铲斗,生产效率高 Performance features, cutting track and dipper with optimized design for high productivity 经现场使用证明,优化的零件设计 Optimized components design by proven at site. 36 吨额定载荷 64 tons nominal payload 齿轮-齿条推压 Gear-rack crowd 交流 IGBT 技术 AC -

9、 IGBT technology 节能降耗 Source saving and consumption degrading 对电网无污染 No pollution to electric net,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,太重WK-20A挖掘机性能特点 TZ WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel Characteristics,WK-20A,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,太重WK-20A挖掘机性能特点 TZ WK-20A Electric Mining Shovel Characteristics,所有传动机构全部采用硬齿面圆柱齿轮传动 All transmiss

10、ion mechanisms adopt hard tooth-face cylinder gear drive 所有传动齿轮均由优质低碳合金钢 渗碳淬火+磨齿工艺制造(除回转 大齿圈外) All drive gears are made from low-carbon alloy steel quenching and tooth grinding process (except ring gear) 承载能力大 High loading capacity 使用寿命优于表淬齿轮 Lifetime is longer than face-quenching gear,WK-20A,太原重工股份

11、有限公司 TYHI,太重WK-20A挖掘机性能特点 TZ WK-20AElectric Mining Shovel Characteristics,行走机构采用行星减速机 Swing and propel mechanisms adopt planet reducers 结构紧凑,免维护 Compact structure and free maintenance 大型焊接结构件整体退火,有效消除焊接残余应力 Complete annealing for huge weldments to eliminate stress after welding 可靠性高,使用寿命长 High relia

12、bility and long lifetime,WK-20A,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,应用UG和ADAMS进行工程设计及验证 Apply UG和ADAMSto design & verify,强大的三维实体建模功能 Strong 3D solid modeling 三维仿真设计 3D emulation design 提高设计精度,进行装配验证 Improve design precise and perform assembly verifying 为进行有限元分析建立模型 Build model for finite element analysis 为进行系统动态分析建立模型

13、Build model for system dynamic analysis,WK-20A,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,应用UG和ADAMS进行工程设计及验证 Apply UG和ADAMS to design & verify,所有关键零部件进行有限元分析 Finite element analysis on all key parts 应用优化设计提高结构可靠性 Apply optimized design to improve stable structure 主要机构进行动态分析 Dynamic analysis on main structures 进行多种复杂工况下的计算和测试

14、 分析 Calculation and test analysis under different complicated conditions,WK-20A,有限元分析 FEA,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,工作装置 WK-20A Front End Attachment,优化设计的工作装置几何尺寸匹配关系 Optimized geometric dimension of operating devices 提升力和推压力的匹配更合理 Reasonable hoist and crowd force 铲斗在有效挖掘段内挖掘力大 Big cutting force within effect

15、ive cutting stage 挖掘效率高 High cutting efficiency,WK-20A,起重臂组件 Boom Assembly,铲斗 Dipper,推压传动机构 Crowd Mechanism,开斗机构Dipper Trip,斗杆Dipper Handle,太原重工股份有限公司 TYHI,WK-20A铸焊结构铲斗 WK-20A Cast-weld Constructional Dipper,形状及结构优化设计,降低挖掘阻力,提高满斗系数和生产效率 Optimized design for shape and structure to lower cutting resistance and improve SAE and productivity 高强度钢板焊接 Welded with HT steel plates WH-10整体斗齿或SV2组合斗齿 WH-10 complet



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