六年级上册英语素材-Unit 8 Chinese New Year 单元知识点-译林版

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1、Unit 8单词1. get/get/收到2. Hong Kong香港3. next week 下周4. food/fud/食物,食品5. tangyuan 汤圆6. Chinese New Years Eve/iv/ 大年夜,除夕7. Chinese New Years Day 大年初一,春节8. red packet/pkt/ 红包9. lion dance 舞狮10. fireworks/fawks/ 烟花表演11. firecracker/fakrk(r)/ 鞭炮12. rich/rt/ 富有的,有钱的13. plan/pln/ 计划,打算14. hooray/hure/ 好极了15.

2、 light/lat/ 点燃16. second/seknd/第二17. cookbook/kkbk/菜谱18. most/mst/最多19. Spring Festival/festvl/ 春节20. tomorrow/tmr/ 明天21. Thanksgiving 感恩节22. also/ls/也23. e-friend/i frend/ 网友24. important/mptnt/ 重要词组1.春节Chinese New Year = Spring Festival2.在香港in Hong Kong3.下一周next week(反)last week4. talk about谈论5.在新

3、年at Chinese New Year6.看舞狮watch a lion dance7.吃顿大餐have a big dinner8.cook dumplings煮饺子9.把某物给某人give sb sth = give sth to sb 10.看烟火watch fireworks11.在年初一on Chinese New Years Day12.为某事作计划/ 打算plan for sth13.在除夕on Chinese New Years Eve 14.买一些新衣服和食物buy some new clothes and food 15.做些蛋糕和汤圆make some cakes an

4、d tangyuan 16.最重要的节日the most important holiday17.从某人那里收到/ 得到某物get sth from sb 18.在年初二on the second day of Chinese New Year19.在英国最重要的节日the most important holiday in the UK 20.在中国最重要的节日the most important festival in China 21.点燃一些爆竹和烟火light some firecrackers and fireworks22.对说新年好say “ Happy New Year ”

5、to 课文知识点(一)一般将来时态:表示一个将要发生的动作或状态。1. 常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow (明天)the day after tomorrow (后天)tonight (今晚)soon (不久/很快)before long (不久)next weekend (下周末)next week (下周) next month (下个月)next year (明年)this Saturday (这周六)this Sunday(这周日)this weekend (这个周末)in the future (将来)in three days (三天后) some day (将来的

6、某一天)2. “be going to动词原形”可以表示一般将来时,可以用“will动词原形”来表示一般将来时。be going to do是一般将来时结构之一,表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或准备做某事。例句:What is he going to do next week?He is going to go fishing. / He will go fishing.What are they going to do this evening?They are going to watch TV. / They will watch TV.例如:Mike is going to

7、 play football with Liu Tao tomorrow. 可以由疑问词引出特殊疑问句。What is Mike going to do with Liu Tao tomorrow?Who is going to play football with Liu Tao tomorrow?When is Mike going to play football with Liu Tao?Who is Mike going to play football with tomorrow?(二)介词 in、on、at的用法1. in 用于年、月、季节或每一段时间前,也可用于泛指的早上、下午

8、、晚上之前。如:We often go boating in the park in spring.春天我们经常在公园划船。They got to the Bund in the evening.他们晚上到达了外滩。2. on 用于具体的某一天或具体的早上、下午、晚上之前。如:We usually watch fireworks on Chinese New Years Eve.我们通常在除夕看烟花。On Sunday morning , my grandpa often takes a walk in the park.星期日早上,我的爷爷经常在公园散步。On the afternoon o

9、f May 1, we usually climb the mountain.在劳动节的早上,我们通常去爬山。3. at 用于某个假期期间(不是指具体的某一天)或具体的几点钟之前。如:What do you usually do at Chinese New Year?你通常在春节做什么?I usually get up at six oclock in the morning.我通常在早上6点钟起床。另外,at、in和on还有其他一些用法:a. at后常接几点几分、天明、中午、日出、日落、开始、某个节日等。如:at five oclock (五点)at dawn (黎明)at daybrea

10、k (天亮)at sunrise (日出)at sunset (日落)at noon (中午)at night (在夜晚)at midnight (半夜)at that time (那时)at that moment (那会儿)at the beginning of the month (月初)at Christmas (在圣诞节)at Chinese New Year (在中国新年)at Thanksgiving (在感恩节)at Easter (在复活节)b. in后常接年、月、日期、上午、下午、晚上、白天、季节、世纪等。如:in 2006 (2006年)in May,2004 (2004

11、年五月)in the morning (早晨/上午)in the afternoon (下午)in the evening (晚上)in the daytime (白天)in the 21st century (21世纪)in three days (weeks/months) (三天/周/月)in a week (一周)in spring / summer / autumn / winter (春/夏/秋/冬季)c. on后常接某日、星期几、某日或某周日的朝夕、节日等。如:on Sunday (星期日)on October 1,1949 (1949年10月1日)on New Years Da

12、y (新年)on Chinese New Years Day (大年初一)on Chinese New Years Eve (除夕夜)on Christmas Eve (平安夜)on the morning of the 15th (15日的早上) on a December night (12月的一个夜晚)on a warm morning in April (四月的一个温暖的上午) on that afternoon (那天下午)on the following night (下一个晚上) on Christmas afternoon (圣诞节下午)4. Chinese New Year

13、is coming. 春节就要到了。be coming 是用进行时表示将来的一种表达方式。用进行时表示将来的常用动词有:come, reach, get, go, leave, start等。例如:Theyre going to New York next week. 他们下周将去纽约。The bus is coming. 公交车要来了。5. On Chinese New Years Eve, were going to have dinner with 在除夕,我们将和一起吃晚饭。on Chinese New Years Eve意为“在除夕”。介词on可用在具体某一天或具体某一天上、下午、晚

14、上及星期之前。His birthday is just on Christmas Eve. 他的生日正好在平安夜。6. Bobby and Tina get red packets after dinner. 晚饭后,波比和蒂娜得到了红包。get意为“得到”,如果是从某人处得到某物,可以用短语“get sth. from sb.”来表达。- What do you usually get on Childrens Day?你在儿童节通常得到什么?- I usually get a lot of toys from my parents. 我通常从我父母那儿得到许多礼物。7. Bobby and

15、 Tina are talking about their plans for Chinese New Years Day.波比和蒂娜正在谈论他们的春节计划。talk about后接事或物,意为“谈论某事/物”;而talk to/with后接人,意为“和某人交谈”。She is talking to her teacher. 她正在和她的老师交谈。8. After that, my sister and I are going to say “Happy Chinese New Year” to my parents.say to sb 和某人说例如:say “hello” to . 向某人问候say “goo



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