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1、word格式8000BPH吉尔吉斯斯坦生产线设备说明 Kyrgyzstan production line equipment Description中国集美控股集团有限公司CHINA JIMEI HOLDING GROUP CO , . LTD上海集美食品机械有限公司SHANGHAI JIMEI FOOD MACHINERY CO., LTD公司地址:上海嘉定区马陆东工业区励学路958号电话:021-69157888,传真:021-69152088Company Address: 958 Reed Rd., Jiading District, Shanghai Malu Dong Indus

2、trial Zone, telephone 021 -69157888 Fax 021 -69152088主要设备说明Major equipment description101:水处理机组Water treatment unit1.规格:长宽高=350016001900mm 采用不锈钢SUS304;2.本机采用美国高效低压复合膜,单支膜脱盐率99%,总功率:7.5KW;3.采用韩国进口的高低压保护,出水标准完全达到国家纯净水标准,纯水流量3T/H。Water Treatment System is applied for pure water, mineral water, and wate

3、r in beverage drink. It contains RO, natrium filter, ultra filter, micron filter, multi-medium filter, activated carbon filter, ion exchanger and ozone processor etc.1. Specification: LWH = 3500 x 1600 x 1900 mm stainless steel SUS304,2. The machine adopts the high low pressure composite membrane, s

4、ingle film desalting rate 99%, total power: 7.5KW;3. The south Korean imports of high and low voltage protection, water standard completely reach national standard of pure water, pure water flow 3T/H.102:恒压供水站Constant pressure water stop具体工作顺序是由水泵将水通过逆止阀压入罐体,使罐内气体受到压缩,压力逐渐增大。当压力达到指定上限时电接点压力表通过控制柜使泵机

5、自动停止。设备中的水压高于外界管网压力,自动送水至供水管网。当罐体内水位下降,罐内气体膨涨压力减小到指定的下限位置时,电接点压力表通过控制柜使水泵重新启动。Specific work order by the water pump water through the check valve pressed into the tank, the tank of gas is compressed, the pressure increases. Automatically stops when the pressure reaches the specified limit electric c

6、ontact pressure gauge pump control cabinet. Equipment in the water pressure is higher than the outside pipe network pressure, and automatically bottled water to the water supply pipe network. When the tank water level dropped in the body, tank gas the swell pressure decreases to the specified lower

7、limit position control cabinet, electric contact pressure gauge pump restart.201离心泵Centrifugal pump 1、生产能力:10T/24M 2、电机功率:3kw 3、食品级SUS304材质1、Production capacity: 10T/24M2、Motor total power: 3KW3、Material for health level SUS304 material202自吸泵Self-priming pump1、生产能力:20T/24M 2、电机功率:4kw 3、食品级SUS304材质1、

8、Production capacity: 20T/24M2、Motor total power: 4KW3、Material for health level SUS304 material203板式换热器Plate heat exchanger1、采用全不锈钢包覆机架,EPDM搭扣式密封胶垫;2、板片材料为不锈钢SUS304,前后加板,不锈钢包边;3、流量为5T/H,换热面积12M2。1、Adopts full stainless steel cladding frame, EPDM hasp type seal gum mat;2、Plate material is stainless s

9、teel SUS304, and add plate, stainless steel edge;3、Flow for 5 T/H, so the heat exchange area of 12 m2。204双联过滤器Double filter本设备适用于除去鲜奶,糖液,饮料等液体中各种肉眼可见的细小固体杂质的净化。两支过滤器交替使用,可不停机更换滤布,适于长期连续生产。This equipment is suitable for a variety of the visible fine solid impurities purification to remove the milk, s

10、ugar, beverages and other liquid. The two filters are used interchangeably, without stopping the machine to replace the filter cloth, suitable for long-term continuous production.205高速乳化剪切罐High-speed emulsion tank高剪切乳化罐是目前国内乳品,饮料、果汁、食品等行业最先进的混合设备。高速乳化头工作时将转子中心的物料高速抛向定子,通过定子的齿间隙,在转子和定子之间通过剪切,碰撞、粉碎而达到

11、乳化的目的。是集混合、乳化、均质、溶解、粉碎、等功能于一体的设备。The high shear emulsifying tank mixing equipment is currently the most advanced domestic dairy, beverage, juice, food and other industries. The high-speed emulsifying head work, the material of the center of the rotor speed thrown stator through the stator tooth gap

12、between the rotor and stator, by shearing, impact, crushing and achieve the purpose of emulsification. Set mixing, emulsifying, homogenizing, dissolution, crushing, and other functions in one device.1、 容积:1000L2、 夹层保温厚度50mm3、 食品级304材质4、 乳化头转速1400rpm5、 罐直径1200mm,罐高2500mm1, Volume: 1000L2, Sandwich in

13、sulation thickness of 50 mm3, Food grade 304 material4, Emulsifying head speed 1400 RPM5, Tank diameter of 1200 mm, tank high 2500 mm206水粉混合机Water-powder mixer机器主要工作原理是利用高速旋转的叶轮将粉状物料和液体进行充分拌和,输送出所需的混合物。本设备所吸取之最高温为80度,也可以用于果汁和其他饮料的生产。使液料快速混合应而达到理想的效益。是食品、饮料行业必不可少的设备之一。特别适用于再制奶的乳制品生产如:适合于奶粉、乳清粉、钙奶、糊精粉

14、等与流体进行混合。The main working principle of the machine is the use of high-speed rotation of the impeller of the powdery material and the liquid is sufficiently mixing, conveying the desired mixture. This device to draw maximum temperature of 80 degrees, can also be used for the production of juices and

15、other beverages. The rapid mixing of the liquid material should achieve the desired benefits. Is one of the food and beverage industry essential equipment. Especially suitable for recombined milk dairy products such as: suitable for milk powder, whey powder, calcium milk, dextrin powder and mixed fluid.1、生产能力5T/H2、电机功率:3kw3、食品级SUS304材质4、设备尺寸:L W H = 1500 x 800 x 11001、Production capacity: 5T/H2、Motor total power: 3KW3、Material for health level SUS304 material4、Equipment external dimensions: L W H = 1500 x 800 x 11



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