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1、. . . . .单元测试听力部分(40分)一、听音用(16)标号。(12分)二、听音选图。(4分)()1. ()2. ()3. ( )4. 三、听音,判断对(T)错(F)。(4分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听音补全对话。(20分)A:_ _ a nature park near your city?B:Yes, _ _.A:Is there a _ in the park?B:_, there _.A:Are there any _ in the park?B:_, there _.笔试部分(60分)五、把字母组成单词写在横线上,并选择相应的图片填在题前括号内。(8分)()1.i r

2、 v r e _ A. ()2.e b i r g d _ B. ()3.e t e r _ C. ()4.e h s u o _ D. 六、用所给词的正确形式填空。(12分)1There _ (be) white _ (cloud) in the sky.2They _ (be) my holiday _ (picture)3_ (be) there a _ (lake) near here?七、单项选择。(10分)()1.Is this a nature park?_AYes, there is. BYes, it is. CYes, there are.()2.Is there a pa

3、th in the forest?_AYes, there is. BYes, it is. CYes, there are.()3.Are there _ birds in the tree?Yes,there are.Aany Bsome Cmuch()4.There _ _ on the road.They are colourful.Aare,car Bare,cars Cis,car()5.There _ much _ near the path.Its green.Aare,grasses Bis,grasses Cis,grass八、连词成句。(8分)1is,in,plane,t

4、he,there,sky,a(?)_2no,in,there,lakes,city,the,are(.)_3are,any,the,fish,river,in,there(?)_4and,is,flowers,grass,there(.)_九、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Sarah:I live in a village.Its small, but its very nice.Bai Ling:Are there any mountains near your village?Sarah:No,there arent.Bai Ling:Are there any rivers?

5、Sarah:Yes,there are many rivers.And there are some bridges over the rivers.Bai Ling:Are there any trees?Sarah:Yes,and there are many beautiful flowers,too.Bai Ling:Is there a lake?Sarah:Yes,there is.The water is clean.You can see many fish in it.Bai Ling:Cool!Are there any buildings?Sarah:No,there a

6、rent.There are only small houses.The sky is blue.The air is fresh,and the clouds are white.Bai Ling:Great.I like your village.()1.Sarah lives in a big village.()2.There arent any mountains near the village.()3.There are many rivers in the village.()4.There is only one bridge over the river.()5.There

7、 are no buildings in the village.十、说一说。(12分)介绍自己的家乡并把它画下来,写34句话。I live in a city._听力原文一、1.river2.mountains3.road4.trees 5village6.buildings二、1.There are two flowers.2There are small houses in the village.3A:Is there a lake in the forest?B:Yes, there is.4A:Are there any mountains near here?B:Yes, the

8、re are.三、1.There is a path in the forest.2A:Is there a river in the forest?B:Yes, there is.3A:Are there any buildings?B:Yes, there are.4A:Is there a bridge over the river?B:Yes, there is.四、A:Is there a nature park near your city?B:Yes,there is.A:Is there a forest in the park?B:Yes,there is.A:Are the

9、re any lakes in the park?B:No,there arent.答案详解一、 二、1.B2.A3.A4.A三、1.F2.T3.F4.T四、Is,there,there,is,forest,Yes,is,lakes,No,arent五、C1.river2.Bbridge3.Atree 4Dhouse六、1.are,clouds2.are,pictures3.Is,lake七、1.B2.A3.A4.B5.C八、1.Is there a plane in the sky?2There are no lakes in the city.3Are there any fish in

10、the river?4There is grass and flowers.九、1.F2.T3.T4.F5.T十、范例:I live in a city.There are many tall buildings and roads.There are many cars on the roads.There are many trees and flowers near the roads.Its beautiful.I like my city.图略。宁可累死在路上,也不能闲死在家里!宁可去碰壁,也不能面壁。是狼就要练好牙,是羊就要练好腿。什么是奋斗?奋斗就是每天很难,可一年一年却越来越容易。不奋斗就是每天都很容易,可一年一年越来越难。能干的人,不在情绪上计较,只在做事上认真;无能的人!不在做事上认真,只在情绪上计较。拼一个春夏秋冬!赢一个无悔人生!早安!献给所有努力的人.学习参考


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