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1、. . . . .本科生毕业论文网络流行语及其英文翻译院 系: 外国语学院 专 业: 英 语 A Study of EnglishTranslation of Network Catchwords摘要随着中国国际化进程日益加快和互联网的普及,越来越多的外国友人更加密切地关注中国。与此同时,中国网民也创造了不少幽默诙谐、充满智慧的语言,一些鲜活的流行语不仅在网络上迅速传播,还渗透到社会生活中。然而通过对汉语网络流行语翻译的研究现状来看,汉语网络流行语的翻译工作还有待进一步的发展。本文首先介绍了流行语和网络流行语的背景以及它们之间的从属关系。其次,网络流行语主要来源于网络用语、影视用语和外来语。通

2、过对其来源的分析,进一步概括出网络流行语之所以流行的原因。从广义上来说,网络流行语的形成不仅是语言继承性和创新性的有机结合,它的简洁、幽默、流行性和周期性也让众多网民对其更加追捧和使用。然而,在网络流行语不断追求个性、不断创新的洪流中,也不可避免地出现了粗俗化现象。本文根据奈达的功能对等理论,对汉语网络流行语的翻译技巧进行了分析和总结之后发现,在网络流行语的翻译中直译、直译夹注、意译、意译加注、加缀法和改译法仍是十分有效和常用的技巧。关键词:网络流行语;来源;特征;翻译Abstract With the accelerating process of China Internationaliz

3、ation and popularity of the Internet, more and more foreigners pay closer attention to China. At the same time, Chinese netizens also create many humorous and witty words some of which spread like wildfire through Internet and also deeply enter the social life. However, through the translation situa

4、tions of Chinese network catchwords, the translation problem needs further development. The thesis firstly introduces the background of catchword, network catchwords and their subordinate relationship. Secondly, network catchwords mainly originate from network expression, expression in entertainment

5、 industry and foreign words. By analyzing its sources, the causes of popularity of network catchwords have been displayed clear for us. Broadly speaking, network catchwords are not only combination of linguistic inheritance and innovation, but also adored and used by netizens because of its concisio

6、n, humor, popularity and periodicity. However, continuous pursuit for uniqueness and innovation also emerge vulgar usage of it. After analyzing and concluding the translation skills of Chinese network catchwords according to Nidas Functional Equivalence theory, it is found that the translation metho

7、ds including literal translation, literal translation with interlinear notes, free translation, free translation with interlinear notes, affixation method and adapted translation are still effective and common ones.Key Words: Network Catchwords; Sources; Features; Translation Table of ContentsAcknow

8、ledgementsI摘要IIAbstract IIITable of ContentsIVChapter 1 Introduction1Chapter2 Sources of Network Catchwords32.1 From Network Expression32.1.1 From Current Affairs32.1.2 From Network Paste Bar42.2 From Entertainment Industry62.2.1 From Television Play62.2.2 From Film and Variety Show72.3 From Foreign

9、 Words72.4 Causes of the Popularity of Network Catchwords8Chapter 3 Features of Network Catchwords113.1 Combination of Linguistic Inheritance and Innovation113.2 Economic effect123.3 Popular and Periodic Tendencies123.4 Vulgarness Expression13Chapter 4 Translation Methods of Network Catchwords154.1

10、Literal Translation154.2 Literal Translation with Interlinear Notes164.3 Free Translation174.4 Free Translation with Interlinear Notes184.5 Affixation Method194.6 Adapted Translations of Sentences19Chapter 5 Conclusion21Bibliography23学习参考. . . . .Chapter 1 IntroductionCatchwords as a lexical phenome

11、non reflect peoples general concern on problems and issues of specific periods of time in one country or one district. Different period has different catchwords. In the early days of new China, the word 同志(people who hold same aspirations/comrade)originated from Soviet Union was popular among differ

12、ent strata; During the cultural revolution period, 阶级斗争(class struggle),上山下乡(going to the mountainous areas and the countryside)became catchwords of that time ;between 1980s and1990s, 脱贫致富(cast off poverty to get rich), 奔小康(strive for a relatively comfortable life)were prevalent in those two decade

13、years ; Since the new century, all kinds of catchwords have become popular by means of network transmission. Furthermore, different social groups also hold distinct catchwords. Therefore, catchword as a piece of social sensitive nerves represents various changes of society and widespread responsive

14、reflection of public attitudes. Having carried out reform and opening-up policy for thirty years, China has given birth to many new thoughts and things while so-called catchwords appropriately bear witness to these changes. Changing times arouses surge in peoples mind, which seeks innovation methods

15、 from a linguistic point of view. Therefore, based on complicated psychology and social background, catchwords mostly result form era of social changes which carry much higher cultural contents. Meanwhile, some also originate from dialects and influenced by regional cultures. In a word, the existence and prevalence of catchwords is both a cultural phenomenon and a linguistic phenomenon. From a positive aspect, catchwords are pipeline


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