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1、专科英语(二)第7套试卷总分:100 一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 50 分)1.-Hows your family? - _A.Thanks for calling.B.Thanks all the same.C.Not too bad.D.Dont mention it.答案:C2.-Is that seat taken? - _A.Why not?B.Please dont worry.C.Its very nice.D.I dont think so.答案:D3.-Thank you for calling. - _A.Thats fine.B.Nice talking to y

2、ou.C.Dont mention it.D.Call back again.答案:B4.-Is John there? - _A.Who are you?B.Speaking.C.Mary is well today.D.Im not Mary.答案:B5.-How can I get to the cinema? - _A.Yes, there is a cinema near here.B.Its well known.C.Its very far.D.Go down this street and turn left.答案:D6.- What can I do for you, sir

3、? - _A.Whats the matter?B.Thank you.C.Sorry, I have no idea.D.Id like to have some money sent to the USA.答案:D7.- What are you going to do? - _A.Yes, Ill go.B.Thank you for asking me about it.C.No, Im not going to do it.D.Im planning to go to the cinema with my friend.答案:D8.- Would you please show me

4、 your bankbook(银行存折)? - _A.Yes, Id like to.B.Sorry, I have no idea.C.Here you are.D.Come with me.答案:C9.- Nice to see you again, Mr. Smith. How are you? - _A.This way, please.B.I miss you.C.Fine. Thank you. And you?D.Are you OK?答案:C10.- My son won the first prize in the writing contest! - _A.What a p

5、ity!B.Its terrible.C.Congratulations!D.Are you sure of that?答案:C11.W: There were more than a hundred people at Kates birthday party. How come shes got so many friends? M: Its really no surprise. You know she was popular even when she was a child. Q: What does the man imply about Kate?A.She threw a s

6、urprise party for her friend.B.She has always enjoyed great popularity(受欢迎).C.She expected more people at her party.D.She enjoys entertaining small children.答案:B12.M: They say therell be a snow-storm tonight, and the cold weather will last quite a few days. W: Oh! Were so lucky. Well be getting away

7、 for a while, and having a holiday in Florida. But lets call right now to confirm(确认) our flight. Q: What do we learn about the two speakers?A.They have not booked their air tickets yet.B.They feel lucky to live in Florida.C.They are not used to living in a cold place.D.They are going to have a holi

8、day.答案:D13.W: Tony was awarded a medal for rescuing(营救) several families from the forest fire. M: I really admire his courage. Q: What do we learn about Tony from the conversation?A.He was very courageous(勇敢的).B.He was pleased to get the medal.C.He was accused of causing fire.D.He used to be a firef

9、ighter.答案:A14.M: My washing machine is more than fifteen years old and it had worked just fine until last night. W: Youll never be able to get parts for it, even from Japan. So it might be time to invest(投资,花费) in a more recent model. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?A.Make a profitable inv

10、estment.B.Have the old washing machine fixed.C.Get parts for the machine from Japan.D.Buy a new washing machine.答案:D15.W: I heard about your promotion. You must be thrilled(兴奋不已). M: Not really. The new office is huge, but the work load has doubled. Q: What do we learn about the man from the convers

11、ation?A.He is pleased with his exciting new job.B.He is not so excited about his new position.C.He finds the huge workload unbearable.D.He finds his office much too big for him.答案:B16.W: I cant decide what to do about the party tomorrow. M: You dont have to go if you dont want to, but Ill be glad to

12、 give you a ride if you do. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?A.The woman is going to hold a big party tomorrow.B.The woman doesnt know how to get to the party.C.The man offers to drive the woman to the party.D.The man has no idea what the right thing to do is.答案:C17.M: Now if you have any q

13、uestions about the contract, Ill be happy to answer them. W: Nothing comes to mind right now, but Id like to go over all the articles(条款) of the contract once more before signing it. Q: What are the speakers doing right now?A.Reviewing a co-authored article.B.Finalizing a contract(最后敲定合同).C.Drawing

14、up a business plan.D.Discussing a term paper.答案:B18.M: We are out of paper for the printer(打印机). Can you please order some? W: I completed the order from online yesterday and it will be here by noon. Ill let you know when it comes in. Q: What did the woman do?A.She ordered some paper.B.She had the p

15、rinter repaired.C.She filled in an application form.D.She chatted online with a friend.答案:A19.W: Hello, John. How are you feeling now? I hear youve been ill. M: They must have confused me with my twin brother Rods. Hes been sick all week, but Ive never felt better in my life. Q: What do we learn about the man?A.He is worried about Rods health.B.He is taking care of this twin b


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