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1、position-related consumption of civil servants has been swept by finance, consumer, regardless of cost, extravagance and waste in the civil service position-related consumption, abuse, corruption and embezzlement, corruption is important. Then, under the conditions of market economy, how to reform t

2、he existing civil duty consumption management, explores a source to prevent and curb the post consumption corruption way, is currently a major issue faced by honest work. Recently, I conducted research on this issue, this problem on some humble opinions. First, the existing public servants duty cons

3、umption the main problems seen from the investigation and reasons, in recent years, public servants duty consumption caused by the abuses and not a person of integrity, is one of the major problems in the party in Government, its operation order have a negative effect on the party and Government org

4、ans, seriously damaging the image of the party and the Government, undermining the relationship between party and the masses, effect, opening up and economic construction. From I County in recent years of governance situation see, positions consumption in the produced of two not phenomenon rendering

5、 four a features: a is positions consumption system lost has due of binding, right is greater than rules, and right is greater than method of phenomenon more highlight; II is in positions consumption in the Camera Obscura operation, using terms, will positions consumption into has personal consumpti

6、on, will corporate points to into personal points to, makes positions consumption in some aspects has into positions enjoy and self-dealing of means; three is to positions consumption for name, fraud, false impersonator, Trend of negative corruption phenomena such as corruption and misappropriation;

7、 four palaces, follow the fashion, rivalries, wasteful, and post consumption became a symbol of showing off their individual capacities. Caused by public servants duty consumption of many two phenomenon in which people reflect the biggest problems are: (a) the official car problems. Mainly in three

8、aspects: one is the larger buses cost expenditure. According to statistics, until November 2003, XX County township Department bus 159 cars, which department owns the bus 145 vehicles, and showed an increasing trend. Financial expenses cost per bus per year to 35,000 yuan, and in fact every cost up

9、to 50,000 yuan. Some units also hiring temporary drivers and expenditure on wages and subsidies. Necessary to keep a car, but also dependants, leading to larger expenses. Second, gongchesiyong breed unhealthy tendencies. Some people believe that now some bus drivers use one-third, one-third leading

10、private one-third used for official purposes. Some public servants, especially leading officials motoring, cars for private purposes, violating the self-discipline regulations, and even lead to traffic accidents. According to statistics from related departments, since 2004, the correct investigation

11、 in our County serves nearly 30 cars for private purposes, only the first half of this year, cars for private purposes or数学课程标准考核试卷参考答案一、填空(每空 1 分,共 30 分)1、数学是研究(数量关系 )和( 空间形式 )的科学。2、数学是人类文化的重要组成部分,(数学素养)是现代社会每一个公民所必备的基本素养。3、数学课程能使学生掌握必备的基础知识和基本技能,培养学生的(抽象思维和推理能力),培养学生的(创新意识和实践能力),促进学生在情感、态度与价值观等方面的

12、发展。4、数学课程应致力于实现义务教育阶段的培养目标,面向全体学生,适应学生个体发展的需要,使得:(人人都能获得良好的数学教育),(不同的人在数学上得到不同的发展。)5、数学课程标准明确了义务教育阶段数学课程的总目标,并从知识技能、(数学思考)、(问题解决)和情感态度四方面具体阐述。力求通过数学学习,学生能获得适应社会生活和进一步发展所必须的数学的(基本知识、基本技能、基本思想、基本活动经验 )。体会数学知识之间、数学与其他学科之间、数学与生活之间的联系,运用(数学的思维方式)进行思考,增强(发现和提出问题)的能力、(分析和解决问题)的能力。6、教学活动是师生(积极参与)、(交往互动)、共同发

13、展的过程。有效的数学教学活动是教师教与学生学的统一,应体现(“以人为本”)的理念,促进学生的全面发展。7、数学课程标准中所说的“数学的基本思想”主要指:数学(抽象)的思想、数学(推理)的思想、数学建模的思想。学生在积极参与教学活动的过程中,通过独立思考、合作交流,逐步感悟数学思想。 8、创新意识的培养是现代数学教育的基本任务,应体现在数学教与学的过程之中。学生自己(发现和提出问题)是创新的基础;(独立思考、学会思考)是创新的核心;归纳概括得到(猜想和规律),并加以验证,是创新的重要方法。9、统计与概率主要研究现实生活中的(数据)和客观世界中的(随机现象)。10、数学教学过程中恰当的使用(数学课

14、程资源),将在很大程度上提高学生从事数学活动的水平和教师从事教学活动的质量。 11、学习评价的主要目的是为了全面了解学生数学学习的(过程和结果),激励学生学习和改进教师教学。在实施评价时,可以对部分学生采取(延迟评价)的方式,提供再次评价的机会,使他们看到自己的进步,树立学好数学的信心。第二学段可以采用(描述性)评价和(等级评价)评价相结合的方式。 12、“综合与实践”内容设置的目的在于培养学生综合运用有关的(知识与方法)解决实际问题,培养学生的(问题)意识、应用意识和创新意识,积累学生的活动经验,提高学生解决现实问题的能力。 一、填空1、新课程的“三维”课程目标是指( 知识与技能 ),( 过

15、程与方法 )、( 情感态度与价值观 )。2、学生的数学学习内容应当是(现实)的、(有意义)的、(富有挑战性)的,这些内容要有利于学生主动地进行观察、实验、猜测、验证、推理与交流等数学活动。 3数学教学活动必须建立在学生的认知发展水平和已有的知识经验基础之上。学生是数学学习的主人,教师是数学学习的(组织者)、(引导者)与(合作者)。4、义务教育阶段的数学课程是培养公民素质的基础课程,具有(基础性)、(普及性)和(发展性)。5、义务教育阶段的数学课程,其基本出发点是促进学生(全面)、(持续)、(和谐) 地发展。6、有效的数学学习活动不能单纯地依赖模仿与记忆,(动手实践)、(自主探索)与(合作交流)

16、是学生学习数学的重要方式。7、学生是数学学习的评价主人,教师是数学学习的(组织者)、(引导者)与(合作者)。8、义务教育阶段数学课程的总目标,从(知识与技能)、(数学思路)、(解决问题)和(情感态度)等四个方面作出了阐述。9、数学课程标准安排了(数与代数)、(空间与图形)、(统计与概率)、(实践与综合应用)等四个学习领域。10、学生的数学学习内容应当是(现实的)、(有意义的)、(富有挑战的),这些内容要有利于学生主动地进行观察、实验、猜测 、验证、推理与交流等数学活动。二、填空题。 (45%)1、数学是研究数量关系和空间形式的科学。 2、有效的数学教学活动是教师教与学生学的统一,应体现“以人为本”的理念,促进学生的全面发展。 3、义务教育阶段数学课程的总体目标,从以下四个方面作出了阐述:知识技能、数学思考、问题解决、情感态度。 4、在各学段中,标准安排了四个方面的课程内容:数与代数、图形与几何、统计与概


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