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1、形容词副词最高级 Keep on trying and you will make it. Learning Aims 知识目标:学习并熟练掌握形容词&副词的 最高级及其变化规律。 能力目标:熟练运用最高级表达身边的发 生的事情以及自己的观点。 情感目标:学以致用,情感升华,发现身 边最美好的事物。 Mr. Wu Mr. GuoMr. Green Is Mr. Wu thin or fat? How about Mr. Guo? And Mr. Green? Who is the thinnest person of the three? And who is the fattest one

2、of the three? Ge You is funny. funnyfunnierfunniest Zhao Benshan is funnier. Pan Changjiang is the funniest. Now, lets start a guessing game. He is the tallest basketball player in China. He runs the fastest in the 110 meter hurdles(110米栏). He is the most popular actor and he is famous for playing C

3、hinese Kungfu. 形容词副词最高级的构成 最高级表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行 比较时,用最高级。 形容词的最高级前面要加定冠词the,副词 最高级前面的the可以省略。 形容词副词最高级的变化规律 Tall-tallest smart-smartest short-shortest fast-fastest high-highest Large-largest late-latest nice-nicest fine -finest Big-biggest thin-thinnest red-reddest wet -wettest hot-hottest Happy-happi

4、est easy-easiest early-earliest funny-funniest Beautiful-most beautiful careful-most careful outgoing-most outgoing popular-most popular 不规则变 化规律 Good/well-best Bad/ill-worst Many/much-most Little-least Practice important easy good well hot ill gorgeous Expensive many hot beautiful little cheap diff

5、erent lucky interested bad much strange fast strong healthy friendly Practice Tom是我们班里最高的男生。 Tom is the tallest boy in our class. 他跑得最快,所以他在跑步比赛中赢得一等奖。 He runs fastest so he won the first prize in the running race. 她是最有天赋的孩子。 She is the most talented kid. 春天是一年中最好的季节。 Spring is the best season in a

6、year. Writing 假如你是李华,得知本学期班级会加入一 名来自美国的交换生Robert.请给Robert写一 封邮件,介绍一下你的班级。 要求:请使用形容词副词最高级介绍至少 三个班级之最。 提示词: school running race, knowledgeable(渊博的) Dear Robert, This is Li Hua from Chaoran Senior HighSchool in China. And I am very glad to hear that you will join in our class soon. Now please allow me

7、to introduce my class to you. There are fifty-two classmates in our class in total and Wang Lei is the tallest one. However, Li Lei runs the fastest and he won the first prize during the school running race. If you are interested in Chinese food, you should let Li Lin take you around during weekend. After all, she eats the most, but she is quite thin. And if you have questions about Chinese class, you can ask Shi Quan. She is the most talented and knowledgeable one of all. I hope this email will help you. Looking forward to meeting you soon. Yours, Li Hua


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