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1、名词单数句子变复数句子 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 This is an apple. That is my sister. These are apples. Those are my sisters. 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 be动词表示“是”,有三个:am ,i

2、s, are. 我(I)用am, 你(you )用are, Is用于他(he)、她(she)、它(it), 单数后跟is,复数人称全部都用are. 单数复数 we you they these those I you he /she/ it this that am are is is is are are are are are 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 This is an orange. These are oranges.

3、 That is a pencil. Those are pencils. 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 This is my grandfather. This is my grandmother. These are my grandparents. This is my mother. This is my father. This is my brother. This is my brother, too. These ar

4、e my parents. These are my brothers. 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 把下列句子单数变成复数: 1.This is a book. 2.That is an orange. 3. This is my pencil . 4.That is her quilt. 5.Is this your watch? 6.Is that his dictionary? 7.It is my map. 8.Thats

5、 his ring. These are books. Those are oranges. These are my pencils. Those are her quilts. Are these your watches? Are those his dictionaries? They are maps. Those are his rings. 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 把下列句子变成复数。 1.This is my s

6、ister. 2. This is her cousin. 3. That is his brother. 4. That is my grandparent. 把下列句子变成单数。 1 These are my friends. 2. Those are his parents. 3.Those are her sisters. 4. These are Li Lings brothers. 1. These are my sisters. 2. These are her cousins. 3. Those are his brothers. 4. Those are my grandpa

7、rents. 5. This is my friend. 6. That is his parent. 7. That is her sister. 8. This is Li Lings brother. -What are these? -Whats this? -Its a pen. -They are pens. -What are those? -Whats that? -Its an English book. -They are English books. 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背

8、囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 backpacks watches oranges pens -Whatre these ? -Theyre . 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 mapscaseskeys -Whatre those ? -Theyre . 名词单数变复数 (一)规则变化: 1.加s 2.加s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词加es 3.以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,先改y为i, 再加es

9、 (mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers) ( buses, boxes, watches ) ( family - families dictionary - dictionaries ) 区别 key keys boy - boys (二)不规则变化: 4.单复数同形(不变): sheep(绵羊) deer(鹿) fish(鱼) 2.man, woman men, women 1.加es:potatoes (土豆) tomatoes (西红柿) Chinese(中国人) Japanese(日本人) 6. oo ee: foot(脚) tooth(牙齿) g

10、oose(鹅) 5. 以 f / fe结尾的,变f为v, 再加es wife(妻子) knife (小刀) shelf (架子) leaf (叶子) wolf (狼) 3. child(孩子) children (男人,妇女) 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 名词单数变复数后s / es 的读音 1.在清辅音后读 / s / 2.在元音和浊辅音后读 / z / 3.在/ s / / z / / / / / t / / d /后 读 /

11、iz / 4.在/ t /后读/ ts /,在 / d /后读 / dz / desks maps brothers pens classes, watches, oranges cats, friends 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 pen desk key box knife card orange boy friend parent mother father sister brother son daughter cousi

12、n family child man pencil case sheep ss s s es knives s ss ss s ssss sfamilies childrenmen ssheep 句子单数变复数 1. This is a book. 2. That is an eraser. 3. It is a red apple. 4. I am a boy. 5. He / She is a teacher. 6. Whats this ? These are books. Those are erasers. They are red apples. We are boys. They

13、 are teachers. Whatre these ? this that I you he / she / it am / is these those we you they are 单数 复数 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 一、写出下列单词的复数 1.I- 2.am- 3.he 2.4.pencil- 5.watch- 3.6.dictionary- 4.7. man- 8.it- 5.9. parent - 10.boy

14、we are they pencils watches dictionaries men they parentsboys 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 二、句型转换 1.This is my mother. 1)变否定句 2)变一般疑问句,并作肯定回答 This is not my mother. Is this your mother ? Yes, it / she is. 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个

15、背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 2.That is a car. 1)变否定句 2)划线提问 3) 变复数句 That is not a car. Whats that? Those are cars. 一个人拥有健康,美貌,诚信,机敏,才学,金钱,荣誉,7个背囊,渡船开始时风平浪静,可是不久就刮起了大风,船夫说要扔掉一个背囊,你会扔掉那个背囊呢?最后你要扔掉哪一个?为什么呢?说说你的理由。 3.Thats an English dictionary. 1)变否定句 2)变一般疑问句,并作否定回答 Thats not an English dictionary. Is that an English dictionary? No, it isnt. 一个人


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