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1、情景表达7说理与辩论 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-2- 60616263646566676869707172 60%的同学认为公园不应该收费。 Sixty percent of the students think that the park should not charge entrance fees. Sixty in/out of one hundred students hold the view that entrance fees shouldnt be charged for parks. Three fifths of the students believe/sup

2、pose/think that a park should be free of charge. In the opinion of 60% of the students,people can enter parks for free/nothing. 60% of the students have the idea that people should be allowed to enter parks without charge. 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-3- 606162636465666768697071 语境:我认为广场舞对身体有好处。 (1)I hold the

3、view that square dancing is of great benefit to our health. (2) I have the idea that square dancing is beneficial to our health. 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-4- 606162636465666768697071 积累: the majority of 大多数 hold the view that 持有观点 in the opinion of sb.在某人看来 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-5- 60616263646566676869707

4、1 说实话,我们中大部分人都想成名。 To be honest/To tell you the truth,most of us have dreamed of making our name. Honestly/Frankly speaking,most of us have dreamed of being well known. 语境:说实话,英语笔试中我总是得高分。 (1)To be honest/To tell you the truth,I always get good marks in the written English tests. (2)Honestly/Frankly

5、 speaking,I always get good marks in the written English tests. 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-6- 606162636465666768697071 积累: to be honest/to tell you the truth 说实话 honestly/frankly speaking 实话实说 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-7- 606162636465666768697071 作为一种业余爱好,收藏具有很多益处,它可以让你放松并给你带 来快乐。 As a hobby,collecting brings

6、you many advantages,such as relaxation and joy. Collecting,as a hobby,has many other advantages,apart from making you relaxed and joyful. As a hobby,collecting can bring you many benefits,of which are relaxation and pleasure. 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-8- 606162636465666768697071 语境:进行体育运动有很多好处,它可以让你放松和快乐

7、。(2014 安徽) (1)Having sports brings you many advantages,such as relaxation and joy. (2)Having sports has many other advantages,apart from making you relaxed and joyful. (3)Having sports can bring you many benefits,of which are relaxation and pleasure. 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-9- 606162636465666768697071

8、积累: such as 例如 apart from 除之外 of which.为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-10- 606162636465666768697071 我们必须全力以赴,建设和谐社会。 We must go all out to create a society of harmony. We must spare no effort to build a society where people live in harmony. We must make all our efforts in order to build a har

9、monious society. We must do everything in our power to build a harmonious society. We must make every effort to construct a harmonious society. 语境:我们要全力以赴,促进公益事业的发展。 (1)We must go all out to promote a public cause. (2)We must spare no effort to promote a public cause. (3)We must do everything in our

10、 power to promote a public cause. 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-11- 606162636465666768697071 积累: go all out to do sth.全力以赴做某事 spare no effort to do sth.不遗余力做某事 do everything in ones power尽力做某事 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-12- 606162636465666768697071 通过努力,我们将创造一个清洁、美丽的生活、工作环境。 By our efforts,we will make a clean and

11、 beautiful environment for life and work. By working hard,we will create a clean and beautiful environment for life and work. By making every effort,we will create clean and beautiful conditions for life and work. We will make all efforts to create a clean and beautiful environment for life and work

12、. 语境:通过我们的努力,我们创造出一种和谐的氛围。(2014江西 ) (1)By our efforts,we created a harmonious atmosphere. (2)By making every effort,we created a harmonious atmosphere. 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-13- 606162636465666768697071 积累: by our efforts 通过我们的努力 make every effort 竭尽全力 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-14- 60616263646566676869707

13、1 参加会议的人员提出了有关环保的问题。 People who attended the meeting put forward the problem of the environmental protection. People present at the meeting came up with the problem of the environmental protection. The problem of the environmental protection came up at the meeting. People who were present at the mee

14、ting brought forward the problem of the environmental protection. 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-15- 606162636465666768697071 语境:出席家长会的家长可以提出一些教育孩子的观点。 (1)Parents present at the parents meeting can bring forward some opinions on educating children. (2)Parents who attend the parents meeting can come up with so

15、me viewpoints on educating children. 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-16- 606162636465666768697071 积累: be present at 出席;参加 bring forward 提出 come up with 提出 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-17- 606162636465666768697071 你将会从这次有价值的经历中获益很多。 The valuable experience is beneficial to you. You will benefit from/profit from this va

16、luable experience. This valuable experience will benefit/do good to/be helpful for you. You will gain/obtain benefit from the valuable experience. The valuable experience is of benefit to you. 语境1:我希望我们学生能因你出席的活动而受益。(2014陕西) 语境1: (1)I hope we students will benefit from your presence. (2)I hope we students will gain benefit from your presence. (3)I hope your presence will be of benefit to us students. 72 考情分析高频考点核心归纳 高频考点-18- 60616263646566676869707


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