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1、口译试卷样卷Text A: English to Chinese Education For Self And For OthersWe celebrate this weekend a commencement, a beginning, the beginning of your lives as independent, educated citizens of this nation and the world. This celebration marks also an end, the end of your bright college yearsso abounding wi

2、th activity, so ripe with experiment, so full of hope. We the faculty celebrate with you as we loose you on the wider worldconfident of your success and hopeful that your newly acquired knowledge and critical powers will be directed toward finding answers that have eluded us.The Prike Avot records:

3、“Hillel used to say: If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am for myself alone, what am I? and if not now , when? ” “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” Hillels observation arises in the context of a discussion of self-improvement through study. Each of you has learned that the d

4、evelopment of your intellectual capabilities (not to mention your aesthetic, emotional and spiritual capabilities) requires efforts that only you can apply. It is true that the Yale environment has provided you with extraordinarily abundant resources to facilitate learning: a distinguished and engag

5、ed faculty, library and museum collections that are among the finest available to student anywhere, laboratories and computing resources, a unique and residential college system, myriad extracurricular activities, athletic and cultural events for both participant and observer. But your education has

6、 not merely been laid before you; you have worked hard to acquire itin the classroom, on the playing fields, in extracurricular activities, in the community. You have learned to be for yourselves. You may have benefited from the support and encouragement of others, but they were and will be for you

7、only to the extent that you responded to their support and encouragement by becoming independent, autonomous persons.Two millennia after Hillel, I would suggest that being “for oneself” is still the principal object of study and reflection. Though discussion of what it means to be an educated person

8、 usually focuses on the content of ones course of study, the essence of a liberal education is to develop the freedom to think critically and independently, to cultivate ones mind to its fullest potential. What you have learned at Yalethe specific knowledge you have worked hard to acquirematters. Wh

9、at matter more is that you have learned how to learn.This is something you should not easily surrender. Tempting as it may be to conform to prevailing orthodoxies, resist them. Guide your daily lives by the same rigorous standards of critical inquiry that have been demanded of you in the classroom.

10、Question every assumption and every argument, make them your own, be for yourself. Some of the commentators on Hillel observe that his teaching echoes Deuteronomy. “See I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evilChoose life, therefore” Choose, therefore, to keep alive your prec

11、ious power of independent, open-minded, critical inquiry.Hillel reminds us that self-improvement through study is not enough: “If I am for myself alone, what am I?” Our commitment to a life of learning must not diminish, it must indeed reinforce, our commitment to those around us. The rabbinical com

12、mentators provide various interpretations of teaching. Some suggest that the learned, those who study the divine law, are e obliged to transmit their learning, to teach and to encourage in others the habit of study and a disciplined approach to self development. Other commentators find in Hillels qu

13、estion the suggestion of a more general ethical imperative to use ones learning, ones critical powers, in the service of others.Both these interpretations-that we are obliged to teach and to serve-resonate with the history of this great university. Yale has been a mother of great teachers. Our gradu

14、ates have taught with distinction at all levels, sharing the benefits of their Yale education with students in New England schools and colleges in the 18th Century, across the United States in the 19th Century, around the world in the 20th. At this time of year, blue gowns are in abundance, not only

15、 here at Yale but in commencement processions through the land.Most of you will not choose teaching as vocation, but all of you will teach-in the workplace, in the community, in the family. Take this opportunity seriously. Others have much to gain from what you will make of your Yale education. Nurt

16、ure in others what Yale has encouraged you to develop for yourselves- the capacity for rigorous analyses, for critical reflection, for independent thought.Hillels teaching can also be interpreted as a call to service. If we are for ourselves alone, we overlook and neglect the needs and aspiration of others. There is famous story about the student who came to Hillel seeking conversation to Judaism, but only on the condition that Hillels w


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